
Chapter 15

Their day started with tensions after the change of plans caused by Jay and Kevin's undercover operation. However, things got worse immediately as two agents walked upstairs and over to Al's desk without explanation. 

"What the hell do you want?" Voight asks, and they just pass him by. Everyone looks at each other. 

"Bad news, Al. The grand jury voted to indict" the man says. 

"You're under arrest for the murder of Kevin Bingham. Stand up," the woman tells him. 

"We're going to need your weapon and badge," the man tells him, and the woman pulls out some handcuffs, 

"What? Are you kidding me? Handcuffs? He's got 30 years on the job," Voight tells them, but they once again don't seem bothered. 

"Weapon and badge. Now," 

"Slowly" Alvin does as he is told and places his gun and badge on his desk. Emma looks at Jay. Their eyes are full of concern. The woman handcuffs Alvin's hands behind his back, and the two agents let him out of the bullpen. 

"I've got this," Alvin tells Voight, and before they know it, he is gone. 

This week was going to be the worst one ever.

"Any update, Sarge?" Kim asks Voight as he returns from his meeting with Alvin. 

"Yep. The bond hearing's in two days. Al will be released then" he replies confidently. A certainty, that Antonio doesn't have. 

"I don't know about that," Antonio says. 

"Well, I do. I said, he'll be released then. Any more questions? Now's the time" he addresses everyone, but no one speaks. 

"Listen, I'm not going to lie. It has been a tough day. But we still have jobs to do, right? The world continues to turn. So, who's got an update at this M4s?" Voight asks again, referring to the undercover operation. 

"I just talked to Halstead. He confirmed Dexter did not have the guns in his possession. The guns were supposed to be dropped off yesterday, but his connection in Indiana got hung up. They will be dropped off today" Emma replies. 

"Okay. Do we know who his connection is?" Burgess asks. 

"Not at this point"

"All right, Atwater, these bangers you're hanging with, do they trust you?" Voight asks Kevin. 

"Yeah, Shabazz does. I saved his life" 

"Well, I was the guy holding the gun threatening him" Adam reveals. 

"How about we get this deal back on track" Voight suggests. 

"Okay, well, the answer to this dude, named Wes. Wes calls all the shots, and his boys just got punked by some white dudes, so he's hot as hell, but I got it" Kevin says.

"Emma, Hi kiddo. Is everything okay?" Herrmann's voice can be heard on the other side of the line. 

"Yes, it's all good. I just wanted to hear from you. If you can't really talk, I can hang up, it's okay," Emma replies with obvious nervousness. 

The truth is, nothing was right. Today was quite a difficult day. Their case was getting more and more twisted, and as if that wasn't enough, Alvin was alone in a cell and no one could help him. For a moment she thought about calling Jay but something inside her stopped her quickly. 

"No, don't worry. I just walked home. So how was your day?" he asks her, and Emma takes a deep breath. 

"The truth is, I don't feel like talking about my day, Chris. Can you tell me about yours?" she tells him somewhat shyly. Christopher immediately understands the young woman's need to forget and starts talking about the incidents they responded to today.

The afternoon of Alvin's bond hearing, the entire team was in the courtroom, waiting for developments. The fact that they had managed to solve the case had not removed in the slightest the tension they felt. All their anxiety came from Al's case. 

"State of Illinois vs. Alvin Olinsky. Murder in the second-degree. Case #542234," judge Maddox says. For a moment, Emma hoped Jay would sit next to her and not in front of her. She couldn't explain why, but something inside her calmed down whenever she saw him. 

"Mr. Osha?" 

"Your Honor, given the serious nature of the charge, and the fact that the defendant was a veteran police officer with unique knowledge of the criminal justice system, as well as having access to confidential informants and members of organized crime syndicates, we believe he poses a significant flight risk, and as such as, we would request that no bail be set and that the defendant be remanded to Cook country jail until trial," Mr. Osha says. 

"Mr. Manetti?" judge Maddox questions. 

"Your Honor, the state's request is both preposterous and punitive. This case is built on sand. The only evidence connecting Alvin Olinsky to the homicide victim is a single strand of hair and the testimony of a drug-addled witness. As such to hold Mr. Olinsky in prison to leverage some sort of plea bargain is unconscionable. Moreover, Mr. Olinsky's put his life on the line for the people of this city for over 30 years" Mr. Manetti says, but gets interrupted. 

"Mr. Manetti, this is a bond hearing, not a closing argument. The defendant is remanded into custody of the Cook Country Jail, pending trial. Next case" Judge Maddox says and pounds her gavel on the wooden surface in front of her.

"I just can't believe it," Jay admits to Emma back in the district. 

Everyone is shocked at the news and can't accept that their friend is in jail. Before she can answer him, their attention falls to Voight, who has just returned. Questions fall like rain. 

"All right, so what's the net step, Sarge?" Jay asks. 

"Did you talk to Al or his lawyer?" Antonio asks. Voight, however, doesn't answer and continues walking to his office, until Antonio can't take it anymore. 

"Hey! I asked you a question" Antonio raises his voice and everyone waits for Voight's reaction. 

"Al's going to be out of there soon. Real soon" he tells them, though they are not sure if he's trying to convince them or himself. 

"What's that mean?" Antonio asks again. 

"It means I'm taking care of it, but I can't get into the details," 

"Why not?" 

"Antonio," Emma says to get him to stop talking, which doesn't work. 

 "I appreciate your concern, but you gotta back off now" Voight warns him. 

"I want to know what I need to do to help Al, and all I'm hearing from you is nothing" 

"Because you don't know what you're talking about!" Voight shouts and suddenly pushes Antonio, catching everyone off guard. Everyone, except Emma, is running to separate them as they suspect the outcome of this conversation. 

"Really? Everyone knows..." Antonio shouts and before he can complete his sentence Voight's voice is heard louder. 

"Watch yourself" he shouts while struggles to escape Halstead's grip. 

"Enough" Kim's voice finally sounds louder than everyone else and the two men stop. Voight eventually goes to his office, slamming the door behind him.

Only then does Jay turn to look at his partner who stands a little further away. He slowly goes towards her and after making sure the others don't notice her, he talks to her. 

"Emms, are you all right?" 

"Can we get out of here? Please?" she says so slowly that Jay is sure that if he didn't stand near her, he wouldn't be able to hear her. 

"Of course. Come on. I'll take you home," he tells her, and they leave.