
Young Master Becomes a Villainess

Lumien Dia Velerace, a dramatic spoiled young master who is currently on his fifth-year and the last year in the academy he goes to. He is the third child of a wealthy noble, Duke Velerace. After stupidly choking on his food and die, he wakes up in a different residence as a poor and helpless maid. But that 'poor and helpless maid' turned out to be the young villainess of a novel he once read. Now, he needs to change her fate? "How unfortunate." He says. *temporary novel cover*

DoubleSidedTape · Fantasía
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11 Chs

The Girl In the Mirror

Chapter 2: "The Girl In the Mirror"

I'm not so sure how I got back to this body's room.

All I remember is that an old woman managed to pass by the awkward situation between Marquess Trouvaille's son and I, and ended up dragging me back to my room while apologizing repeatedly to him.


I just remembered, Marquess Trouvaille's son looked tired and down earlier. His eyes were a bit swollen; did he cry?


Don't know, don't care, it doesn't involve me anyway.

I scan the room I am currently in.

This room isn't as comfy or extravagant as my original room, but it doesn't matter. This is my safe place for now.

I turn to the old mirror in the room. I should check what I look like, but...

...I'm scared to look at my reflection.

I braced myself as I cover my eyes and walk towards the mirror. I slowly part my hands and peeked with my left eye.


In a haste, I opened the other eye and stared at the mirror in surprise. Hands shaking, I gently touched 'my' face; I caressed her rosy cheeks and then stroked her chapped lips.

Is this how I currently look like...?

I really am no longer Lumien Velerace.

- - -

"They said, 'Graduation is the end and a start of a new journey'."

Lumien sighs.

"...They weren't kidding"

Despite the horrifying situation, he couldn't help but admire the beauty of the lady in the reflection. The girl in the mirror.

Dark green hair tied in a messy bun.

This girl and my original body's hair color are similar, at least that will remind me of my original identity.

Round magenta eyes.

This girl looks so cute and innocent, but for some reason that cuteness creeps me out.

Pale skin and petite.

Petite my **s. This girl is on the verge of being called 'bag of bones'. This kind of size looks too unhealthy. Does this girl even eat? Does she not sleep too? The bags under her eyes fall so deep. She may be a maid and probably gets ordered around a lot, but doesn't she look too neglected? She looks young too...

But despite the dirty and poor appearance, she is pretty. If I can just nourish her by eating more and taking care of this body more, then maybe I can even make this girl look like a noble lady.

I stare at the mirror one more time.

Ugh. The dress annoys me. I would've been more understanding if it was a noblewoman's dress, but this... it doesn't look bad, I just can't believe a high ranked noble like me would be wearing a servant's dress...

...I couldn't help but cry silently deep inside.

I look around and found a wooden door. I approached it and peeked to what's inside.

"It's a bathroom..."

Come to think of it, this girl's room doesn't seem so bad despite being a servant. Expected of a marquess's residence. But my servants' rooms were much better than this.


I should clean myself up and then go to sleep.

- - -

After taking a warm bath.

Lumien exits the bathroom, his face looking like his soul just got sucked out.

It turns out I still haven't fully accepted reality.

Lumien stares at the ground with dead eyes. His face then twists bitterly.

"My...My mushroom is gone..."

My precious...

He thought as he sinks to the ground. He then mumbles, "It feels so empty down there..."

He stands up and puts his fist up the air.

It's okay. It's okay. I may have lost something, but it was for the cost of gaining something new.

Lumien looks up to the ceiling as he tried to hold back his tears.

At least I have extra lumps of meat in my chest...

Despite nearly being all bones, this girl's body really spared the chest, huh.

I may have lost my mushroom, but I gained two melons!

Enough with that, I don't want to think any further about this. I already checked the change in my body while I was in the bathroom, and I checked everything...

I really am a girl now. No denying it.


I should go to sleep. Tomorrow, I might wake up in my old body.

Before heading to my small bed, I steal another glance of my reflection.

'As she was having her garden walk, she sees a girl about her age sweeping the dried leaves. Her long pony-tailed hair flutters with the wind, its color being similar to the fresh leaves in the garden. The girl, as if sensing the curious gaze, turns to her. A pair of magenta eyes meets her gaze, which made her heart skip a beat.'

I don't know why those familiar words suddenly crossed my mind. It was strange. I feel like there is something deep inside me that I should know but keeps denying it.

But...there's no way, right? There's no way this body is 'her', right?


Let's not think too much about it.

I tucked myself to bed and stared at the unfamiliar ceiling. As I lay down quietly in the dark, lingering thoughts started to flood my head.

I wonder how my original body is doing. Is 'Young Master Lumien' still alive? He didn't choke to death, did he? Noir must be so scared right now... He looked so worried last time I saw him. It was rare of him to make such face...

Is the mansion in scrambles right now because their young master's soul is missing? Ms. head maid and Mr. butler must be worried...

I wonder how mom and dad is doing... Are they worried too? What about sister and brother? They were supposed to eat dinner with me today...

Dinner... this body must have already eaten dinner considering my stomach doesn't feel completely empty, but then again, it's not completely full either.

I should eat a lot tomorrow... if I could, that is.

Maybe I can escape the Marquess's residence and return to the Velerace's residence but...

It's too risky.

1) No one will recognize me, Noir might, but everyone else might not. I'll be labeled as an intruder. 2) The distance between Trouvaille residence and Velerace residence is too far. I might need to travel for days. 3) I don't know the real identity of this girl yet. I can't risk it.

I'm uncertain of what to do, but I should chase these thoughts away for now and sleep. This is a problem I'll dump on tomorrow me.

I better get a good night sleep to reduce this ocean-deep eyebags.

Clearing his head and dumping the problems to the future Lumien, he gradually falls asleep.
