
Young Master's Halo Is Too Bright

SYSTEM | CULTIVATION | OP MC Lu Feng found himself transmigrated from Earth to a world of mysteries, treasures, and flying immortals. However, his excitement was short-lived as the wretched AI of the System introduced itself. For six consecutive lives, the System compelled Lu Feng to acquire techniques, skills, arcane scrolls, peerless weapons, and divine artifacts— All for a promise. As Murphy's law dictates, things Will Go Wrong. Before he could enjoy the fruits of his labor, he now finds himself on his ninth and final life. Join Lu Feng on his journey through a familiar yet ever-so-different world of cultivation. Note: This junior refuses to cultivate the Dao of word count and word padding— Chapters will only be as long as they need to be. Cover Page Created With Daz 3D Studio & Krita.

LAST_HERO · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs

Tragic Past | Lament Of The Weak

Serpentine bolts of lightning coiled around Lu Feng and an illusory image of a five-pronged golden bell, the Vajra, began to manifest in Lu Feng's soul.

The Vajra— A Sanskrit word that stood for lightning and diamond, is the name of the five-pronged golden bell, which was not just a symbolic ritual object in Buddhism, but also an indestructible weapon.

With each revolution of the three energies across his meridians, the illusory Vajra began to solidify.

Chanting the mantra of the Awakening Vajra, Lu Feng's understanding of the mantra deepened with each recital. Utilizing the experiences and guidance from the Karmic Spirit Fruit, Lu Feng cemented his comprehension of the first mantra— As a result, the illusory Vajra in Lu Feng's soul solidified and began to be assimilated into Lu Feng's body.

The serpentine lightning closely surrounding Lu Feng's body, turned brighter and more fierce before it started to be slowly, but steadily, absorbed into Lu Feng's body.

Lu Feng eventually woke up from his deep cultivation. Upon opening his eyes, the remnants of the lightning flashed across Lu Feng's eyes, which were now a bright electric blue. Though the flashes of lightning subsided, the electric blue color of his eyes persisted.

Lu Feng, whose appearance was unremarkable hitherto, now had an indescribable aura around him, his electric blue eyes serving as a deep contrast to his dark, sword-like eyebrows. With these striking changes, his visage had become extraordinary.

He peered through the windows, to find the first rays of the dawn. This surprised him, it was barely noon the previous day when he started cultivating. In his deep meditative state, Lu Feng had lost his sense of time.

Opening the windows, Lu Feng breathed in the fresh morning air. The distant crowing of the roosters, the dew drops falling off the windowsill, the quaint views of the city— These sights refreshed Lu Feng's spirit.

'I should visit the shop.'

Lu Feng picked up the room token and before long, he disappeared.


A large Five-Storey building stood in front of Lu Feng, covered with a white cloth.

Some curious passersby paused to look at this new building, that seemingly appeared out of thin air in just a few days.

Slightly nodding his head, Lu Feng lifted the cloth and found a glass door entrance.

Stepping in, he was greeted by the sight of Hai Jingzi frantically polishing precious-looking jade vases, and Song Jin carefully wiping the dust off the empty glass cases.

The pearl stone floors which were carefully polished to a mirror shine, reflected Lu Feng's face. As he looked around— The chandelier-like spirit stone lamp hanging from the ceiling, and the majestic paintings and calligraphy on the walls, reminded him of high-end jewelry stores back on Earth.

"Song Jin," Lu Feng called out, having no other choice as the two fellows were immersed in their work.

Hai Jingzi was the first to respond, "Brother Lu! Welcome!"

Lu Feng smiled and acknowledged Hai Jingzi's greeting with a slight nod.

"You can call me Lu Feng, I don't mind."

"Forget it, Brother Lu, I can't do that," Hai Jingzi spoke with a sheepish smile, "I can't even bring myself to call Brother Song by his name despite knowing him for almost my whole life, how could I call you so casually... The building, what do you think Brother Lu, it's not bad right?"

Lu Feng looked around once again and spoke with a grin, "Very impressive! Indeed, money can buy anything... I actually did not expect you guys to get it done on time— Great job guys!"

Song Jin and Hai Jingzi beamed with happiness. Since yesterday, they've been tirelessly working hard, polishing everything and putting on the final touches. They felt appreciated.

"Let's head to the top floor, you'll appreciate it even more... We can talk there." Song Jin gestured towards the stairs.

"Let's go."


Everything on the fifth floor was made of high-quality sandalwood, as clearly evident from the heavenly fragrance permeating the air.

The rooms were more spacious and plush than Lu Feng's room at the Golden Inn.

"Just this floor must've cost a million Spirit Crystals... I can't believe you got it done under the budget!" Lu Feng remarked in surprise.

"I called in a few favors... A lot actually," Song Jin replied; pride oozing out of his face.

Lu Feng put his arm around Song Jin's shoulder and with his other hand, started rubbing his hand all over his torso.

Song Jin was confused as to what Lu Feng was doing, but Hai Jingzi had a clear answer in his mind.

After thoroughly frisking Song Jin, Lu Feng released him, just as he was about to speak, he saw Hai Jingzi blushing red like a monkey's bottom.

Lu Feng chuckled. "Hai Jingzi, I didn't expect you to have such a dirty mind... Forget it, it's not what you think...

"Actually... Never mind, come here"

With his two hands, he began to frisk Hai Jingzi, who began to squirm under Lu Feng's touch.

Finished with his frisking, Lu Feng muttered a customary, "No homo."

With a frown, Lu Feng looked at Hai Jingzi and Song Jin alternatingly.

"Initially, I was curious why both of you seemed to have no cultivation, but you both have the same hidden injuries. How did this happen?"

Hearing Lu Feng's unexpected question, both Song Jin and Hai Jingzi's faces darkened.

After a long silence, Song Jin sighed, while Hai Jingzi's eyes turned red and tears began to fall.

"Come, let's sit down first," Lu Feng urged the two fellows to sit at the table.

After several minutes of silence, Song Jin spoke, "Jingzi and I were from a mortal village a few miles away from Brightmoon City. It was a peaceful farming village. We were both orphans raised by the village.

"When Jingzi and I discovered that we could cultivate, we let the people in the village know, who were happy beyond words and scraped together whatever they could. The entire village was hopeful that once we had some achievements, we'd be able to look after the village—"

Hai Jingzi interrupted Song Jin, "It didn't last though. On a wintery morning, the Grand Elder of the City's Holy Palace released a berserk Taotie near the village. Before we even realized it, the Taotie beast destroyed half the village, ripping apart people in half and swallowing them whole.

"Only then did the people from the Holy Palace intervene— Not to stop the rampaging beast but to test a cursed weapon. With no regard for the consequences, they activated the cursed weapon and subdued the beast. But how can mere mortals endure the power of such a cursed weapon.

"That day... Everyone died... Everyone except Brother Song and I. We were gravely injured by the cursed weapon. We were later found by the Captain of the City Guard, who took pity on us. As we were about to breathe our last, the captain used a precious elixir to save both of our lives."

Lu Feng pieced the rest of the story. He sighed. In a world, where cultivators regarded mortals as less than dirt, tragedies like this were way too common. In a way, Song Jin and Hai Jingzi were lucky; Most of the time, nobody survived a tragedy of such brutality.

"Weren't you angered... Didn't you ever want revenge?" Lu Feng questioned, aware of the answer.

With a self-mocking smile, Song Jin replied, "Anger... Revenge... They're not something the weak could afford... The weak have no choice but to count their blessings and move on with their lives."

Hearing this answer, Lu Feng laughed out loud, seemingly being insensitive.

Song Jin and Hai Jingzi were recalling their childhood memories and didn't mind Lu Feng's laugh. It was expected. For cultivators, this would be the standard response, no matter if they're good or bad.

With his hands clasped behind him, Lu Feng turned his back to Song Jin and Hai Jingzi.

With a deep sigh, he spoke in a calming tone, "It was a tragedy— A human-made one. Mortals are but dirt to cultivators, similar to the passing clouds in the sky, they warrant no importance...

"This is the lament of the weak... There is no right or wrong— Only what we believe and the lines we draw for ourselves. Strength is what determines the winners and losers of the cruel game that is life."

Turning towards Song Jin and Hai Jingzi, Lu Feng continued, "Whether you want to seek justice or pursue something better, I promise to you both— You will be strong enough to disregard the world and seek the cure to what ails your heart."

Song Jin and Hai Jingzi were moved. But before they could respond, they saw Lu Feng make a series of strange signs with his hands and recite a mysterious chant.

Lu Feng made a mudra with his hand, as he recited the chants of the evil subduing technique of the Immortal Vajra Scripture, the technique aptly named, "Buddha Bows, Demon Dies."

When the brief chant ended, with both his hands, Lu Feng cast the Anjali mudra by joining his hands, akin to a prayer gesture, and started to bow.

Just as Lu Feng slightly bent his body, an immense power emanated from his body and surrounded Song Jin and Hai Jingzi. They panicked at this sight but as soon as this illusory power touched their bodies, they relaxed. The vagrant thoughts in their minds were dispersed and a pleasant sensation filled their bodies.

Before Lu Feng could bow any further, the illusory power shattered, and a black ball of malevolence was extracted from Song Jin and Hai Jingzi's bodies, which soon disintegrated and disappeared into the ether.

Seeing this, Lu Feng frowned. He wasn't a stranger to these kinds of baleful auras that hid deep within a person's body. But this one was particularly malevolent— Something one wouldn't expect an orthodox faction to play with.

Song Jin witnessed it clearly. The dark ball which was extracted from him gave him chills just by looking at it. Song Jin and Hai Jingzi thought their injuries and later their inability to cultivate was the result of the brunt of the attack they received.

But the reality was far more sinister.

They both looked at Lu Feng for an explanation.

"It's a malevolent evil. It hides in people's bodies and gathers strength through the host. And once the time is ripe, it corrupts the host and takes over their body to bring about destruction." Lu Feng explained as he sat down in the chair.

"It's the reason why you two couldn't cultivate. It was sucking you dry. It's completely gone now, you'll be fine from now on.

"But don't rush to cultivate, I'll find a suitable cultivation method for you guys and give it to you after the auction."

Song Jin and Hai Jingzi were both moved to tears. They didn't realize the danger they were in and were mercifully saved by Lu Feng.

Lu Feng patted their shoulders; "It's ok, no need for drama, it's getting quite depressing already."

Song Jin and Hai Jingzi chuckled as they vowed to remember this grace.

Before they could wallow any further, they were shocked by Lu Feng's actions.


On the table, hundreds of porcelain pill bottles, swords, sabers, and a host of other items were strewn across.

Lu Feng took out a parchment and a scribe and called out for Song Jin and Hai Jingzi to come closer.

Closing their agape mouths, they followed Lu Feng's instructions.

An hour later.

Lu Feng retired to his room on the fifth floor to test the bed and catch some shut-eye.

Song Jin and Hai Jingzi were left alone, they were packing the pills in a variety of jade and high-grade porcelain bottles that were decorated with gold.

"Brother Song... Is this real? I can't believe these are all Perfect Sovereign class pills."

"They're as real as you and the mole on your cheek. Shut up and hurry, we need to arrange these in the glass cases along with the weapons and other items. Later you need to find out the current market price for these items."

Hai Jingzi nodded his head as he happily continued to pack the pills.
