
You, Me

He put a five-dollar bill on the table, paying for both their orders, and with a deep breath, he said, "You, me, Saturday next week, meet me here at ten, don't be late." After that, he went as far away from the café as possible. *** Ben Chester is one of the popular guys in school the girls love. He's polite, well-mannered, and kind. The kind of boyfriend any girl would want. When shy Maribelle catches his eye instantly when he spots her at a café, he doesn't hesitate to ask her out. When the fluffy romance between the two begins, a forgotten ex-girlfriend is entangled in a series of ups and downs and things take a turn for...

Leticia_J_Midley · Ciudad
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5 Chs

Chapter Three

"Why didn't you come?"

Ben felt happy and the same time, regretful. If he knew she took it seriously, he would have flown there that day.

How did she take it seriously, though? Anyone would think he was either rude or playful. Who wouldn't have taken that as a joke? Or so he thought.

"Y-You know what, forget I said anything. I second-guessed you not coming anyway," she said, quickly getting up. "You were joking, obviously."

"I'm such an idiot," she mumbled, rushing to get out of there.

"Wait, Belle–"

He had to say something quickly. That was a chance to ask her out again, and he had to do it without sounding needy or overconfident. How though?

"Belle." He caught her hand as she reached for the door handle. "You, me, this Saturday, meet me here at ten. I'm taking you out."

He smiled confidently. "What do you say?"

"Of course, yes..." She said shyly.

She quickly walked away before he said anything else. She most likely didn't want the moment to feel awkward, Ben guessed. He soon made his way out of the café.

* * *

Saturday had finally arrived, and Ben had arrived at the café. He had planned to take her to Avery Park. It was about twenty minutes away by bus. Plus, it was beautiful, had good picnic spots, and was the perfect cover for a "date". He didn't tell her if it was a date or not, but that was what he thought it was.

He knew she would enjoy the kind of environment Avery Park had. He was a few minutes early, but he didn't mind. He was happy she accepted to come on the date despite how he asked her.

I seriously have to stop doing that...


He turned around. "Oh, Maribelle, you're early."

He stared a while, scanning her clothes. "You look cute today as well."

"T-Thanks." Her face turned a bit red.

Soon, they arrived at Avery Park, and the date was finally beginning. She seemed to like the place since she took the lead most of the time. It made him happy, seeing her enjoy herself that much.

"Is this your first time here?" Ben asked on their way to the Rose Garden.

"No, but it's been a few years since I was last here, so I don't remember much."

".Is that so? Let's make today unforgettable, then."

She smiled.

Soon, they reached the garden, and it was absolutely stunning. The roses had filled the air with their sweet scent and were blooming so colorfully from the entrance. The season had just begun, and the current environment suited it very much.

"Isn't this just beautiful?" She asked.

Nah, I think the image of you standing in this rose garden is a sight that must be captured for all eternity. Okay, that was too much.

"Yeah, they are." He pushed his thought aside.

After strolling in the Rose Garden a little longer, they left to explore other parts of the park. Soon, hunger and exhaustion got the best of them, and rest after walking for so long was needed.

He took a look around. "How about we take a little break? Townsend Shelter is just there." He pointed to an open shelter with various picnic tables right ahead of them.

"It's a good thing I didn't forget to bring food," Maribelle remarked.

After deciding where to take her, he visited the café, since she said she was there basically every day, to tell her where he would be taking her. That explained the blue bag she was carrying.

They made their way to the shelter and luckily, many people were not present, giving that side of the park a more peaceful atmosphere. They sat at one of the picnic tables, and Ben sat opposite her.

"What school do you go to?" Ben asked as he took a bite out of the burger.

She swallowed the chicken salad sandwich. "Corvallis High. It has a bit too many students, but it's a good place. What about you?"

"Crescent Valley."

"Oh, I see..." She said softly. "I've been meaning to ask, by the way, do you have a car?"

"Why do you ask?" He asked, curiosity mixed with his smile.

"Well, you don't look like a bus kind of guy. Plus, you kind of give me that vibe."

"What vibe?"

"The 'cool guy who drives a Mustang with a dramatic entrance to school every day' vibe."

He let out a laugh. "Seriously?"

"Yeah," she said, a smile finding its way to her lips. "So, do you?"


Ben did have a car, but it brought much trouble. Girls liked to ask him for a ride, and he always ended up with his car smelling like a perfume factory. Not that he found it hard rejecting them, but they were too pushy to hear no. He would rather ride the bus than feel nauseous from a car with that kind of smell.

"I do have a car, but I like the bus better, that's all," he said simply.

He neither lied nor said the truth. He didn't want Belle to have any misunderstanding after hearing the actual reason.

They spent the rest of the day at Avery Park just talking, walking more, and simply enjoying the scenery.

They left the park as it got darker and bid goodbyes. Ben, once again, forgot to ask for her phone number, but he wasn't worried now that he knew where he could find her.

I want to see her again already...

* * *

"Oh no," Maribelle said to herself on her way home, coming to a stop. "I forgot to tell him... guess he'll find out on that day."