
You and Me. Just Us Together

artemis_18_Jade · Adolescente
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1 Chs

From the Start


Why would you do that Emmett why would you fucking do that?!" I asked him but he stayed silent.

"In all that 9 months that we were dating I gave you many chances. So fucking many I couldn't even count them." I said coldly. "Why would you do that Emmett?" I asked him.

I looked at him dead in the eyes. "I.. I.. d..don't know" he said and looked down at his lap. He was sitting down and I was standing in front of him with my hands formed into a fist.

"Am I not pretty enough?, Am I not skinny enough for you?, Am I not smart enough?, Am I not rich enough? Tell me Emmett was I just a release for you? Was I not giving you enough money? Was my love not enough for you that you go cheat on me with that whore?" He looked up at me with those pleading eyes. It's like his telling me to stop and just forget about it but no.

I'm not backing down now. I stayed silent for 9 months forgiving him and giving him chances after chances for all those time.

I'm just so tired of his shit.

"You were ignoring me for a less than two weeks" he reasons and I snap.

"My mother just died you fucking piece of shit. And all you could think at that time was to fuck me. I kicked you out because you were thinking with your dick. I needed someone at that time and the only thing in your mind was to fuck me." I shout at him.

"I'm done Emmett" I said and walked away but I was yanked back.

"Please Sera don't leave. I'm sorry okey" he says.

"Let me go Emmett or I will report to the police what you did" I threaten in my cold voice. He stiffens and let's me go.

I backed away from him and walked away never turning back. As I was walking I felt the weight on my shoulders finally gone.

I'm free! I'm fucking free!


"Sera" it's been 6 hours since me and Emmett broke up and I'm fucking enjoying every second of it.

"Sera" I could do everything I want without his permission. I could be myself again.


"Shit I'm sorry Chancelee" I apologize to my little brother who has been shouting my name for the passed minutes.

"Cursing is bad Sera" he scolded and I muffled my laugh.

"Sorry CJ" I said and picked him up. Okey that was a wrong idea cause his heavy as fuck. I placed him down again and grab his bag.

"So it's now 7:00 let's get going" I said and he rush towards my car.

His booster seat is now in the car so he just opens the door and buckles himself.

I entered and place his bag on the passengers seat. I start the car and made our journey to school.

Chancelee is four and a half and he started training for football when he was three. He trains with the football team at my school because I am scared that the other kids who trains at the field near our school would not accept him cause he was just three at that time. So I talked to the coach and he agreed because who would deny money.

"Ready to go CJ?"he nods excitedly and I drove off. The gates opens and I thanked Mr. Bronze our security. "Have a nice day you two" he says and I nod.

Fifteen minutes later we reached the school field and it's swarming with football players doing push ups and running laps.

"Good morning Coach Caze" I greet him.

"Morning Miss Rossi and hey there champ." CJ rushes to him and Coach lifts him up in the air. CJ laughs while I hold my breath cause what if coach doesn't catch him. But sure enough he catches him.

"Okey champ. Go to Kyle. Cause Ashton's not here yet." CJ nods and runs towards a 6'3 blonde haired guy.

"Here Coach" I hand him the envelope for his pay for the week. "You do know you can just sign him up at the other side right and not pay me cause this is illegal." He said and smiled. "Coach I don't trust the coach who teaches the others at other field and I talked to Principal Verson about paying you and he agreed" I explained.

It's been six months now since I signed CJ and it was going smoothly. He enjoys it and the team loves him.

"And besides I know you like CJ around." I tease and he laughs shaking his head.

"Yes I do" he agrees. "Okey boys let's play." He shouts before biding me bye.

I nod and went to the bleachers to sit.

I watch as CJ runs towards coach and stand beside him. He can't participate in this play cause yanoe his small. While caoch shout at them to do this and that CJ watches carefully on what there doing. When coach is not shouting at the players he teaches CJ on why they made a mistake or how they did that.

Half way through the game I felt my phone buzz. I checked who it was and Nathalia's face pop up my screen.

I pushed the green button and place it on my ear.

"Heya" I greet.

"Bitche where are you?" She screams and I had to pull away. Cause if not my ear drums will explode.

"Calm down Nat I'm at school remember CJ has practice." I explain.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that sorry" she apologies and I roll my eyes. She is like an old person always forgetting everything.

"What's up?" I asked.

"So my cousin you know little Kimberly." She says.

"Yeah the little brat that I had to babysit so you could go on a date. Yeah I didn't forget about her." I sass out. Sue me that kid is a monster.

"Yeah sorry bout that but past is past so we don't discuss it" I chuckle and let her continue.

"So it's her birthday today and they are celebrating at the beach cause that's what she wanted. And I forgot and the party is like gonna start at 3." Typical Nat always forgetting everything.

"It's just nearly 8 Nat. You can go at the mall and get a gift." I suggest.

"Ugh but I don't want to go alone." She whines.

"You have two older brothers and a little sister why can't you ask one of them." This girl makes me want to choke her but I love her so I have to deal with her without violence.

"I don't want them to accompany me I want you and little Chance." She whines and I know she's making making puppy eyes right now.

"Fine you can come to school and will go to the mall when CJ is done with practice" I said and she screams in excitement.

"Be there in like 15 minutes tops." I said goodbye and hang up the phone.

I was so caught up on Nat's and I's conversation that the game was one.

Now one of the players I think Hedrix is teaching CJ some skills.

I distracted myself by playing flappy bird on my phone. I know it's an old game but it's a great game to pass the time.

10 minutes past by and I was about to beat my score when Nat called again.

Ugh this bitch

I answered "Bitch I was about to top my previous score in flappy bird" I whine.

"Sorry. Now come pick me up cause I forgot my car is at the shop and my housemates are lazy." She says and I sigh.

"I don't know why I'm friends with you" I said and she gasp.

"Bitch we're not friends were cousins so deal with that" I laugh and hang up.

Yes Natalia is my third cousin. And when I transfered here at West High we clicked the first time we met before school started.

I shake my head at that memory and walked towards CJ and Hendrix.

When I reached them I ruffle his sweaty hair. "Sera stop that" he whines trying to push my arm away. I laugh and kneel down to his level.

"So I have to pick up Nat but don't worry will be back in 20 minutes top" I explained. "Oh okey" he says a little sad and looked down.

I frown at his actions and lift his head up.

"Don't worry bud the boys and coach will be take care of you and it'll be so muche fun. And before you know it I'm back." I cheered him up and he smiles.

"Okey" he says happily.

"Don't worry champ we're here to show you our skills" Hendrix says helping me out.

"Oh can you teach me how you bumped Kyle like you did when you were playing. That was so cool." He gush and both Hendrix and I laugh.

"Sure" he picks him up and they walked to the other side of the field.

I fished out my keys and walked towards the parking lot.

Once I entered my car I quickly turned it on and drive to Nat's house