
Young Justice: Unbreakable Allies

-Disclaimer- After changing the story up, it did not fit the original story so I decided to go back a revise the chapters- if you are disappointed by the changes I'm sorry Jason Newman a 16-year-old, lived an ordinary life but gets hit by a truck and died. he meets R.O.B. and gets reborn with 2 wishes ( The powers of Tactile Telekinesis and Energy Manipulation ) and to be reborn in the tv show Young Justice) and becomes the hero of Detroit. (The cover art is not mine) -Disclaimer- there will be no harems and plus I'm thinking no romance because I suck at them

dean_winchester_1261 · Cómic
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12 Chs

Chapter 6: A Surprise Visit (Reworked)

It has been a couple of days since after fighting and beating the mauler twins, plus seeing myself on the news I knew I had to go on patrol more often in the city. Revealing myself to the public, I knew no good thing would come out of it and I would meet some unexpected people at some point during my reign as Detroit's hero

Walking out of a general store with a bag in hand, I went to go clothes shopping with friends but they left early so I decided to stay and do my own shopping. All I bought were new jeans and a cool hoodie I saw last week. With no friends to hang out with I decided to go home.

Now walking home on my phone, I always keep my super senses active to stay alert in case of an emergency. On my phone watching videos on new-tube I hear a bunch of police sirens I then focus harder to hear a police radio saying that there was a car chase, and the car was going 130 mph causing mayhem and all backup is needed. Hearing this I try to find an area with no people and cameras to change my clothes. Finding a place to take off my civilian clothes to show my hero suit, I put the bag with all my stuff in a safe place where no one would find it.

Starting to fly straight into the air, I began to use my super sight and hearing to find where this car chase location is currently at. Flying at a supersonic speed I find where the car chase is, I see the car speeding in a school zone with the police trailing behind, and it looks like they are kids leaving their after-school programs by themselves or with their parents.

Realizing this I start to slowly descend to get closer to the police and speeding car and grab the car before any more accidents happen, but before I can I see a little boy let go of his mom's hand to get a ball he dropped and ran into the street. Hearing his mother scream and running to grab him, I knew by the time she reached him it would be over for him.

Watching in what seems to be like slow motion I see the car reach the kid closer and closer, Not noticing a tiny invisible film of telekinetic energy covering me. without even thinking I reached the kid in what looked like a millisecond before a horrible accident happened. I stopped the car with my bare hands causing hand print to appear on the front of the car. Using my hearing to see if the driver was alive, hearing his heartbeat, I put my focus on the little boy picking him up gently with his ball I walked over to his mother who was crying for her baby boy I handed him over to her.

Walking away I felt her hugging me from behind and thanking me a lot for saving her son while her face was a sobbing mess. I say turning to her "it's not a problem I did what I had to do to help a little kid in danger, it's what a hero does." Walking towards the destroyed car I ripped the car door from the car and grabbed the driver who was unconscious. I walk towards a police sergeant and tell her "I am taking him to Detroit metropolitan hospital because I would be faster so follow me back".

Dropping off the criminal at the hospital, I started to fly back to where I left my stuff land on the roof where I hid them, I sensed that there was something behind me. Turning around and to my surprise, I saw someone who I never expected. "Superman," I say in a surprised tone "what are you doing in Detroit isn't far from Metropolis," I say gathering from my surprised tone and crossing my arms.

Superman with a gentle smile on his face says "Paragon That was a hell of a save back there, you probably gave that kid an extended life span". Superman doubles back "But you know what was really heroic even though the criminal was going 130mph and even almost killed that kid you still saved and flew him to the hospital, you could have left him to the police where something bad could have happened". Superman walked up to me with his hand with the intent of a handshake, I put my hand out and shook his hand.

Superman standing in front of me says "I have been watching you since you took down those bank robbers a while ago". Sighing "I read the police report, I guess you're not Kryptonian" Looking confused I say "No I'm not, I am 100% human" looking disappointed Superman says "It was worth a shot".

Superman then asks me something that shook me "I want to offer you an opportunity, Paragon you're still a newbie to the hero game, I want to give you an apprenticeship, I want to mentor you I can see that you be a great hero but with my help, I can make you a better one". Shocked that Superman asked to be my mentor I was speechless in front of him.

Superman chuckles and says "You don't have to decide right now, I will give you some time" he starts to float before leaving he says "once you decide you know where you can find me" he starts to fly at full speed to head back to Metropolis. Still confused by the conversation I just had with superman I start to put my civilian clothes on and head home to think about what superman said.


Opening the door, it was still the afternoon, so mom was at her office, so I had the house to myself. Heading up to my room I drop my shopping bag and change into more comfortable clothes. Lying flat on my back on the bed thinking about the offer brought to me by Superman.

Thinking of the pros and cons of this apprenticeship, I think this could be good for me. The next time I'm free I'm going to head to the metropolis city and tell him yes, I accept his offer.

Feeling a little tired, I decided to take a nap until mom comes home and woke me up for dinner.

-2 hour-

I was woken up by my mom telling me she brought home dinner which was tacos from our favorite taco truck. Feeling hungry I rush to the dining table, grab my tacos, and start eating them in a hurry while my mom watches smirking at me say "they're that delicious huh" feeling embarrassed I say "yeah"

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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