
PROLOGUE| Humiliation

A love so powerful that lights up the whole sky, is the love of your own, not for the moon not for the planets. But for itself sun shines the brightest. That is how powerful selflove is.

-I made it myself (lol)


"Are you going to join the football club?"

Nathan asks the chubby girl before him wearing her brother's jersey. Her short curly hair barely reaches her shoulder. Her oval shaped face is shining due to the layer of sweat on her face.

She smiles and nods enthusiastically. Her sport shoes are muddy as well as her hair. Looking at the bleachers she cheers for her brother as he makes a goal. The practice goes on for hours but the girl watches it keenly from the distance taking note of the players tricks and cheering loudly. Her eyes are trained on the ball dancing in the stadium non uniformly. Somebody taps her shoulder from behind. Turning around she finds a tall man of about 6'5 towering over her. She shuffles backward. The coach ofcourse.

"Are you bunking your class?" He asks her giving her an intimidating look. She looks around to see the bleachers empty now.

"No I was just leaving sir..." She turns around and runs towards the school building.

Reaching her classroom she catches a glimpse of Miss Kirk standing outside the class room. Taking in a deep breath she sneaks inside the classroom and takes her seat.


Lily had only one goal in her life. To be a gold medalist. Her father a national level player always shared his techniques with her.

Today is a big day for her, because it's the club forming day. Students are forming five different queues talking excitedly with their friends. She finds Nathan waving at her from the queue. She joins the line and they chat till their chance comes.

Entering the sports room she finds a really cute guy sitting in the chair writing down in a register. She clears her throat to get his attention. He looks up from the register and makes eye contact with her. His eyes are gorgeous brown.

"Yes?" He asks her in a deep voice.

"Can I get the form for the soccer club", He frowns a little looking at her small physique.

"The cheerleading club is in the next room"

"But I want to join the soccer club" He bites his lip to control himself from laughing and looks at the other girl sitting beside her. Lily narrows her eyes.

"Are you serious?" He asks her. She gives him a glare which shuts down his laughter.

"To be honest the competition is a little high this year why don't you join the drama club" He says waving her off.

"But..." The next student comes in and she is shooed away. Angry and disappointed she leaves the room.


Hey lovelies! First of all thanks for stumbling in this story. I hope you like the Prologue. And as this is the first ever story I am writing in my life, you are welcome to be critical on it. I know there will be errors and a lot of glitches here and there. Your reviews will be highly appreciated.

The updates will be per month.
