
Young doctor Memories of autumn Morn kunthea+ meng lu+ my cat

The people who live in the 100 Flower Gardens collect the falling petals in the fall season to use as a dye for the broom cloth. As these are rare flowers that they cannot be harvested by picking in the spring like other flowers, wait until the fall season when the flowers will fall on their own so that they can be harvested from these flowers. Because they were rare flowers, the colors of the flowers are mixed only with the highest quality silk threads, and the thread for the fabric is intended only for the royal court and high palace officials. The owner of the 100 Flower Plantations belongs to the Wei family, a family of well-known textile and costume designers in the capital. The family has two sons and a daughter, and their son, who inherited the family line, has been studying dressmaking in this Western since he was a teenager. Therefore, the current family business is busy being controlled by their father, Mr. Wei, and their mother, Ms. Fhong, who designs clothes, who has many models under her control. Twelve-year-old Aini, the youngest daughter, holds a pair of scissors, cuts a short piece of clothing that her mother had sewn together and tied several layers of fabric for a unique look, and she sewed the layers together of this line of skirts with a smile on her face. She does not like traditional clothes with long skirts and it is difficult to walk. That's why her mother always beats her. Because she cut the design, remade the clothes as she wanted and the clothes her mother was trying to match her clothes like another girl's clothes, she cut the clothes as weirdly as the fabric was like a messy dress in her mother's eyes. A voice called her from the maid outside her room, telling her that her mother had something to tell her to hurry to see her in the hall immediately. .. 秋天的回忆 Memories of autumn The people who live in the 100 Flower Gardens collect the falling petals in the fall season to use as a dye for the broom cloth. As these are rare flowers that they cannot be harvested by picking in the spring like other flowers, wait until the fall season when the flowers will fall on their own so that they can be harvested from these flowers. Because they were rare flowers, the colors of the flowers are mixed only with the highest quality silk threads, and the thread for the fabric is intended only for the royal court and high palace officials. The owner of the 100 Flower Plantations belongs to the Wei family, a family of well-known textile and costume designers in the capital. The family has two sons and a daughter, and their son, who inherited the family line, has been studying dressmaking in this Western since he was a teenager. Therefore, the current family business is busy being controlled by their father, Mr. Wei, and their mother, Ms. Fhong, who designs clothes, who has many models under her control. Twelve-year-old Aini, the youngest daughter, holds a pair of scissors, cuts a short piece of clothing that her mother had sewn together and tied several layers of fabric for a unique look, and she sewed the layers together of this line of skirts with a smile on her face. She does not like traditional clothes with long skirts and it is difficult to walk. That's why her mother always beats her. Because she cut the design, remade the clothes as she wanted and the clothes her mother was trying to match her clothes like another girl's clothes, she cut the clothes as weirdly as the fabric was like a messy dress in her mother's eyes. ..

Mayumi_Mk · Historia
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20 Chs

Episode 14/ 第 14 集

Episode 14

Ai Ni left the palace with the crown prince to brief her parents on her results. While shopping for powder at a grocery store, a man wearing a mask took his hand with a handkerchief that had a sleepy substance put it on her nose. And he picked her up running through the back door without anyone knowing because there were too many people in the store. When the Crown Prince waited for her too long, he walked into the shop without seeing Ai Ni, only to see the hairpin he gave her fall to the floor. The crown prince was terrified And came to find her with his soldiers. Ai Ni, she was kidnapped by a group of robbers who had previously entered the palace. She stared at the man who had helped her, and he spoke to her in a terrifying way. He said whenever he could take the map of former king's tomb, but sh always appeared to interrupt their missions, and even his sister, who can win the contest by becoming the crown prince's wife, was lost in the final round. when he said that, she realized that a group of thieves could enter the palace because her rivals were ambushing them. She screamed asking for their goal when they had captured her for what. the captain of the thieves said they would exchange her for an old tomb map, take gems to exchange a foreigner's weapons, and destabilize the city. As soon as the discussion ended, Ai Ni smiled contemptuously and said their plan was very badass. She was made captain of the thieves very angry on her and he slapped Ai Ni, causing her mouth to bleed profusely, and he told his staff to hurry to send a letter to Ai Ni's house, knowing that the crown prince might be at Ai Ni's house . Every member of Ai Ni's family was very concerned for Ai Ni's safety when they heard the news. Yue and 浩宇 were also at Ai Ni's house. Suddenly, a boy brought a letter to the doorman of Ai Ni's house, and the doorman hurriedly brought the letter regarding Ai Ni's information to the owner. Everyone read the kidnapping news and asked for an exchange drove them so mad, so the crown prince told 浩宇 in the palace to take the map and make a plan to save Ai Ni.

第 14 集

艾妮带着太子出宫,向父母汇报了她的成绩. 在杂货店买粉时,一名戴着口罩的男子用一块手帕拉着他的手,手帕上沾有一种昏昏欲睡的物质. 因为店里人太多,他在没有人知道的情况下从后门把她抱起来. 太子等她太久,走进店里,没有看到艾妮,只见他给她的簪子掉在了地上. 太子吓坏了,带着他的士兵来找她. 艾妮,她被一群先前进宫的劫匪绑架了. 她盯着那个帮助她的男人,他用一种可怕的方式对她说话. 他说只要能拿到前王墓的地图,她总是出现打断他们的任务,就连他的妹妹,可以成为太子的妻子,在最后一轮输了. 听他这么一说,她才意识到,一群盗贼可以进入王宫,因为她的对手正在伏击他们. 当他们为了什么而抓住她时,她尖叫着询问他们的目标. 盗贼首领说,他们会用她换一张古墓图,拿宝石换外国人的武器,破坏城市的稳定. 讨论一结束,艾妮轻蔑地笑了笑,说他们的计划很牛逼. 盗贼首领对她很生气,他扇了艾妮一巴掌,让她的嘴巴流血不止,他吩咐手下赶紧给艾妮家寄信,知道太子可能在艾妮家. 房子. 艾妮一家人听到这个消息,都非常担心艾妮的安危. 悦和浩宇也在艾妮家. 突然,一个男孩给艾妮家的门卫带来了一封信,门卫赶紧把关于艾妮信息的信递给了主人. 大家看了绑架的消息,要求换钱,把他们气疯了,太子在宫里吩咐浩宇拿地图去救艾妮.