
Yokai Adventure Begins

There_is_no_Love · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 34 - The Faith of Akira

As Akira and his team traveled through the Yokai world, Akira couldn't help but think about Sora. He missed her terribly, but he had faith that they would meet again. He knew that their bond was strong enough to overcome any obstacles.

Kumiho noticed that Akira had become more confident and focused since his encounter with Sora. She admired his determination and his unwavering faith in their bond.

As they walked through a dense forest, they suddenly heard a loud noise. They rushed to the source of the sound and found a group of Yokais fighting against each other. Akira knew that it was his duty to intervene and stop the violence.

He stood tall and yelled, "Stop this madness! We are all Yokais, we should be working together to make this world a better place, not fighting against each other!"

The Yokais looked at him with surprise, but his words had a profound effect on them. They put their weapons down and listened to what Akira had to say.

He explained that they all had a role to play in maintaining the balance of the Yokai world. He urged them to put aside their differences and work together to achieve their goals.

The Yokais were inspired by Akira's words and they promised to work towards a better future. Akira and his team continued their journey with renewed hope and determination. They knew that their journey was far from over, but they were ready to face any challenges that came their way.

As they walked into the horizon, Akira whispered to himself, "I have faith that we will meet again, Sora. Until then, I will continue to walk this path with my team and help those in need."