
You & Me by Ravi Baghel


Ravi_Baghel_0859 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Yamini - Introduction

A vibrant and ambitious young woman, Yamini rushes from the metro to her workplace, a familiar scenario as she often arrives late, prompting lectures on time management and punctuality from her boss—resulting in a consistently annoyed expression.

Now, meet Yamini, a girl who adores her work and life, despite the daily scolding from her boss. While she loves her job, the office environment doesn't quite suit her. Yamini effortlessly makes friends, enjoys parties, and is always vocal about something, her chatter seemingly endless. Whether complaining or talking, her mouth never ceases, even when she's alone, engaging in conversations with herself.

What sets Yamini apart is her strength and independence. Unlike other girls, she is resolute and has been this way since childhood. The rowdy girl of her house, she has often found herself in fights, unafraid to stand up against boys. Believing in equality, she lives by the motto that if men can do something, she can too. With this fearless and strong approach, Yamini navigates life.