
1 Psychotic and obsessed

It's nice and quiet at night. The peace of it surrounds me like a warm blanket. You know, like the ones with sheep wool on the inside. Well, most likely not sheep wool, possibly another artificial material.

The street below me is flooded with lights in the night. Lamps, stop lights, and cars all blended together below. The river of luminescence overtook my mind for a second but, I suddenly remembered that I'm in no position for self-indulgence. I am a bad person. The rooftop I'm standing on high up. The black metallic bar I'm holding onto is cold, and sucks the heat out of me. Conduction.

I lace my hands and intertwine my fingers. Stretching, I glance over to the right and slightly toward the street walk below. My eyes lock onto a particular window. It's not like this is a peculiar sight, many windows in the city shine at night. It's Just more light to add to the melting pot.

I feel slightly nervous. And I know why, there's someone beyond that window. Personally, that barrier of a window would be better off non-existent. The things I'd do to be far past that window. Inside the small room. With the boy with a big heart but a small soul. That innocent boy has no roar or spirit. He reminds me of a lost puppy. Cute, but also depressing in a way. He gives off an aura of yearning for happiness yet, he has no way to obtain it.

"Ah," a shudder of excitement ran through me. My legs shook, and I ran my hand down my inner thigh. "Ohh, I can't wait." I said aloud. I pressed my thighs together. I pressed my other hand to my mouth. I slowly ran my fingers down my neck and down to my chest. I grabbed the sweater I was wearing tightly. This was a feeling I couldn't never let go. I'd never let this feeling leave me.

"Don't worry Zakkun," I half mumbled. "I'm coming to save you."