

Hebron raised his hand towards yeon soo. He drew her from the car. Since it was dark, he couldn't see her face clearly. Suddenly a flash light from a car brightened the place. Hebron identified yeon soo. "Is she the one who was harsh to me? ah...its really her." A crew of policemen arrived to that spot. Hebron flew away with his large and beautiful wings. Yeon soo was admitted at the hospital.

Hebron stood in front of angel Lucas inside a cathedral. Lucas eyes was filled with anger starring at him. Hebron was certain about his punishment. Suddenly words came from Lucas mouth like gunshots towards him. "Hebron have you gone mad? How many times I've warned you? How can you be so irresponsible? Do you know what will be the punishment for your mistake? You will be turned into dust." Hebron apologized to Lucas. "I am really sorry senior. I couldn't able to watch that woman dying. I couldn't control myself". Lucas opened a paper scroll and said "this is the order from God" and started reading it. "Angel Hebron, junior angel from the paradise had committed a grave sin by helping a woman dying. So, as the result of his sin he will be turned into dust. Angel Hebron knelt down keeping both his hands over his head. After few minutes he realized nothing had happened to him. He slowly raised his head towards angel Lucas. Lucas gave the paper scroll to Hebron to read the remaining order himself. "Since, angel lucas pleaded for Hebron by doing knell down prayer , he will be given a last mission for him to survive." Lucas took the scroll from him and said, "the last mission is to FIND A LOVE FOR A WOMAN" Hebron's eyes were filled with tears of happiness. He thankfully hugged Lucas. "thank you so much senior, you are so amazing. " removing Hebron's hands from his shoulders Lucas said, "remember this is the last chance for you to survive. If you fail to do it, no one will be able to help you." Hebron promised to do his best and stepped his one leg outside. Lucas shouted"but, the period for you to finish the mission is 100 days remember it." Hebron said "ok, I got it.." and went out. After crossing the street, he finally realized that he didn't get the address of the woman. He rushed to Lucas. Lucas starred at him from top to bottom. "now what?" Hebron slowly opened his mouth and asked for the address. Lucas gave the address to him. After Hebron left, Lucas worried himself how Hebron is going to finish his mission.

In the hospital,

Yeon soo was lying on the bed. Her eyes were tied with a cloth. Chairman na ni and yeon soo's mother were seated near her. Suddenly, yeon soo came to sense. She woke up from her bed. Na ni removed the cloth from her eyes. Now, yeon soo was able to see everything. Yeon soo was happy to regain her sight. She suddenly panicked and asked for Chang moo.

Na ni calmed her and revealed the truth to her that Mr. Chang moo is dead. Yeon cried loudly showing her grief and anger. She moved and throwed all the things near her...


Guys in the upcoming episodes you will be seeing some sweet romantic scenes. Enjoy the series and don't forget to vote. Good nyt..

Praisyjacinthcreators' thoughts