
Yokai Adventure Begins

There_is_no_Love · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 22: Helping the Old Tengu

As Akira, Yori, Kumiho, and Hana continued on their journey, they came across an old Tengu sitting on a rock, looking very forlorn. He looked up as they approached.

"Greetings, travelers," he said with a sad tone. "I am an old Tengu, and I have lost my fan. Without it, I cannot fly, and I fear that I will never be able to return to my home in the mountains."

The team looked at each other, realizing that they needed to help the old Tengu. They asked him if he knew where he had lost the fan, and he told them that he believed it had been stolen by a group of mischievous Yokai.

Determined to help the old Tengu, the team set out to find the missing fan. They searched high and low, asking other Yokai they came across if they had seen it. After many long hours, they finally found the fan, lying in a pile of leaves at the bottom of a nearby cliff.

They returned the fan to the old Tengu, who was overjoyed. "Thank you, travelers," he said, his voice full of gratitude. "You have saved me from a most terrible fate. Please, let me repay you for your kindness."

As it turned out, the old Tengu was the leader of a group of Tengu who lived in the nearby mountains. He invited the team to visit his home, where they were welcomed with open arms. The Tengu thanked them for their help and offered to teach them the ancient art of Tengu flight.

The team spent several days with the Tengu, learning to fly and honing their skills. They also learned much about the history and traditions of the Tengu, and they gained a newfound respect for these powerful Yokai.

As they said their goodbyes to the Tengu, the team felt a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. They had helped a fellow Yokai in need and had gained valuable knowledge and experience along the way. And they knew that their journey was far from over, with many more adventures and challenges awaiting them in the world of Yokai.