
Young Master Just Wants Peace

"Hahaha...young man, consider yourself lucky as you have been chosen across the vast cosmos to fulfill the divine purpose" A long, white bearded man addressed a young soul across an endless hall while a booming laugh reverberated. However, the scene the old man had anticipated never happened in front of him, instead the soul replied after yawning for about five seconds "Old man, find someone else; I'm not interested."................zzzzzz!!! (proceeds to doze off) -------------------------------------------------------- Op MC -check!! No harem (at least not for now) -------------------------------------------------------- read along to know why despite always trying to maintain peace in his life people call him "Harbinger of Chaos" ------ note; it's a gacha system troupe and I would request readers to read a first few chapters and then make a judgement. cover page doesn't belong to me. Cherry San

cherry_dragon · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs

Rewards-sight of genesis


Arthur exclaimed eagerly, his gaze fixed intently on the potential rewards awaiting him within the lottery system.

[ding!! Congratulations on obtaining a mythic artifact - universal newsletter x1]

[ding!! Congratulations on obtaining SSS rank talent cards x3]...{obtained separately, one for every roll}

[ding!! Congratulations on obtaining an SSS rank inheritance card x1]

[ding!! Congratulations on obtaining sight of genesis x1]

[ding!! Congratulations on obtaining SSS rank subordinate summoning card x2]

[ding!! Congratulations on obtaining an SSS rank bloodline card x1]

[ding!! Congratulations on obtaining a mythic artifact - dice of fortune]

WTF? Arman observed the array of rare treasures he had acquired with each draw, a sense of disbelief filled him. In his past life, luck had seldom favored him in terms of lucky draws and gacha.

"I still remember playing that gacha game in my last life, and rarely did I get any luck to win mid-tier items in that game."

"Now, however," he continued, his gaze lingering on the treasures before him, "my luck seems to have taken a turn for the better. With these newfound treasures, I can finally begin to strengthen myself and take control of my life."

He began to manage his gains from this draw as he looked at his inventory and contemplated on which reward to retrieve first, strangely, after a few seconds of gazing.

He was washed over by a strange feeling, as though something was trying to call out to him, and before he knew it, his eyes were drawn to a prize on the list that seemed to shine more brightly than the others.

With a decisive click, Arman selected the icon, and at that moment, a golden light enveloped him, casting a radiant halo that seemed to shimmer behind him, seemingly visible only to him.

The halo vanished quickly, leaving Arthur alone to wonder what had transpired. He headed toward his room's full-length mirror first, interested to see what changes had occurred.

As soon as he looked at his reflection, he didn't notice any immediate changes, but upon closer inspection, he could see that his eyes had turned amethyst from their inherent red color.

Upon closer inspection, he noticed a variety of white dots glimmering profoundly in his eyes, giving the impression that they were reflecting the universe as a whole. However, under his watch, his eyes quickly returned to their typical red color.

"Well, the 'sight of genesis', it seems like an appraisal skill," he doubted.

He further called out his status to check for any changes:

[Name - Arthur Nolan]

[Race - Human]

[Age - 14]

[Class - None]

[Level - 5]

[Talents - None]

[Skills - Sight of Genesis (Special)]

[Physical Attributes - 2]

[Magical Attributes - 5]

As he examined his status, he saw the addition of 'sight of genesis' in the skill section. What intrigued him more was the rank assigned to this talent as special.

He had never heard of anything like a special rank in his previous life memories, and neither had his predecessor.

Usually, the skills were ranked from F grade to SSS grade, with SSS grade being the highest and rarest.

Even in artifacts, the grading went from common to mythic. But there was never the mention of anything like a special rank.

Anyway, even if he could know what it would have changed, since he had just acquired a new talent, he did not want to take things here and there and just focus on the present.

He immediately clicked on the name of the talent to read its description:


[In front of the progenitor, all veils are lifted. Peeks into everything hidden from mortal eyes.


1. can read the status of any individual

2. can peek into the origins and purpose of any inanimate object

3. can see through any facade and illusions and tricks

4. when a person being inspected by the skill lies in front of the host, a red halo is radiated from that person, only visible to the host]

"Holy mother! Such a broken skill shouldn't exist," Arthur was speechless after reading the effects of the skill. It was common sense in this world that a person's status is a very private thing that is only visible to themselves.

Even after years of research, the people of this planet were only able to detect the rank of the highest grade talent one possesses. While, skills are only related to class, and there was no known way other than that to obtain any skills of a different class. At least for the general masses, it was true.

Skills could be obtained by some methods, but the scope of that skill shouldn't be beyond what the person's class allows.

And here Arthur had gained a skill without any class, and that too something so broken.

He was more shocked by the description of this skill than actually meeting a god.

Although the ability to read status had overshadowed its other effects, while they also seemed to be very overpowered on their own, Arthur was still skeptical about their limitations as only further use of this skill would validate their usefulness.

"Hmm... me accepting the gift of that goddess may appear to them as if I have accepted their mission."

"Whatever, what was that thing anyway, I didn't hear anything carefully."

"Ignorance is truly blissful; since I don't know what their motive was for sending me here, then I don't have to worry about anything. It's not like I would unknowingly do something in their favor, like in those novels I've read."

"I don't think my plot armor is that strong, hahaha!"

Arthur laughed like an old man who was finally free after his retirement.

This time he seriously felt so free that he had never felt like it, although the threat of assassination was already looming over his head, he still felt much lighter than in his last life.

"Seems like it was because of that wretched seed; I hope those shitheads find it and shave it up ********cuss**words**********"

He took a deep breath.

"The status seems different from my last life too," he pondered while trying to remember from the memories he had merged with to find an explanation for this type of status.

And soon he got an answer. According to the memories of his predecessor in this world,

the name of this planet was Middle world the people have classes that they awaken at the age of sixteen, that is when their potential of their lifetime is decided by the grade of the class they awaken

and the grade of the class can be measured by a grade measuring orb which is possessed by various factions of the respective places in this world.

Once a class is assigned, a person can finally start leveling up in a certain direction based on their class.

For example, if they have a warrior class they can choose to increase their physical attributes more dominantly than their magical attributes

if the person has a class like a fire mage, then he can choose to enhance the magical attributes more dominantly than their physical attributes.

Although one can choose to increase only one of these two aspects, soon as they level up, they would face various issues.

Like if a person with a magic-related class chose to neglect the physical trait. Their bodies would at some point in time explode because their bodies couldn't hold the excess amount of mana.

If a person with a physical class chose to neglect the magical attributes, then their bodies would slowly stop working at a certain point in time because the flow of mana in the body is essential to support the inhumanly strength that one would cultivate for normally in a warrior class.

Without the flow of mana, the normal metabolism of the body would not be able to maintain the density of muscles developed, and the body would go limp if not lose its strength.

Physical attributes generally grew into three sub-attributes called strength, agility, and endurance

magical attributes grew into three as well, namely mana, perception, and intelligence.

Some special classes also developed special attributes, like priest class developed a special attribute called vitality that decided the scale of healing the priest could perform.

Arthur reviewed his understanding, realizing that the status differed from his previous life.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

cherry_dragoncreators' thoughts