
Young Aedan

À young boy with supernatural strength, born into a village terrorized by a dragon, trains with an elderly warrior to master his gift and defeat the beast. They run through the forest, with the master stressing the importance of control and mental strength as well as physical might. The boy pledges not to fail the village or his teacher.

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8 Chs

Chapter 1

A soft breeze rustled through the dense forest, carrying with it the distant cries of frightened villagers. It was a peaceful day, but for the looming shadow that seemed to hang over the small village like an ominous cloud. Young Aedan, born with supernatural strength, felt the weight of this burden more acutely than most. He knew that his destiny was entwined with the dragon that had been terrorizing the village for as long as anyone could remember. He had been trained since birth to master his gift, to harness the power within him and use it to destroy the beast that brought fear and destruction to his people.

The sun cast dappled light through the trees as Aedan ran, his muscles bunching and releasing with each powerful stride. His master, an elderly warrior who had dedicated his life to training young Aedan, jogged effortlessly beside him. "You must learn control, Aedan," the old man said, his voice barely audible above the sound of their footsteps. "Your strength is a gift, but it can also be your greatest weakness. The dragon is cunning, and will test your resolve at every turn. You must be strong in mind as well as body."

Aedan nodded, his chest heaving from exertion. "I know, Master," he panted. "I will not fail you, or the village." He glanced up at the ancient warrior, searching his weathered face for some sign of approval. The old man's eyes were deep and wise, and seemed to see right through him. With a nod, he indicated that they should stop.