
you love me too

Tao Jingan has always believed that doing the right thing is more important than doing the good thing. Then she met Shen Xihuai. She had three impressions of Shen Xihuai: good grades, rich family, and a good match for her girlfriend. One day, this old classmate asked her if she wanted to marry him. Tao Jing'an thought, screw it, she thought in her heart that this is not right, as to whether it is good or not, only after marriage will we know. After the wedding she realized that she had been cheated and that he had been in love with her all along.

lemon31 · Ciudad
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20 Chs

Chapter 9

As the car drove all the way back to Berkeley from Napa Valley, Jingan was woken up by a classmate next to her and heard the person in front of her ask, "Jingan, are you going?"



Jing'an immediately woke up, and before she knew it, she replied, " Yes."

  Shen Xihuai attended the Stanford Business School belongs to Top2, Harvard Business School is intended to train middle and senior management of large enterprises, while Stanford is the delivery source of entrepreneurs, it teaches students how to commercialize ideas, how to make products and markets, how to deal with human relations ...

  Stanford Business School has two courses that are most popular, one PathtoPower, which advocates Machiavellianism and doing whatever it takes to achieve its goals, and one TouchyFeely, whose values are almost antithetical to it.

  TouchyFeely is called "interpersonal dynamics," as if Newton's laws are intended to explain the laws of interaction between objects, it tries to study human "feelings" and explain the laws of interaction between people, and is also jokingly referred to as It is also jokingly called the "Public Expression of Emotions" class.

  The students who went to the class were the guinea pigs for the class.

  That day Shen Xihuai drove to Berkeley to pick them up. It had been a while since we had seen each other, and Jing An happened to be left in the passenger seat, so it was more or less awkward. The good thing is that she doesn't get enough sleep every day, so she got in the car and passed out with her head tilted.

  Later, her phone rang, and it was Zheng Muxiao urging her to turn in her programming homework, which she had planned to check over, but now she sent it directly.

  When the car stopped at the intersection, Shen Xihuai suddenly said, "From Berkeley to Stanford, you have to go through 48 traffic lights."

  Jing An was a little surprised, "You counted them?"

  "Well, taking the Hesperian will be closer, but the number of traffic lights has more than doubled, more than a hundred, and it will take longer."

  Before Jing An climbed along the BigC, she would listen to music while counting the squirrels she encountered, while Shen Xihuai actually used counting traffic lights to pass the time.

  Jing An laughed, "So you're walking the Hesperian now because you want most traffic lights?"

  "Yes, this road is less traveled, verify it."

  The red light still has half a minute, Shen Xihuai himself chose this road, at this time looking but not too impatient, he looked to Jing An, "Your phone does not seem to have seen much."

  Jing An's daily life is mostly filled with music, she is a Marshall enthusiast, not long ago the horse spoon out of its first cell phone - LondonPhone, Jing An can not resist the temptation of "equipped with two headphone jack", spend 499 The LondonPhone is not only a good choice, but it is also a good choice. The LondonPhone is more of a playback device than a phone. Jing'an saw netizens on domestic websites calling it "foreign junk" and wanted to praise it.

  Shen Xihuai's uncle's family is a cell phone maker, Jing An did not want to make a fool of himself and handed him the phone directly, saying only: "The horse spoon is out."

  Shen Xihuai studied the body design back and forth, looking back at the screen did not mess with the point.

  "Is it good?"

  "Can only listen to songs, the other is not very good."

  Jing An took back the phone, the screen Zheng Muxiao just sent a second message.

  "Great, progress, when I come back to give you out more difficult."

  Zheng Muxia will soon represent the school to participate in the international programming competition, have to go for a few days, before leaving to give Jing An the time to mark homework. He was overly strict with people and himself in his studies and hardly ever praised people, so Jing An couldn't help but laugh out loud when she looked at the first two sentences.

  However, the opposite side soon sent another part that needs to be improved, Jingan carefully check, and wait to look up again, the car has entered Stanford.

  The students who came to TouchyFeely in name filled the classroom, Jingan was assigned to the unfamiliar T-Group, and there were two Facilitators in charge of advancing in ten people, and Jingan was one of them.

  I heard before coming that many students cried in this class, Jing An was not 100% committed at first, freeing up a little energy to observe the people around. Cheng Yan is always smiling, a look like a fish in water, while the usual dashing and suave Shen Xihuai is topped with an expressionless face, some gloomy, Jing An always feel that he will slam the door and leave the next moment.

  She took out her phone to send him a message, "Did something happen?"

  This is the first time Jing An took the initiative to chat with him privately, in the past it was Shen Xihuai who came to her to confirm whether there was time to eat together, or to inform the time and place of dinner. The two were not familiar with each other, but Shen Xihuai was very considerate to anyone. gōΠb.ōγg

  He returned: "My stomach is not too comfortable."

  Jing An immediately looked over, Shen Xihuai happened to also look at her, his face slightly eased, but his mood was obviously still affected.

  "Can you hold up?"


  Jing An looked a few more times until Shen Xihuai smiled lightly at her, then she put her mind down a little and immersed herself in the group training.

  As TouchyFeely literally shows, group training is a process of sensing one's own emotions and sensing feedback from others. Each person is constantly inputting and outputting, and as the cycle continues, they can learn and summarize the rules of human interaction, gain a deeper understanding of other people's thoughts, and break through the limitations of their own perceptions. Many students have benefited from this course and even changed their outlook as a result.

  A few years later Jingan read about Shen Xihuai in the news and guessed that he probably got an A+ in this course, otherwise he couldn't have handled interpersonal relationships so well, even if he himself didn't show his emotions much.

  After the course ended that day, Jing An first approached Shen Xihuai to confirm.

  "Is it because of drinking that glass of juice?"

  Shen Xihuai style gentleman, out and about is happy to pay out their wallets, Jing An came out less, was invited to treat not many times, but still feel sorry for each person to buy a drink before coming to class.

  "No, I ate too spicy yesterday."

  Shen Xihuai's face had returned to normal and he looked at ease when communicating with people, Jing An observed for a while and temporarily put her mind at ease.

  But she soon realized another problem.

  Probably looking too often and too carefully, she noticed that Shen Xihuai had good skin and white teeth, and unconsciously began to imagine him brushing his teeth and washing his face, which should be the same as when he was watching people talk, serious and focused.

  His smile occasionally reaches the bottom of his eyes, and sometimes just a slight tug at the corners of his mouth, which makes him look both good and evil, clearly treating people sincerely, but it is difficult to guess.

  Jing An was so absorbed in looking at it that when Shen Xihuai looked over again, her heart skipped a beat.

  She hurriedly averted her eyes, lowered her head into a piece of sushi, and just chewed twice, her brow wrinkled slightly. The sushi had foie gras that she couldn't eat, and it took a few sips of iced drinks to ease it a bit.

  Next to Cheng Yan asked about the time of Shen Xihuai's next course, planning to come back, others have also responded. And some people ask questions, to Shen Xihuai to their professional book list, he said back later to organize and send the group.

  The first thing you need to do is to go back to Shen Xihuai, and Jing An took the initiative to switch to Cheng Yan's car. However, after a while, Shen Xihuai also sat over, someone longing for his Rolls-Royce, a time is not enough, but also want to drive a second time.

  He said that the person's driving skills are not good, over to save his life, but Jingan felt very deadly. When she came to the open top, she could not yet feel it, but now that the surrounding area is closed, it is easy to smell the perfume on Shen Xihuai.

  She originally avoided him on purpose, and now sitting next to each other, Jing An is even more uncomfortable.

  A girl in the front row also took Shen Xihuai's car, and then turned around and asked him, "Which album did you just put in your car?"

  Shen Xihuai obviously did not listen carefully because of driving, Jing An saw him trying to remember, answered for him: "The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper."

  The girl was busy nodding, "That's it! I can't remember the name all the time."

  Jing An smiled back, she noticed Shen Xihuai's gaze to her left, sideways to move her eyes out of the window, but the fresh aroma followed, she was like a glass of lemonade, even the nerve endings also followed the sour, mixed with a bit of sharp sweet, this sensory impact makes Jing An always carry a heart.

  She tried to calm herself down and listened carefully to the lyrics. She often listened to the Beatles in high school, using a Sony A800, her mother bought the U.S. version of the parallel machine, the Beatles' music is self-contained, Jing An is not the most like them, but when the broadcast will not cut off. Pepper, she also prefers RubberSoul compared to Sgt.

  Shen Xihuai should like whoever, this band's configuration belongs to the top, with the first bass and second drummer, Shen Xihuai has a T-shirt with their graffiti on it, like they painted it on themselves.

  Jing An turned back to look at Shen Xihuai's hand, the right index fingertips have a thin layer of calluses, should be the result of practicing the piano. Jing An imagines the roughness of the touch when she touches it, rubbing it probably will be a little hard.

  The nails are long and round, full and neatly trimmed, making the hand look longer and longer, so I wonder what it would feel like to hold it.

  She was so distracted that she subconsciously looked back at his face, and then bumped into his line of sight.

  Shen Xihuai is also looking at her.

  Caught red-handed, Jing An felt her heart about to jump out.

  She was used to looking at people talking and liked it when people looked at her while talking to her, it made her think she was being respected, but at this moment, she wished Shen Xihuai wasn't looking at her so intently.

  "What's wrong?" He sounded damn good too.

  Jing An inwardly screamed, but her face was unruffled, she calmly asked, "Does your stomach still hurt?"

  He didn't care, "It's a minor problem, how did you listen to the class today?"

  Jing An said honestly: "Very interesting, the name is true."

  But she won't come back for more.

  "There is time to come back to listen, GSB in the soft skills courses are quite interesting, basically talking about interpersonal communication, for different social roles will have different special courses."

  Jing An was a little hesitant, "For example?"

  "For example, business leaders, employees, workplace life or private life, each teacher will first lead us into that context and then explore the relationships. The teacher goes into great detail, like let's say you're HR for a company and now you have to lay off an employee, what are you going to do? What day of the week are you going to talk to the employee? In the morning or in the afternoon? All these details will be discussed."

  Two little people appeared in Jing'an's head, as if once she gave an indication, it meant not only that she was interested in the course, but that someone or something else was also attracting her to surrender.

  "It sounds interesting and practical."

  Shen Xihuai said, "If you're interested, I'll send you the class schedule."

  "That's fine." Jing An unconsciously responded.

  When she received the class schedule and the link in the evening, Jingan realized that Shen Xihuai was both practical and attentive, not just superficially polite and forgetful.

  The link was a list of books by many famous professors at GSB, and Jing An was interested in several of them and recorded them one by one in her notebook.

  She replied to Shen Xihuai: "Thank you, I will definitely go to listen to it when I have the chance."

  Jing'an felt that she was a contradiction, wanting to respect her own will as taught in the TouchyFeely course, but reality always made her inclined to the result orientation advocated by PathtoPower.

  When her family had an accident in high school, she wanted to transfer from Yenching High School because the tuition was so high that her family could hardly afford it. She was interested in liberal arts, but later changed her mind and went to a science class, thinking it would be more "lucrative". Then she switched from film and television to advertising because of monetary interests.

  Joan Didion said in The Year of Ideas: "Life changes quickly, life changes instantly. You sit down to dinner, and life as you know it ends."

Jing An did not go back to Stanford that semester, and the next time she saw Shen Xihuai was much later.