
Yoichi Whitlock's: THE FOUR

Yoichi Whitlock is a descendant of the Whitlock family who lived with arcane sorcery for so many generations. He lived a normal life, unaware of this fact, with his mother. But due to an incident, he was brought to a whole new world of sorcery and enrolled to Sanctum: School of Elemental Sorcery. In this world, he had a huge transformation and experienced a bunch of out of this world experiences.

Aio1217 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Whitlocks

"Are you taking the medicine I prescribed to you?", asked by the nurse. "Yes Ms. Joy, just as you told me to.", Yoichi answered. "I think you should really go to the specialist. 'Cause upon checking your samples, you're still having a rapid production of white blood cells in your body which is, not normal. This could be bad for your body. Please do so, alright?", the nurse advised worryingly. "Yes Ms. Joy. Thank you so much.", replied by Yoichi as he think if he could ever do it.

He went back to his room and continued his classes. Inspite of this condition of him, he still excell in the class specially in Science. Yoichi never left the 3 class ranks even in his previous years. It's either he's the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd at the end of the school year, but he's just having an average intelligence with 89 as his highest overall average, in these past few years. To make it short, he's a nerd. Yoichi had his recess as Allen joined him and they talked about themselves. Yoichi found out that Allen is living with her aunt and her family and never had the chance to meet his parents for they are dead according to his aunt. He talked about himself too, telling allen that he's living with her mother, who's a tailor. They talked about everything else, including Troy to their topic, and just had a good time, as it flew by so fast as the time for class continuation came. Finally, the bell rang and it's time to go home now. They both go to the restroom to pee before going. "You know, your surname's kinda familiar to me.", Allen said while thinking hardly where he heard that as they finished. "Oh really? You're the first one to say that.", Yoichi responded. "Yeah, I just can't remember where I heard it." Allen said as he still think about it. "Anyways, I'll just think about it later. We should be going, we have a homework, remember?", he added after looking at his watch. "Now that you mention it, would you like to do your homework with me, at our house?", Yoichi asked. "As much as I really want to, I have some chores to do at home. Aunt's gonna be mad at me if I won't.", Allen refuses. "I understand. So, see you tomorrow.", Yoichi said as they waved to each other and have their separate ways. "Bye.", Allen said.

Yoichi finally got home, past noon, and called for his mom who isn't at home yet. He sat on the couch to rest for a while but he fell asleep suddenly.

"You have to do it. Otherwise, this will never ever end! Please... Yoichi.", a man said who sounds weakened and crying as he fade in a dark green smoke.

"No!", Yoichi shouted. "Oh, it's just a dream.", he said. He felt his tears flowing so he wiped it, then the door suddenly opened, it's his mom, Amanda Whitlock. She has similar body features as her son, skin, as white as snow, big, upturned, round blue eyes, and straight nose with lifted base. But unlike Yoichi who has pale, light-blue hair and rounded face, she has a long, curly, blonde hair and an oval-shaped face. "Yoichi, did you already have your lunch?", Amanda asked as he closed the door and walked near Yoichi. "Why are you crying?", she added while wiping Yoichi's tears. "I don't know either mom. I was dreaming.", Yoichi answered thinking about his dream. Amanda didn't blink as if she's thinking so deeply while looking straight to her son's eyes. "Mom? Are you alright? Mom!", he called his mom to bring her back to consciousness successfully. Amanda catched her breath and start panting. "No, this is not happening, this is not happening.", she said nervously agitated. "Mom, wh--", Yoichi tried to ask. "Your necklace, let me see it.", Amanda cut-in as she aggressively look for his necklace. "Do not, ever, take this off, alright?", she said as she managed to catch her breath and calm down. "Yes mom, I won't.", Yoichi assured. "Promise?", Amanda asked raising her pinky. "Promise.", he agreed. "And promises are not meant to be broken.", they said together.