
Ahyeon, Let's Get Married Tomorrow

While Ahyeon and Seobin was getting food for themselves, Seobin looked at Ahyeon.


"Ahyeon, let's get married tomorrow."

Ahyeon widened her eyes.



Seobin's poker face didn't change. He just shrugged.


"Nothing fancy, well just register our marriage. Then maybe I'll get you a ring. That's it."

Ahyeon sighed. She had always wanted a fancy wedding ever since she was a little girl.

Seobin saw the disappointment on Ahyeon's face. Seobin pitied her, she didn't really want this marriage but she forced herself to do it.


"If you want a fancy wedding then let's do it after I quit AB."

Ahyeon turned to face Seobin.


"You're going to quit? Then-"

Seobin put a finger on Ahyeon's mouth.


"Yeah, I plan on quiting once I take over Bang Enterprise. If you're worried about your job their, you can quit and I'll cover all your expenses."


Bubbles had climbed on top of Ahyeon and started licking her face. Ahyeon's sleep was interrupted as she suddenly shot up in surprise. Ahyeon looked at the clock next to her. 7:45 a.m. She wasn't late. Ahyeon took a deep breath and got out of bed.

Ahyeon suddenly remembered that Bubbles was still on her bed.


"Are you hungry?"

Bubbles seemed to understand what she said and wagged his tail. Ahyeon smiled.


"Okay, I'll give you food. Now, where's Milk Tea?"



"Ahyeon! Over here."

Seobin yelled from his car. He wore a blue button-up shirt and long black pants. His outfit was simple but put together. He looked simply striking. Any girl would have gave their right arm to marry him.

Ahyeon wore a lace top with a short pink skirt. Like her fiance, it was also simple but put together. She looked ravishing with a French braid.

Seobin had a little twinkle in his eye. He couldn't quite believe that he was going to get married in a few minutes.


Ahyeon and Seobin walked out of the office of Civil Affairs hand in hand. Sure, for now they didn't have any feelings for each other, but who knows? Maybe they are really meant to be.

Seobin opened up passenger seat door for Ahyeon. Ahyeon teased him.


"We just got married, and you already want me by your side?"


"Why not? You are my wife after all."

Ahyeon grinned and sat in the passenger's seat.

While Seobin was driving, something popped into his mind. He had suddenly remembered something that was important for their marriage.


"Be right back."

In a few minutes, Seobin got back into the car.


"Give me your hand."

Seobin slipped a ring on to Ahyeon's finger. Ahyeon admired the ring that was now hers. It was a simple silver ring with a few diamonds on it. The design on the ring and the way the diamonds were placed made Ahyeon smile. It was gorgeous.


"Do you like it?"

Ahyeon smiled even wider and looked at Seobin.


"Of course! It's beautiful. There is no way you picked this out yourself."

Seobin chuckled. His new wife surely knew how to make him smile.


"Are you underestimating my sense of fashion? I thought it looked pretty like you, so i got it."

Ahyeon giggled a little and looked to the front.


"Let's go. You have to practice."