
Please Be Gentle, Baby Inside

The best friends sang a song dedicated to their lovely wives.

I never knew

What love could do

To a heart

That is surrendered

I found out the truth

When I met you

Now my heart

Is yours forever

You're the one I wanna dance with

For the rest of my life

You're the one I wanna hold

And never let go...

They sang a song by Brian Nhira titled Till Death Do us part. (please check the song out.)

After they finished singing the song. Their wives where wiping their tears. They were deeply moved by the lyrics of the song. Also both sang the song beautifully. They approached their husbands and hugged them. "When did you practiced that song?" Zhang Lei asked. "We practiced together for the first time yesterday." Wung Jun replied. "Aww you guys are really amazing. With that short period of time and the song was really wonderful too." Xiu Yeng said "We can't help but cry." she added while wiping her tears. "Love you are a cry baby." Wung Jun teased his wife which in return he received a playful punch on his chest. They all laughed.

Not far from the newly weds were another couple. Shen and Oliver were sitting just observing how happy the couples are. "What a loving site to see. I am so happy for them." Shen said. "Hmmm..." Oliver replied. "When are we leaving for our vacation?" He added. Shen told him that they will leave for the Maldives week after next. Shen did not know but Oliver was also preparing something for both of them. (Author's note: That is another story to tell.)

It was early in the morning when all of the guests and family left. Wung Jun and Xiu Yeng left as well they will be spending the night at a hotel since the next day they will be going to fly to the Bahamas for their honeymoon. Their parents together with Xiu Yeng's grandpa flew back to the city with them.

Zhang Lei and Li Jei's parents with Oliver and Shen flew back to the city as well. The helicopter came back for them. They bid farewell to their families. And the island was silent again. Only the waves could be heard. After Mr. Yan checked everything, he also retired for the night.

Only Zhang Lei and Li Jei were left in the mansion. They went inside after sending their family off. He carried her towards their room. Inside, there were red petals formed into a heart shape and many candles placed in each side of the room. It was a very romantic site. Li Jei placed her gently on the bed. "This is it my wife, there is no holding back." he whispered. Zhang Lei chuckled. "Yes my husband this is it."

Li Jei undo her dress while they started to kiss. Their kiss became more intense as they were both naked under the sheets. He explored her body and found her sensitive spot. She moaned and lifted her hips in sync with her husband's hand rhythm as he was caressing her there. It made her moans into cries and she was in her peak. "Please honey, come inside now." she said in between panting. Li Jei positioned himself on top of her, spread her legs apart. "I will be very gentle okey? Tell me if it hurts so much." She nodded. With that, he entered her. Clearing his way inside Li Jei slowly pushed forward which made Zhang Lei winced. "Please don't stop I am fine." He obeyed his wife and he pushed again this time deeper. Zhang Lei felt a bit of pain at first but it disappeared right away. She accomodated her husband and now they are fully one. He spilled his hot seeds inside her. They both get exhausted and catch their breaths. "That was really wonderful." Zhang Lei said. She was exhuasted. They cuddled and not long after sleep enveloped them.

The next day, Zhang Lei woke up when the sun was already shining so brightly. It was already ten in the morning. She was sore down there after rounds of lovemaking until dawn. Li Jei was still asleep beside her. She got up and went to the bathroom. She was washing her hair when someone entered the shower. It was her husband. "May I join you my wife?" with naughtiness on his face. "Hubby you are impossible. Can we take a break even just for hours I am sore down there." "I will just shower with you nothin else. hehehe ..." he laughed. "Urgh why did my innocent man turned into 100% naughty over night?" they laughed. They bathed each other however, Li Jei has something more in his mind. They made love in the shower which Zhang Lei was not able to resist. It gave him a great achievement in his part. He was able to conquer his wife in the shower. They dressed and went down stairs to prepare some food.

To their surprise there was already a feast on the table. "What?" Mr. Yan appeared "Zhang Lei and Li Jei I know that you will be hungry so I asked the cook to prepare something for you. Hope you enjoy your meal." Mr. Yan bowed and left right away. He does not want to disturbed the two honeymooners and witness their lovey-dovey. He could not take it since he is single.

They ate to their hearts content. They realized how famishing honeymoon could be. After they ate, they changed into their swimming attire and lay on the lounge chairs beside the pool. Li Jei applied some sunblock on her back. While she dozed off. Li Jei dived into the pool and made a couple of laps. He approached his wife and splashed some water on her playfully. Zhang Lei opened her eyes and saw her husband splashing more water on her. She got up dived into the pool to catch her husband and punish him. Li Jei was laughing and swam away from her. She came after him. They were playing cat and mouse in the pool. After a while she was able to catch him. She was trying to smack him. He suddenly lift her up from her waist. "Put me down." She shrieked but he kept her up high for a bit longer. When he lowered her down, they were face to face. She was very angry at him. Her protests where silenced. Her husband kissed her lovingly that it melted away her anger. She wrapped her arms around his neck and circled her legs on his hips. They deepened their kiss. Her naughty husband dipped both of them under the pool suddenly. They continued kissing under the pool. It was minutes before they got out for breath. This time Zhang Lei smacked his arm "Are you trying to kill me?" "Of course not wifey, I am trying to kill you with my love." She puffed her cheeks "So cheesy." They continued playing around the pool. Until they both got exhausted. They went to their room and rest for a while.

They decided to walk by the beach after dinner. It was a wonderful night, the stars are vividly shining on the sky. Cool gentle breeze swept their faces as they walked hand in hand. They were admiring the tranquile scenery that surrounds them.

They sat on the beach Li Jei hugged his wife in front of him. "Honey, this place is lovely. I could spend the rest of my life here with you." He kissed her temples and placed his head on her shoulder. "We can do that. When we are both retired we can stay here." "hmmm. By the way I have a surprise for you. Two days from now we will go on a cruise as my honeymoon gift for you" "Really honey?That is wonderful. I can't wait. Wherever we are as long as we are together I am happy." They made out on the beach but continued it inside their bedroom. They did it a couple of times more in between rest. They just couldn't get enough of each other.

Somewhere in the Bahamas.

The other couple Wung Jun and Xiu Yeng arrived at their destination and was led to their rented hut. Xiu Yeng was not feeling well. She was nauseated during their flight. It made Wung Jun worried. "Love are you sure your fine? You've sick the whole time we were travelling. I should have posponed this vacation if I have known this would happen to you." He was really worried about her condition. "Don't worry love I'll be fine after I take a rest." He let her sleep after they got settled in their room. While waiting for his wife to wake up he already made arrangements for their dinner later. She woke up invigorated. She put on her beach dress and came out to the living room where her husband was. She hugged him from the back. "Love I am all better." He turned around and hugged her. "I'm glad. So where do you want to go before dinner?"

"Hmmm let's just stay close to our hut. I just want to look around our area and back to the front building to look at some souviners." "Okey, that's a good idea since I already booked us dinner inside their restaurant." They walked around the place and enjoy the sunset. They went inside the souvenir shop and Xiu Yeng bought something for her bestfriend and parents. She also bought souvenir t- shirts for both of them. It was just in time for their dinner when she finished buying stuff for everyone. They went inside the restaurant. They were led to a table favcing the sea. The moon was shining brightly and its reflection on the water was breathtaking. "Oh love this is the perfect place to eat." Xiu Yeng was crying as she said this. Wung Jun was concerned why she was crying. "What's wrong love?" "I don't know love, I just feel like crying over this wonderful scenery. Don't mind me okey? heheh" she was laughing to herself. She knew what was going on with her. She is pregnant. She will reveal it to him at the perfect time. So she has to make excuses about her behaviour.

Xiu Yeng was observing herself lately and she does not feel right. She wants to sleep all the time. She easily cries without any reason at all. She feels tired all the time and most importantly she gets nauseous right away if she smells their perfume products. She consulted their family doctor. He did some test including pregancy test. She was nervous while waiting for the doctor's explaination. She was worried that she might have a serious condition. The doctor arrived and was smiling. "Ms. Xiu everything is perfectly fine with you. You are just pregnant. Congratulations. I suggest that you go and see an OB doctor. I can recommend one for you. Here, this is her clinic. Let my secretary call her office to set an appointment for you." "I'm pregnant?" she asked happily. "Yes, all you have to do is to eat healthy foods and get some more rest. Talk to your OB doctor and she will explain further about what you need to do."

She went to the OB doctor. She underwent some more tests and had an unltrasound done. She saw the tiny little bud inside her and she heard the heartbeat. Upon hearing the heartbeat of the miracle inside her she could not contain herself from crying. She left the clinic with the first picture of their baby in her hand. She planned on telling her husband during their honeymoon. 'It would be a perfect gift for him.' She thought. Nobody knew her condition except her bestfriend. She called her right away and told her the good news but told her to keep it a secret first. Zhang Lei was excited for her. "Oh my gosh I will be a godmother soon." "Yes but don't tell anyone even Li Jei okey?"

They enjoyed their dinner. Xiu Yeng was eating a lot. She craved for sea foods and ate a lot. Wung Jun was surprised by her appetite right now. "Is the food really taste good love, you had three helpings already. Just take it easy we have the whole night to eat here." He said teasingly. "Hey you, stop teasing me, I just want to eat okey. I love seafoods. I don't want them to put to waste as well." She continued eating. Wung Jun offered her some wine but she refused she preferred to drink a fruit juice. This made him more suspicious about her. But he put those worries behind because he saw that his wife is having a great time.

Xiu Yeng was so full that she wants to throw up again. They hurriedly went back to their hut. She went directly to the bathroom and puked. Her husband was so worried again but she said that it was because she was so full. "Love next time please just eat what you can take in. I am really worried about you." Wung Jun feels helpless of what is happening to her. She is really acting strange.

After she freshened up and felt better she found for her husband who is lying on the hammock outside their hut. She joined him. He hugged her while they were gently swaying. "Love please don't do that again, I was so worried. I feel so helpless looking at you in that state." "Okey love. I will try not to make you worry again."

He caressed her arms as they listened to the waves slapping on the beach. "Love, we should get inside, its getting cooler her." Xiu Yeng said.

They went to their bedroom. They continued to cuddle on the bed. Xiu Yeng faced her husband. Started to plant kisses on his face and lips. He smiled with what his wife is doing. "Are you sure you are okey if we do it love?" He asked. "Absolutely, love." He positioned himself on top of her. Kissed her deeply and starting to remove their clothes. When he was going to pounce on her. "Love be gentle, there is a baby inside." He did not grasp her words right away. "What?" "I said be gentle.." "You're pregnant?!" He was so happy and excited. "Am I going to become a dad?" He hugged her and they roll over the bed. "This is the best gift I received ever. Thank you love. That explains everything. Your puking and nausea. and the crying... hmmm?" "Hehehe yes love. I learned about it before our wedding and I wanted to surprise you. Here let me show you our baby's picture." She went to get the ultrasound picture of their little bun. "See that is our baby. I am five weeks pregnant. When we get back you will come with me on my check up so that you could hear our baby's heartbeat." "Of course I will be with you all the time. From now on I will be very careful. No more lovemaking for now. I don't want to hurt our baby." He just hugged her kissed her temple. "Love the doctor said that it is okey to have sex even if I am pregnant we just have to be gentle" "No no no... that would not do. I will endure not making love to you than to hurt our little bun." Xiu Yeng chuckled, "If you say so love." They were quiet for some time then Wung Jun said, "Did the doctor really said that it is safe?" "Yes that was she said silly." "Okey we might do it from time to time love, I realized I might not be able to endure it for that long." They both laughed. "Alright love we will do that." Xiu Yeng was amused by her husband's innoncence and sillyness.

He touched her belly gently. "Hello their little one this is the voice of you daddy. Don't be scared I will protect you and your mom. I love you both so much." She cried with his words. "Oh love you are crying again." "That was so sweet what you just said. It made me cry again." He wiped her tears. He comforted her and said, "It's just your hormones love. Calm down now. Get some sleep".