
YOU( An Psychic)

only for people who watched You....Gonna give some modifications to it Hope you enjoy it

Hectar7901_legion · TV
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21 Chs

Chapter 15

Joe."How may I help you Ms.Rhodes.?"

Emily."Sir I saw your planning of building the amusement park and I admire it what are you doing for the American People, but your management has many flaws in it."

Joe."Oh do tell me my flaws...."

Emily got little startled."Sorry sir I didn't mean to be rude I was just stating..."

Joe smiled. "Ms.Rhodes I am not angry or anything like that in fact I like to hear your opinion on this project."

Emily sign in relief before starting talking with Joe about the management processes by the time they finished discussion its already evening.

Emily saw its time."Sir I will take my leave now..."

Joe smiled at her."Okay but before you go I want hire you as a assistant."

Emily got shocked for a second. "Sir I am not good for this role...and I am behalf of my boss Real estate company."

Joe." If you are worrying about the salary then don't worry I will give you $500000 dollars per year and you can leave the job whenever you want."

This time she got tangled because her salary is only about $80000 dollars per year though it is good but the salary in front of her is much better.

Emily."Sir can you give me some time to think.?"

Joe."Okay you have 2 days to think and don't worry I will talk to your boss if you want to Quit."

Emily." Thank you sir."

Joe nodded and let her leave, he walked out of the room and got into his secret, he walked towards the glass chamber and saw a girl sitting in a corner.

Joe." So candace how are you doing.?"

[2 days ago]

Candace is walking on a street with an absent mind, she saw Joe in a interview where he was talking to a reporter.

She found out that he have several shops all over US called Starbucks she was shocked to find that because she usually buys coffee from their.

Now she suddenly came to realize she can't do anything to him but how can she accept it, she took a decision last night she is gonna collect proof and use them to blackmail him.

Suddenly a black Mercedes van stopped in front of her and a pair of hand grabbed her tugged her inside the Van, since it is night time and the street is pretty much quiet no one noticed anything except for the cameras that were Fixed on walls.

[Present time]

He didn't let her eat anything except water, he placed a $500000 dollar bounty on her head and within a month he got her.

Joe."So Candace how would like to die???By being vaporized?By getting your all body parts apart? or by slow and painful poisoning.?"

Candace is scared, she is crying for two days due to electrolysis she is receiving from him.

Candace."Please let me go, I won't tell anyone about you I promise okayy, I will leave the country and never appear in front of you again."

Joe looked at her with an injection in his hand."Candace you know you are a real bitch now since you won't choose let me choose it for you, I will inject the most painful poison in the world inside you then throw you into a thermal plant where you will be melted completely leaving nothing but only blood."

Joe walked inside of the cell Candace tried to avoid or even attack him but eventually he injected the poison inside her.

5 minutes later loud screams can be heard in the whole basement as Joe ordered his man to move Candace into a thermal power plant and keep a 24 hours observation until she dies.