
Guess I could meet him again

He looked like a 23 year old lad and was probably six feet tall. He had blue eyes and pointed nose. He looked at her gently and asked,

Can we walk?

While both were walking in the rain, the boy asked yeon soo where she lives. Yeon soo replied that her house is located in this neighborhood. They reached her house while they were talking. Yeon soo asked him to come in but the man refused with a smile. She went inside and suddenly came out looking for him but he was already disappeared. Yeon soo felt sorry that she couldn't even thank him for his help.

Hae soo: yeon soo come inside or you'll get cold.

Yeon soo :yes mom.!

She went inside with a smile on her face.

(while returning home from ballet theater)

Na Ni : director lee, what about the sponsors from Seoul?

Director : yes, chairman. They asked you to held a meeting within this week.

NaNi: ok..... and what about the young lady who came to the ballet theater today? Have you talked to her mother?

Director : No chairman. I thought of taking to her tomorrow.

Na Ni: good... and don't forget to do it.

Director : yes chairman.

At yeon soo 's house

Hae soo: yeon soo, how did you come home without drenched?

Yeon soo : mom, a man walked me home with his umbrella.

Hae soo: ohh.. really! I need to thank him for his help.

Yeon soo : I too wanted to thank him but he disappeared before that.

Hae soo : ohh... I see.

After dinner yeon soo went to her room. She stood by the window gazing at the night view. She thought about the man who helped her and said "GUESS I COULD MEET HIM AGAIN".