
Why Did You Steal My Heart?


"Ahyeon, wait up!"

Seobin chased after a very embarrassed Ahyeon, who was running towards the forest.

When Seobin finally caught up to her, he was out of breath.


"You...run pretty...fast..."

Seobin threw himself on the floor in exhaustion. Ahyeon stared at him, also breathing heavily.

Ahyeon rolled her eyes and looked at the sky.


"I seriously can't believe you followed me into the forest. Now we're lost."


"How is that my fault???"


"Ah whatever. Now we just have to find our way out. Do you have anything with you?"

Seobin patted his pockets, trying to look for anything useful.


"Uh... My phone, the car keys and a lighter."


"Wow... you really got nothing."

Ahyeon took a look at her bag.


"I've got almost nothing either."

Ahyeon pointed towards where they came from.


"We'll just walk back, I guess."

As Ahyeon was about to move, Seobin grabbed onto her wrist.


"Ahyeon, I'm very tired. Can we just stay here for a while?"

Ahyeon pulled back her hand.


"We have to go now. Who knows what's lurking in the dark?"

Ahyeon thought for a while then put out her hand to Seobin.


"Come on. Let's go."



"There's a branch in front of you."


"I know."

Ahyeon ducked.

Not long after, Seobin's face brightened up. He pointed in front of him.


"That's my car!"

Seobin held into Ahyeon's wrist and ran out of the forest.

Seobin and Ahyeon got into the car. Silence filled the air, only the sounds of their panting were heard. Ahyeon looked at Seobin.

There was sweat trickling down his neck. His face was quite pale, and his eye circles were very dark. He looked tired.

Ahyeon felt a wave of guilt fill her body. Before they were married, Seobin didn't look this tired, even after practising for hours. "Is this... all because of me?"



Seobin looked at Ahyeon with a cheerful look on his face, hiding his weariness.




"Can I move in with you?"



"But why... Who's going to accompany me when I can't sleep?'



It was the day that Ahyeon moved to Seobin's house. Jaehyung obviously wasn't very happy with the idea.

Ahyeon's phone buzzed.

Seobin: -Hurry up! I'm outside waiting for you!-


"Jaehyung, look. I really have to go now. Seobin is outside waiting for me. I promise if I have to stay with any of the members I'll stay with you, okay?"

Before Jaehyung could say anything, Ahyeon closed the door and left.

"Why is he so clingy?"

Jaehyung sat onto the sofa and sighed.

"Why did you steal my heart?"

Hi everyone! Sorry if the story is confusing now... Please bear with me! Sorry again for the very irregular updates! School is annoying -_-

Thank you and hope you enjoyed today's chapter!!

qing_kancreators' thoughts