
Yokai Adventure Begins

There_is_no_Love · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 36: The Kejoro's Request and The Betrayal

The team was walking through a forest when they heard a soft melody. They followed the sound until they saw a beautiful woman with long black hair, dressed in a green kimono. Akira recognized her as a Kejoro, a Yokai known for their musical abilities.

The Kejoro greeted them politely and asked if they could help her. She explained that she had lost her shamisen, a traditional three-stringed Japanese musical instrument. She had searched everywhere but couldn't find it.

Akira and his team agreed to help her, and they searched the forest together. After some time, they found the shamisen hidden behind a tree. The Kejoro was overjoyed and thanked them profusely.

In return for their help, the Kejoro offered to play a beautiful melody for them. As she played, the forest came alive, and the animals started to gather around them. The melody was so enchanting that even Akira, who was usually reserved, felt himself getting lost in the music.

When the Kejoro finished playing, she thanked them again and disappeared into the forest. The team continued on their journey, feeling uplifted by the beautiful music they had heard.

As they continued their journey, the team encountered a group of Yokais who were not pleased with their actions. They were plotting against Akira and his team and the Kejoro they had met earlier was a part of their plan.

The Kejoro was initially friendly with them, but later, they discovered that she was working with the other Yokais who were planning to harm them. She had given them information about Akira and his team's movements and their weaknesses.

When Akira and his team found out about the betrayal, they were shocked and hurt. They had trusted the Kejoro and had even helped her when she was in need. But she had turned against them in the end.

Feeling betrayed, Akira and his team had to be cautious of everyone they met from then on. They couldn't trust anyone easily and had to be careful about whom they shared their plans with.

The incident left a deep impact on the team, and they became more vigilant and cautious about the people they met. They knew that not everyone they encountered could be trusted, and they had to be careful about whom they trusted.