
YOU( An Psychic)

only for people who watched You....Gonna give some modifications to it Hope you enjoy it

Hectar7901_legion · TV
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21 Chs

chapter 9

5 days has been gone Joe is sitting inside his study room and keep frowning.

Joe." So it happened the plot Is irreversible no matter how much I loved her she still want to be a slut isnt....huh and here I thought that I managed to changed her."

He saw the video where Dr.Nicky is fucking Beck, he didn't stop it since she let it happened to her he just let the guards come back and let every guard withdraw from paying attention to her.

At night Beck come back sweating all over she was little worried to see that no one is waiting for her outside Dr.Nickys house so she took a taxi but the guards outside didn't allowed the taxi to come inside so she walked all over to the Door.

She rings the bell and Andrew didn't greet her as he do usually, she asks." Andrew what happened why Joe is not answering my calls and where is he.?"

Andrew looked at her and said." Miss mater is upstairs In his libary he asks me to tell you this..."

Beck got upstairs before she opened the library room door and saw Joe reading a Book.

Beck." Joe why are you not answering my calls and what happened to julie and others. "

Joe." Beth did you realized that you have everything a woman can asks....yet you disappointed me."

Beck got little nervous." What are you saying joe you know i love u right...."

Joe chuckled and switched on the Wall Screen before Beck asked what is he doing she saw herself getting fucked by Dr.Nicky she got terrified and tears rolled down.

Joe looked at her." It's over between us dont worry I am not gonna interfere with your work in anyway I know a good apartment near your school which can be rented out...I am not asking you anything back you can pack your things and I will let someone deliver in to your apartment. "

Beck felt like her whole world is shuttered into pieces by those world she ran towards the bedroom and lay down crying.

Neither of Them talked that night.Next morning Beck didn't move but waited for him to come she saw joe walking in." Okay I will leave but before I go tell me why you always have the dream about Candace aren't you cheating on me too then what's wrong with me.?"

Joe looked at her and then sat down in the sofa before looking at her again." Candace is my Ex and she cheated on me after we broke up she moved to Italy I guess you already tried to find her through Social media but here you can look at it...."

He searched something in his phone before giving it to her, beth watched the photos she started to blaming herself.She put the phone down and walked towards him and lowered her head and looked into his eyes.

Beck." I know I am being unreasonable but hear me once before I met you I didn't know what to do with my life when my life going down and when I was broke enough you came into my life I know its sounds cliche but I only love you Joe Goldberg I can do anything for you, I am sorry for today it's because I was depressed about Peach and ignored you these days."

Joe." So what do you expect me to say let's live happily again or what Beth you know I am not a person who take things In a light manner I don't give a shit right now you can do whatever you want."

Joe broke free from her and walked towards the door.

Beck." Give a chance...I never loved anyone like the way I love u Joe dont I deserve a single chance..."

Beck started crying while he also have some tears on his eyes he dont know is this because of old memories of Joe or himself.

He controlled himself before looking at her." Go on you can live in the apartment I owned i will give you 3 months end our relationship officially."

Beck looks at him." Thank you I will prove myself this time that I am worthy of your love and trust."

Joe walked out and saw Andrew standing there."Go let Juliet and others take care of her and continue their job again."

Andrew bowed a little." Yes master that will be done."

Joe." Abd also let the chef cook some pasta for her...."

Andrew." Yes master. "