
YJ: God of Thunder

UltimasPrime · TV
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own anything of Young Justice, the MCU or anything else I mention, those all belong to their rightful creators and owners.


Waking up in an unfamiliar place is always weird. Anyone who's ever been on a vacation for the first time knows that.

Not a lot of people wake up in a forest.

I blink, slowly, trying to get my bearings. I felt the dirt scrunch as I slowly lifted my head off the floor. A small bit of spit drooled from my mouth, landing on my shirt before I could wipe it off.

I looked around. I was still tired, and unlike the movies it was taking me a while to get my bearings. I mean, I knew I was in a forest, but I didn't know I was in a forest. When it registered, I found myself slowly getting up to my feet, trying not to throw up at the wave of dizziness that followed.

"What the fu-?" I stopped before cussing. I slowly rubbed my head, reaching to crack my back. My hand stopped at the feel of a piece of wood on my belt.

Feeling groves along the stick, my fingers traced a line carved along the surface, with it leading to a handle. Curious, I pulled it off from where I could feel it was attached to my belt, then lifted it up for inspection.

In my hand was a wooden walking cane.

Taking a step forward and using the cane to help me with not feeling well. Though as soon as it hit the ground the world turned to a brilliant rainbow and swirling black stars.

A ribbon stretched out in front of me, stars filled the sky and sea as I made my way along the bridge made of rainbows. A name came to me, unbidden. Bifrost. And I understood.

The Bifrost is not merely a rainbow. It's solid, but contains a mirage of colors and sparkles hidden among the bands of light that allow travel between Midgard and the home of the Aesir. The golden dome that I arrived in had seen better days. And beyond it stood the kingdom of Asgard.

Looking back the way I came, all I saw was a view of space and the machine in the middle of the room turning off."One way to go." Deciding to walk towards the palace.

The Ash swayed in the breeze as I got closer and the stars became a bright blue sky with puffy white clouds. But all was not well in the mighty city of the gods.

Heimdal should have met me at the bridge. I should have been accosted as soon as I arrived. But judging by the massive snake skeleton curling around the Norse city, I was a bit late to the party. As I turned to see Asgard, I could see that it too had seen better days. It was still bright, standing in spires, great longhouses perched across the landscape, but was now tarnished, broken, the details growing as I walked forward, my walking stick clapping on the stone with each step.

Ragnarok had long since come and gone.

Ragnarok, the death of the gods. Here at least, it had been history. I looked around, finding more and more death. It seems that divine bones do not deteriorate like most others. Flesh, however, is not so resilient. Time takes all things, and gods are no less affected by the greatest power of all.

As I stepped through the broken, shattered doors that marked the throne room I saw the skull of Jörmungandr, the son of Loki and the serpent so large it encircled the world. A mere nine steps away was an armored skeleton that shocked me to the bones.

Thor, God of Thunder, had fallen here. With hesitance, I reached down, my hand closing around the short shaft of Mjolnir and blinked as it lifted with surprising grace; not light, but still near effortless. Letting the cane chatter to the ground I walk over to the throne.

It looked like it did in the Thor Ragnarok movie, with Odin's spear Gungnir leaned up against the side of it.

Resting Mjolnir on the step before the throne for a second, I turn around and sit down to rest from the walk that I lost track of time during.

"Well, shit," I said, hefting the hammer in my hand. "I'm the first person here since Ragnarok..."

"Indeed you are," said a beautiful voice, "come child and listen." I looked up to see a woman, standing just in the shadows of one of the pillars. She was like no one I had ever seen.

"Urd." I said in wonder as I saw a thread passing through her hands.

"Indeed, I am Fate," she replied. "Follow."

I did, watching every step she took and keeping pace. I was calm, far too calm, for having traveled to another world, yet again, and finding death. I was a fanfic writer, not a superhero.

"Your tapestry is woven from others, Child," she said as she sat down at an old Norse loom. It hung from the branches, and was weighed down by rocks. Urd and her sisters, who looked nothing like their anime representation, wove a thread through the strands, painting a picture in wool. I could see the pod, and my arrival here. I was reminded of the scene in SpaceBalls when they're watching the video of themselves on television. It was like that, but slower and more iconic Norse in style.

"These...these are all my memories." I say to myself. "How could I be here though? I thought Asgard was a myth."

"Like all things in the multiverse, a myth has to start from somewhere," Urd stated as she spun wool into thread. The thread that was me. "Another realm, another Midgard."

"So, is the multiverse theory real? That's how some universes actually have Asgard and some have myths of them instead?"

"Indeed," Urd confirmed.

"And you are now living in a different universe than your own," said Skuld, speaking up for the first time.

"But why me? What's so special about me?," I protested.

"Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing. Fate also always knows what's to happen, you just have to find the answer. Your old life has ended, but your new life has just begun," Verdandi stated as she continued to weave my life.

"New Life..."

"The Time of the Gods has ended," she said. "The Time of the New Gods has begun."

I spoke for some time with the Norns about my fate, the reason for my existence and what was to happen.

"But what's with Asgard?" I asked, pointing a thumb at the overgrown city strangled by the bones of the world snake. "I thought Baldr and his brother were supposed to take over after Ragnarok."

"They did," Urd confirmed, glancing at a tapestry all rolled up and tucked into a niche.

"But what happened?"

"Live for a time they did, but without Idun to tend to her trees, they went the way of all men." Urd replied.

"Am I Asgardian? Or, um, Aesir? What am I?" I asked.

"You are the last," said Urd.

"You are the One," said Verdandi.

"You are the First." said Skuld.

"You three are really into this cryptic crap, aren't you?" I asked rhetorically. The three sisters smiled as if all was right with the world. "Well, at least I'm not Harry with a seer predicting my death every class. So, who owns this land?"

"If you choose to be the King of the New Gods and lead them, then the whole of Asgard is yours to rule." Urd answered.

"And how do I do that?" I asked them.

"If you make up your mind, all you have to do is sit upon the throne, hold Mjolnir and Gungnir in each hand, and slam the bottom of Gungnir to the ground." Said Verdandi.

"The change would then take place and you shall be named King, and learn your godly domains." Finished Skuld.

Looking down and thinking through the pros and cons, l then get up and slowly walk to the throne. Leaning down and picking up Mjolnir in my right hand with Gungnir in my left.

Sitting down on the throne, I take a deep breath and slowly release it. Lifting Gungnir into the air, time seemed to slow down as I brought the butt of the spear to the ground. As soon as it hit the ground, a wave of blue and white energy covered me and blocked my vision. But I could still hear the three talks.

"The Age of the New Gods has begun," Urd stated

"With the New All-Father and chief god of the Aesir," Verdandi continued.

"Hadrian Odinson, the God of Thunder, Battle, Creation, Runes and of Magic!" Skuld said, with the Norns then going silent, as the naming of my domains finished the biggest wave of energy hit me, changing me.

With the energy wave slowly dissipating and me being able to see again, I saw the disappearing energy glide along the whole throne room leaving the area behind looking to be restored to its former glory.

Standing in front of me were the three Norns, in a half bow to me. With them coming out of it and Urd stepping closer to me. "Although you are now a God and the All-Father of Asgard,"

"You are only fully powered on Asgard, if you step foot off you would be much weaker," Verdandi continued.

"But as time passes and you train, and grow in power, eventually you could be as strong off Asgard as you are on it." Finished Skuld.

"Do Not think you are all mighty. Right now you are little more than a pebble compared to, say, Darkseid as a small mountain." Urd explained to me.

The thing that stood out to me was, "Darkseid is real here?!" I exclaimed in shock.

"Indeed Hadrian." Verdandi confirmed my fears.

'That means I'm in one of the DC universes, though which one?' Bringing myself back to the present and asking them. "Is there anything else?"

The three looked at each other and then Skuld answered. "Not at this moment. We will be leaving now, you shall see us one day. Till then study, train and grow. See you around Hadrian."

"Wait!" I shout, standing from the throne as the three disappear after taking a few steps. As if they were there one second and gone the next.

Sighing, I use the basics of magic that my domain grants me to create a full-length mirror in front of me to check for any changes. There were a few. My body had undergone a change, with me gaining a few inches putting me around six foot six and with my body filled with packed muscles. I also appeared to be wearing Thor's armor from Infinity War. My hair was the same as his in the movie too, though that was on purpose. I had my hair guy cut it this way with the side design. My eyes wear a lightly glowing blue.

Done looking myself over I finally notice that Mjolnir is no longer in my hand, but Gungnir is. Gripping Gungnir tighter and closing my eyes, I focus my mind on summoning Mjolnir. Immediately, I noticed a change in Gungnir's weight and shaft. Opening my eyes, I see that in the hand I was holding Gungnir, Mjolnir took its place.

Getting an idea, I focused on Gungnir and watched with astonished eyes as Mjolnir stretched out and changed shape into my new spear. "Wicked!"

Changing it back to Gungnir and tapping the bottom to the ground my vision gets filled with a map of Asgard with the tapping of my spear like a submarine's sonar.

Looking around the throne room and seeing that I'm the only one here, I might as well explore the place. Walking toward the brand new throne room doors and throwing them open, I see the skeleton of Jörmungandr wrapped around almost every building. Grimacing and sighing. "I have to get rid of that, sooner rather than later."

Word Count: 2,042

Had this sitting on the back burner for a while and decided to post it and see if anyone would like me to write more of this.

UltimasPrimecreators' thoughts