
Ladies Luncheon Cafe

At Cafe Amore, the ladies were in a booth chatting amongst themselves.

Cafe Anore is a beautiful garden cafe in downtown Orlando. It's the only building on a small block with pink, blue and purple Rose's standing outside the entrance on both sides of the golden framed glass door with a gold handle. Inside was filled with many different flowers on each of the ten tables and ten booths, giving the scent of a garden when you walk in. On the roof was a garden set up with five additional tables. Anyone could go up there to get fresh air or to enjoy the flowers that were displayed. The owner loved Lilies, Tulips and Hydrangeas. It was beautiful.

Back to the women, shall we?!

They have ordered their food and were eating while they chatted.

"I heard you ran into Inu. She didn't say anything upsetting did she?" Mrs. Kim asked

"We exchanged belittling words and insults and evil eyes, but why did you guys hire that person?" Amari asked with clenched teeth o. the latter.

"That is not my place of business. I can't tell my husband who he should and shouldn't hire. I know that she has a crush on Dontae as she have for years. All I can do is talk to her and speak to her mother about her behavior."

"Ugh" Amari sighed " I won't attack unless I'm attacked. Luckily today she stood on her side of the line as did I, but won't make any promises once she decides to cross into my space again. Which I feel she's creeping into little by little. " She continued.

" Why are you bothered by her?" her mother asked. "You are a doctor, a Valdespee, my child. Don't be pulled into foolishness again. You are better than that. Act like you have the good sense God gave you cause if you don't, then I'm the one to pull you back and boo you upside your head." She continued.

"That's right. Let's talk about something more positive like the wedding!" Said Symone.

"No, the bachelorette party!" Marie chimed in "We got so many things planned!" she continued with an evil grin while folding her hands.

"Like what?" Mrs. Kim asked curiously.

" We can't tell you, it's a secret." Stmone laughed.

" Please don't go overboard. I'm my mommy's precious baby. I need to return home the same as I left." Amarie said with a soft, small voice. They all began to laugh.

" Precious baby! Please get started on that after the wedding. I want a basketball team of grandbabies!" said Mrs. Kim.

" Ah, that does sound nice. The pitter-patter of little feet. You know that your dad side of the family is very fertile?" her mom said " I'll be happy with one for now!' she continued.

" I do know that mom. I'm not ready for kids yet. I want to get established in my field for a few years and then I can think about giving you all grandchildren.'

" DON'T WAIT TOO LATE." the mothers yelled and they all started laughing.

This was a happy group of women. No matter what went on during the early hours in the morning, they brushed them aside to support Amari and Donte.

As the lunch ended the ladies started to go their separate ways.

"Bye mom! See you Saturday! Marie and Symone, see you guys Sunday! Mrs. Kim, can I bumb a ride home?"

"Why are you still calling Mrs. Kim? Call me mom chick. Were family, get in. You're headed to Dontae's right?"

"Yes ma'am "


In her Kia K900, Mrs. Kim had smooth jazz playing in the background.

" Do you guys have music picked for the first dance?"

"Yeah, we decided on a Tupac and Biggie mix. We're going to do some hip hop dances!"

In shock " WHAT?!" Mrs. Kim yelled

Amari broke out in a hysterical laugh " We picked Eric Benet and Tamia "Spend My Life" to dance to."

" Girlll, dont scare me. My heart almost came out of my chest." Mrs. Kim said while holding her heart.

" I can't help that you're so easy to tease." Amari said still laughing.

" I wanted to talk to you about Inu." Mrs. Kim calmed down and calmed her voice to its normal nature. " I know that you don't like her and she dont like you. She could be sneaky and I've witnessed it a few times as they were coming up. But please trust Dontae. I've never seen him so attentive and loving and caring to any of the girls he's dated in the past. He only have eyes for you and he treats you so good. He treats Inu as a friend and that's all he sees in her. He know that she's sneaky and calculating, but I trust that she wouldn't scheme against him."

" I trust him with my whole being, but her, I can't trust her. I don't care that they've known each other since high school. Something about her make my antenna go up and red flags appear. You know what she tried to do last time. And that's why I always have to be on guard when I'm one hundred feet near her. I don't trust this person." She said with clenched teeth on the last sentence.

" Well, you guys are going to have to come to a truce. Both of you care about Dontae, but only you will be the wife. Try to get along. I know that she has done a lot of evil things to you in the past, but forgive her and move on happily with Dontae."

" I'll do my best." Amari rolled her eyes and sighed.

" Great! At the Employee and Shareholders ball, I'll arrange a space for you two to talk out your differences. Nip it in the bud and move on happily, please?"

" Okayyy! But as I said at the restaurant, I will not attack as long as I'm not attacked." She said with a deep seriousness in her eyes.

" Good! You're home. Be a good girl and tell my baby to call me! Bye!"

"Bye!" Amari waved as she closed the door and Mrs. Kim drove off.