
Chapter 23 Amari's Routine

5am Monday morning, Amari woke up used the toilet, washed her hands, brushed her teeth, washed her face, did her hair and got dressed. She then proceeded to wake up each baby one by one by 5:45am. She feed them and got them dressed. She made sure to close the door to her room so that they couldn't escape. Although she doesn't breastfeed anymore she still kept the routine for her and the kids cause she felt it was easier for everyone.

She gave birth to two identical twins boys. Jaiden, the eldest by two minutes of his twin Jason and four minutes older than their sister Jalene, she is the fraternal of the three. They're one and a half little monsters that Amari has to keep a constant eye on.

The triplets have fat chubby cheeks. Jaiden and Jason have gray eyes like their mother where as Jalene has hazel eyes like her father. They all have dimples in their cheeks and plump pinkish lips. Jaiden and Jason have curly black hair and Jalene have straight black hair.

Jaiden, the eldest is smartest of the three. He's laid back and a very sneaky baby. When Jason and Jalene are busy making mischief, he would be playing by himself with blocks and cars and he loves to sneak his mommy's phone out of her hiding place to call whoever, wherever. He'd play with his siblings when their mischief is interesting.

Jason is a sweet caring, rumbustious baby. He likes to play with cars and trucks... if throwing them were a sport, he would be the MVP of the game. He would throw them because them made funny noises hitting the wall and the TV and the tables and doors. He'd sometimes throw them at people.

Jalene, the baby of the three. She loves to give hugs to her mommy and brothers when they're crying. She a little shy and Carrie's her pink fluffy bunnies around all the time to comfort her.

After getting these three mischievous babies ready for daycare, Amari gets her bag and theirs ready to go. She puts them into their car seats after going out to the car and them puts their stroller in the back. She fears herself into the car and start the engine. She puts on Baby music before she drives out of her parents driveway by 7:30am.

She then head towards the daycare 'Grandma's Babies' owned by Mrs. Kim, their grandmother. They arrive there at 7:50am.

Mrs. Kim helps her get the babies out of the car and into the building. She spends at least fifteen minutes there because the babies are crying wanting mommyntonstay and hold them.

Finally by 8:05am she is out of the building and hops back into the car and heads towards the hospital and arrives there by 8:30am.

At the hospital, her day is busy with patient consultations. When she has to prepare herself for a surgery, she let's the babies spend the night at Mrs. Kim's house. She makes some visits to the E.R. cause she is sometimes on call and she visits patients whom she had performed surgery on.

After work around 9pm she drives to Mrs. home and pick up the babies at 10pm. She loads them in the car and takes them home. Mrs. and Mr. Kim have fed them and bathed them and put on their night clothes.

As soon as she gets home around 10:30pm. Her mom and dad helps to get them out of the car and place them in bed.

Amari gets a shower at 10:45pm and gets her night clothes on by 11:05pm. By 11:15pm, she eats dinner and goes to bed by 11:30pm. Sometimes she wishes that she had Dontae to help her out with her babies. She wished she would've given time to tell him about her pregnancy and the birth of the kids. She knew that she was wrong for not telling him sooner, but she was afraid that she would be sucked back into his charming spell, that she would just let him do what he wanted not thinking about her and how she felt. She wanted more. She wants him, but she wanted him to be understanding of her feelings and love her just as much as she loves him. She wants him to be trustworthy.

Shes very thankful of her parents and the Kim's for helping her put with the babies while she was in California and back in Florida. She would've gone crazy without them. She started to cry with that thought.

She dries her eyes and make a plan. She's going to call Dontae tomorrow and tell him about his children. Hopefully he won't cuss her out.