

PORTUGUÊS Você é minha e ponto FINAL! grito Will. Will Scott, é um empresário de sucesso, cobiçado por todas as mulheres do mundo. Dono de uma beleza extravagante, deixa ele ainda mais ser desejado ele além de ter seus negócios e ainda um líder de um clube de gangster chamando "Pan demônio" ele nunca beijo uma mulher na vida, e nunca dorme com nenhuma ele apenas transar e pronto , nunca se apaixonou até agora... INGLÊS! You are mine and FINAL point! scream Will. Will Scott is a successful businessman, coveted by all women in the world. Owner of an extravagant beauty, lets him be even more desired beyond his business and even a gangster club leader calling "Pan demon" he never kisses a woman in his life, and never sleeps with any he just has sex and that's it, never fell in love until now...

Eduarda_Lima · Adolescente
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12 Chs

Chapter Six!

Melissa Lima!

-Actually I do, shall we? He said already standing up, I nodded my head then standing up he went ahead and I followed him.

We arrived outside, he asked where we were going, I said that just ahead there is a square and so we went, it was not a pleasant silence. I confess that I was impressed to see that I would go home, I thought I would be an old, fat, bearded man... But I was wrong because he was a "Greek God" green eyes, thin but at the same time hot, dark (only the hair ) because he's not as white as me.

We continued walking to the square, which wasn't very far, we passed a sidewalk full of cute boys, but apparently they weren't worth anything because of the way they started to play tricks.

-Hey, hot babe, how are you? One of them spoke and the other let out one of the kind.

-Is this dress strapless? How I wish it fell at home! Will my so called "Fiance" didn't do anything just kept walking and I pull myself closer to him as soon as I felt his touch I didn't just feel touch but a fire that started to rise. I decided to break that boring silence.

-Will how old are you? I asked him as I was tired of that silence.

-21. He replied.

-What company do you have? I asked again.

-Automobiles. I realized from the answer that he is not that kind!

-Do you live here in Brazil? To insist.

-Damn, you won't stop filling it? For so many questions you already know enough, dammit! He said rudely, I confess that it hurts me. We arrived at the square and sat down on a bench.

-Yeah, I just wanted to talk, sorry! I said embarrassed because he had responded rudely.

We sat there looking at each other, I noticed that he had tattoos on his arm because he had taken the toothpick and I'm just wearing a dress shirt, taking them a little bit. Then I could see the tattoos on his arm.

-Do you study? He asked broken the silence.

-Yea! I answered simple.

-Where? He's nosy.

- One that is in the city center, close to some businesses. He said making light of it.

-What is the time? He asked.

-Starts at 19:00 and runs until 22:40, later 23:40! I replied.

-Hum, go alone and come? My God, he knows everything.

-I go alone and sometimes I come with a friend, have you finished? It was my turn to ask the question.

-Look at me to see if I need to attend this college? Of course I don't and I don't need to because it's only well studied and successful! He said rudely, my God what's up with this boy back home it was all sweet in here it's all thick.

-No, do you have brothers? I asked, I just keep talking because that silence is boring. More sincerely arrogant dear, I already know that if we really get married my life will be a real endless roller coaster.

-Yes, two to say one! He replied simply.

-What do you mean it was two now it's one? I asked confused.

-It's just one. That I really love that brat despite being 20 years old and you are? He asked normal in a polite tone.

-Not only an only child, I think it must be nice to have a brother or a sister. I was imagining you little one had to have been a pest! I spoke and giggled.

-What did you say? He asked seriously!

-Nothing... I replied half embarrassed.

- But yes, I was a pest, I remember my mother told me that (on her wedding day I was in charge of taking the rings, but I took them and went under the priest's table and bit his shin, the priest exorcised me thinking I had some kind of "Demon"). The funniest thing she says is because I can't explain it very well. More and you? He said and I was forced to laugh.

-Well I just remember, that my mother said that I already tried to breastfeed my father! He laughed as if that was the best joke he had ever heard in his life, I had to laugh too.

We made small talk until the next question came to my mind "Why do you accept the house with me?" And so I did!

-Why do you accept to marry me? I asked

-I was the one who should be asking! he said simple

-Let's do it like this, you answer me and I answer the same question after you, okay? I told him and he quickly agreed!

-So come on, I just agreed to marry you for a simple reason I really needed a woman at home because it doesn't get cleaned up, and like every day I have to go out to dinner and the maid only goes twice a week. So it'll be better if I have a woman at home! He said ironically.

-In other words, you want me to become your maid, only disguised as a woman? I asked

-Basically, now answer why do I accept the house with me? Don't let me answer that one myself, you accept, marry me because Daddy's little girl can't go a day without doing her nail and hair, or she can't go a day without shopping. That's why I accept home with me to have luxury! He asked and answered in irony what made me half upset.

-No, I accepted for another reason! I said simple, because the only reason I accepted this marriage without reason was so that we could pay for my mother's treatment.

-Which one is? He asked raising an eyebrow.

-Nothing ever, it was a bad idea I'll tell my mother I'm sorry and try the other way! I said half sad and got up in order to leave but he stopped me holding my arm.

-Hey? Wait how sorry I am? he asked seriously.

-My mother has a Will disease and her treatment is a real fortune, most of the money from my father's company goes to her treatment, which is once a month, but she has to go to the hospital once a week for exams and take some medication... But don't worry, I'll tell her I'll find another way. I said half crestfallen, because I didn't want to argue it was cold I put my hands on my arms to see if the cold would lessen.

-No, we're going home... are you cold? He asked the post observes me

-A little bit! He said dismissively because he wanted to go home.

-Here! He said and handed me the toothpick he had taken minutes before.

-It is not necessary! Said.

-Dress it! He ordered.

-Thanks! I said smelling you that it's wonderful.

-You're welcome! He said.

A few minutes passed he called me to go home, when we are leaving the square I saw a man with some teddy bears selling in a small stall observation: (we went on the other side of the square) I saw a teddy bear that I fell in love with.

-How beautiful, you will be here in the morning because I have no money here? I spoke to you in hopes of him with tomorrow.

-No, I stay where there are more parishes and it's not giving much here! He said, what made me sad. Because I really wanted that teddy bear.

-I see, thank you good night! I said and gave a sheepish smile.

-Go ahead! Will said and so I was kind of sad, saw a stool and sat down to wait for him!