
You're so not my Alpha

"don't be rude and do as your Alpha says" Aiden smirks. "you are so not my Alpha" Cynthia snapped angrily to the nth time that day. *********** Or The war between the Alderpack and the Azures was as old as time. The young Alderpack's Alpha, Cynthia was sent to the human world to avenge the death of her mother after another great war between them and the Azures. It was then she found out that the young Alpha of the rival pack was her mate. Aiden just wants to leave a normal life as an high school jock and a young Alpha who anticipate to meet his mate until he finds out that she is, of course the Alpha princess of his rival pack. It was odd to mate from a rival pack. It was more odd for two Alphas to be mated. And it was most odd when it seems like every living creature wants one of them dead in other to break the mating bond which was said to be related by an old prophecy about bringing the two "most unlikely strengths" together to save those who dwell under the moon. The two Alphas, despite their differences, are to work together and protect each other on their journey of mating and finding the arch enemy. As much as they hated each other's guts, they must fight together, protect each other and find love, against all odds. And lastly the mating ceremony of two Alphas and the wedding of two rival packs. The war that had long being threatening and had left the two packs broken and wounded was now over. Those Hearts who seeks revenge and hearts who seeks answers. History revealed it's secret, wounds were healed and scars were covered and kept for memory purpose. This is a story that portrays love in it's most delicate, yet dangerous guise.

DaoistwXf5L3 · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Blushes and Slime

The next day was a little cloudy as Aiden pulled up in the school parking lot, welcomed with the familiar scent of fresh flower. There are only two thoughts in his head as he hopped down the car, Lilian and mate.

Just like always, Jeremy's car also pulled up beside him. Jeremy hopped down from his car and walked over to Aiden, they greeted each other with a hand shake and a bro hug.

"Are you ready for Friday night?" Jeremy asked as he disengaged from the hug.

"What about it?" Aiden asked back.

He had checked all he had to do for the week and did not remember anything about Friday.

"Do you ever check your messages?" Jeremy scoffed and received a swat on his shoulder by Aiden. "I mean, I was there when Tristan texted".

Aiden quirked his brow and asked again. "What about Friday?"

"The frat party". Jeremy almost yelled. Excitement was evident in his voice and his eyes was glittering, well until he saw the confused writing on his friend's face. He elaborated. "Anderson wants to do a welcome-home for his homies. You told me your buddy, Edward or whatever was gonna sponsor it bigger for your birthday dude".

Aiden blinked his eyes as he started to recall, he nodded slowly.

"Man, are you alright there" Jeremy asked with a mocking worried expression. "Hope you haven't drink any oblivion soup lately?"

"What?" Aiden even looked more confused. "Of course not. I clearly remembered the..." His word got stuck in his throat and his confused looked slowly morphed into a wide smile as he spotted Lilian waving at him.

Now it was Jeremy's turn to look puzzled, he traced Aiden's sight direction and saw the new Blondie waving at his best buddy. His mouth formed an 'oh'.

Jeremy watched still in awe as Aiden jugged over to meet the Blondie and completely forgot about him.

He blinked. "Is it me or the boy is love sick?". He mumbled to himself.

"Trust me, it'd be over soon".

Jeremy almost jumped out of his skin when he heard a low voice beside him.


Aiden walked up to a waving Lilian and he was not surprise when she greeted him with a hug.

"Hey" she disengaged from the hug, smiling brightly. "Thanks for yesterday's ride".

Aiden looked away when he felt a blush creeping up his neck. *oh god* Aiden, the high school basket ball captain, international playboy, all ladies man, Alpha prince and bad boy. He shouldn't be blushing just because of a kiss that wasn't his first, not even his ninety ninth. But this was his mate, his significant other right.

"It's nothing". He managed to mumble.

His eyes widen a little when Lilian laced their finger together and tugged him slightly as she started to make her way to the school passage. He quickly schooled his expression to a small smile and followed sheepishly.

He was having a hurricane of feelings in him and couldn't point out any of it but it was feeling rapturous. He guess he could get used to it, or not, because when they reached the passage his body went rigid and eyes finally widen as big as an eightball as the choking chocolate scent hit his nose.

He looked up to see the only one person he dreaded to see for the past three second. And even though he had no idea why he was so surprised to see her, he still stood there staring.

"Hey Lilly"

Cynthia walked up to them with what looked like a very bad poker face.

"Oh, it's you again" Lilian smile fluttered. "What did you want".

"The principal asked me to bring Aiden". Cynthia shrugged casually.

With the mention of the principal, Aiden seem to snap to his sense and gently unlaced his hand from Lillian's.

"I'll be right back" he said softly and then faced Cynthia with a questioning look. "Go on?"

Cynthia scoffed and led the way while Aiden trailed behind her. When they reached a safe distance away from Lilian, Cynthia stopped and turn around swiftly almost bumping into Aiden.

"How difficult is it to shove a mirror in that thing's face?" She snapped but in a very low voice.

Aiden looked around as if he wasn't the one she was talking to then faced her with a blank expression. "What?"

"What the fuck did you mean 'what'" Cynthia was glaring hard and if looks could kill, hers would be a dagger right into Aiden's eyes.

"What are.."

Before Aiden could make out two words, he felt himself being pushed aggressively into an empty class, his back against a wall and Cynthia elbow on his neck.

"What the hell". He yelled and pushed her off with almost the same force of aggressiveness, sending her crashing into some chairs.

She stood up with a scowl, baring her already growing fangs.

"I think this can help you" she spat and drew out a long whip-like chain from her backpack, holding it's leader handle.

Aiden eyes flashed red as he realized it was silver, before his brain could process it all, he felt the burning coldness of the silver curled around his neck and the next thing he knew was that he was on the floor gasping for air, the silver chain around his neck and Cynthia sitting on top of him.

"What did the Adherer did to you?" Cynthia breathed out. Voice aggressive, and she was looking at Aiden as if searching for something in his eyes.

Adhere. The word rang a bell in Aiden's head.

Kidnap. Silver chain. Cynthia. Werewolf. Lilian. Adherer.

Aiden groaned as his eyes changed back to it's normal color. It took another minute before Cynthia stood up from him and uncurled the silver chain off his neck.

"Did you... Did she like... kissed you?" Cynthia was breathing heavily.

"What?" Aiden asked slowly as he sat up on the ground, staring at Cynthia blankly. Of course he had kissed Lilian, he remembered it vividly even thought it seemed like other memories were fuzzy. But what did kissing Lilian have to do with anything.

Cynthia dropped the silver chain and picked up her backpack, searching through it before she pulled out a book.

"Had to travel back to my pack to read more about 'em" she threw the book at Aiden who perfectly caught it.

"Mysteries of magical mayhem by Molly Monica". Aiden read out with a quirked brow.

"It says the more you give it attention, the more you get locked up in it's stick-to-me charm". Cynthia continued. "But it also mention some really irritating things about the Adherers putting you under its full control through sexual advances. And the main symptom of it is" . She paused and glared at Aiden before she continued. "Losing memories".

Aiden turned the book over and start to read the author's bio, he could do all things but look up at Cynthia.

*Molly Monica has been a witch mother for the white fang witch clan for the Last seventy years, succeeding her mother Morris Monica...*

"So it won't take long before you completely lost it and..." Cynthia continued anyways. "According to the book, you could completely become an Adherer if it goes so far...".

*she has traveled places for adventures and written best selling books among the magical Creatures. She is said to visit the London ministry of magic more than once and she was once invited to the moon world...* Aiden continued to read.

"...so I had a plan and it won't ever work unless..." Cynthia stopped pacing the room when she noticed Aiden might not be listening. "Are you even listening".

Aiden looked up at her a little sheepishly.

"You said you have a plan".

"Obviously". She snapped. "I will not hold your stupidness against you since you're still under a stick-to-me spell".

"Is there a way to break it?" Aiden asked quietly.

Of course he had noticed that something was off, it was like a part of his brain wants to snap out of it and run while the other part wants to stick to Lilian whom he was now guessing was maybe an Adherer. Still somehow magically, his heart trusted Cynthia even though his brain was against it. To be candid, if he didn't trust her then he might as well stick to Lilian and lose all his precious memories.

"I don't really know" Cynthia answered.

"What?" Aiden sat up. "What do you mean you don't know".

"Calm down. I'm going to figure it out okay". Cynthia said in a half pleading voice.

"But--but, how". Aiden voice was soft and confused, his eyes as big as a doe making you want to awwwwn.

"I don't know yet I'm figuring it... Wait what?" Cynthia morphed from being soft and pleading immediately to her signature stern look, as if she had snapped out of a brain control. "Why did I even care. I wasn't the one who ask you to fuck an Adherer".

"We didn't..." Aiden voice trailed off as he looked away and bit his lips.

"I don't fucking care okay" Cynthia snapped. "Its none of my business anyways" but she sounded as of it was all of her business.

"Then why are you helping me ". Aiden snapped back but his face was still almost like a pout. "If its non of your business?"

Cynthia heaved a sigh. "Are you always like this or is it the spell because I'll love the spell to break really soon".

"Its the spell of course". Aiden replied and tried to stand up, his hand brushed the silver chain making him jump up in pain. "Where did you get all those silvers?"

"Since you're not in your right senses" Cynthia ignored Aiden's question. "I'll be doing this myself. All I need you to do is to stay here".

"Okayyyy". aiden answered slowly.

"Gosh. I hate you". Cynthia sighed.

"How long do I have to stay here?" Aiden asked.

Cynthia placed her hands on her hips and stare up at what was supposed to be an intimidating bad boy city Alpha that she had heard rumors about. She was a little disappointed and wants to blame it all on the stick-to-me charm but she can't help looking at him like a lost pup except that he's supper strong.

"You'll stay here for another hour ". She stated. "Then you'll met me at the males bathroom where we met the other day".

"You kidnapped me". Aiden pointed out.

And he could ask himself just one question, *is it safe to trust a stranger werewolf who covered her scent, had once kidnapped him, uses silver weapons like an hunter, says she's on a mission and smells strongly like chocolate.* The answer should be a big no. And Aiden was not stupid to trust her but right now, apart from the fact that he's having fuzzy memories, he knows he can't get any close to Lilian if she's truly an Adherer. All he have to do is follow the girls instruction.

He set a timer on his phone for one hour, waiting for Cynthia in an empty class room. Normally, Aiden was someone to go out and fight, even though he was brought up as an Alpha with civilization, not war or hunting like those wolves in the woods. Still, that doesn't stop him from being a fighter of his own.

Sometimes he will go out with some of his wolf friends that are almost as rebellious as he is, they'll go hunting in the open woods but making sure they don't cross any wood wolf territory.

But dealing with an Adhere had nothing to do with fights and hunting experience. Even a fool will know it, since the moment he lay his eyes on her, he losses all his shits.

With no choice at all, Aiden spent his one hour wait reading through the book Cynthia gave him. Exactly when an hour is completed, he sprung up, dashed out of the empty classroom and straight into the male's bathroom.

It wasn't a surprise that no one was in the passage, probably because classes started thirty minutes ago. He pushed open the door of the bathroom and almost puked at the sight in front of him.

Cynthia was standing at the back of the same chair she had chained him to the other day, she was holding one of her Silver knives but this time it was coated with jelly blue stuffs.

Chained to the chair was a jelly blue stuff. That was the best Aiden could describe it as.

It was like a blue and grey heap of slime with two big black orbs that could be the eyes. On top of the heap of slime was some kind snail-like eyes and two other horn-like things. (Its complicated actually).

But that was not just what riled him up.

The fact that the blue slime suddenly morphed into a wounded Lilian aggravated Aiden to almost lose his mind.

"You!" He spat bitterly, clenching and unclenching his chest with deep breaths as he felt the irritation bubbling up.

Cynthia scoffed and stabbed the knife back in the thing called Lilian's nape, making it turn back into the slime with an irritating pop.

Aiden legs was almost giving out as he held the wall for support while watching the sight in front of him. And he was suddenly thankful to who ever sent Cynthia on a mission to the city. Though it was hard to imagine what his fate might have been if Cynthia hadn't showed up like a fucking chocolate scented super hero wolf.

He was completely fooled of thinking a slime as his mate. He had even kissed a fucking slime. A FUCKING SLIME!

'The slime' was bubbling as if trying to cry out in pain and Aiden was trying to breath feeling his whole body heat up in fury frustration.

Without even thinking or contemplating or even looking, he swiftly picked up silver dagger, ignoring the burning pain and stabbed it through the slime's supposed forehead.

A low shriek, a loud pop, the clanging of silver on the ground and a loud gasp which was from Cynthia. Aiden sagged to the floor as he felt a wave of libration wash through him.

thank you very much

love you

DaoistwXf5L3creators' thoughts