

Brandon Nguyen, University Freshman, living by himself in Southern California. The year is 2018, life seem to be aimless. With no clear goal for his life, Brandon sole joy everyday in life is to login to his favorite MMORPG, Yggdrasil. p.s: Writing to pass the time. English is my second language. feel free to comment on my English as well as writing.

MtHugeBook · Fantasía
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16 Chs

The End of Yggdrasil

Two months latter...

Brandon is putting all of his focus on the monitor. Within the screen is the battle between Brandon team fighting what appear to be a Golden Hydra. They are talking through voice chat.

<Nocturne> : "Are you ok Iron-man?" Asked Brandon when he see Iron-Man, a Mechanic who is fighting in a Power Armor, hit point getting dangerously low.

<Iron-Man> : "Its Fine. Just tell the healer to be a little bit more generous on the person who is taking all the agro then everything is fine" He said Sarcastically. he is talking about Venerable-White, who is the group healer.

<Venerable-White> : "Young man these day, have no respect for their elders" His voice sound as high and mighty as his name suggest. It is as if he was completely immersed himself in his role play. he is playing a Cultivator who focus on light element. "If you are going to complain about getting agro, then you shouldn't have played a tank class"

<Iron-Man> : "I wouldn't have to play a tank class if the Monk can actually play as a tank"

<Mad-Monk> : "Don't bring me into this. I am not even in the fight" It is true. at the moment, Mad-Monk is in town, drinking tea in a player run tavern.

Mad-Monk is actually playing a specialized class. It is true that Monk are tank in this game, but he didn't level his class. He like to play as a Blacksmith. In fact, most of their equipment is forged by Monk. The weapon forging in this game is quite unique. You don't just use a set of materials and press a button to create an item. In this game, you have to decided which materials to use on which part of an item, how much ratio of materials, as well as how long you want the forging process to be to see if you success or not in creating the item you want. The whole thing is like a puzzle which make many people struggle in playing as a Blacksmith. But not for Mad-Monk. he love the system, and sometime even claim that it is very accurate to real life. Brandon has always baffle at how that could possibly be when most of the materials in the game are pure fantasy. Things like Adamantium, Mythril, and Star Shard are all materials you can use in crafting.

<Vx-xV> : (hehe while you fight each other I got last hit) V is using the keyboard to chat, as usual. V is the only member that Brandon have no idea of his or her gender, for V never talk in voice chat; and even when confronted, V decline to answer.

V play a typical Rouge character. dual dagger, short bow, hooded cape, the whole thing. Sometime Brandon wonder if V don't want to hide his or her identity, or just didn't have a head set.

The Hydra body start to tremble. One by one, its heads explode as the Victory notification poping up in every member screens.

<Young_Phoenix> : "Looks like the fight is over boys" Young_Phoenix said as she process to killing off the remaining mobs. Young_Phoenix, Phoenix for short, is an actual women. Any people though there is no girl play MMORPG. But to be fair, Phoenix is not really a "girl". She has to be at least a middle age women, based on her voice alone; and that is not mentioning the way she talk. she play an Arcane Mage. One of a rare Mage class which specialized in all elemental magic, a jack of all trades if you will. Normally this class is not very popular because it lack the ability to learn the strongest spells for each element, but with a good player, it can be very dangerous to fight against. She specialized in PvP and is actually one of the top PvP ranker in the sever.

<Vx-xV> : (cant believe we beat the raid with 5 plp) (10 men raid is not so hard :D)

<Nocturne> : "You say that V, but if not for Monk equipment and Baihu potions, we would be dead"

<Baihu> "Hmm.."

Like Monk, Baihu also play a specialized character. It was a Potion Master, or Pill Master in his words. Same as Blacksmith, the Potion making process are extremely complicated. You can even create a completely unique potion with unique effect from random tried and error, and still cannot replicate your success if you dont understand the concept behind it. Brandon often wonder why Baihu didn't try Cooking as well. Cooking in this game can create food that grant completely new effect from potions, but Baihu always said "cooking is for women". "To each their own I guess" Thought Brandon.

So as the raid was completed, the group return to town and meet up with Baihu, Monk, and ScarletEdragon.

<ScarletEdragon> : "Good work everyone. With the materials you get today, we can get enough money for Mad-Monk to finish V weapon" Scarlet is a Summoner as well as a Merchant. he is pretty crafty and often come up with ridiculous plan, but as long as they follow his plan, we often never fail a quest. Today raid for example, all the tactics and attack plans was all his. Brandon still couldn't believe that he was able to complete a 10 men raid with just 5 members.

After a few more hours hanging out with his friends, Brandon realized he have to start to get ready for bed. He has Calculus again tomorrow and didn't want to fall asleep in class.

<Nocturne> : "Hey guys, I gotta have to get off early today"

<Venerable-White> : "Leaving so soon? well, you young one take care now"

<Young_Phoenix> : "Sweet dream"

<Vx_xV> : (ZZZ. g9)

<Baihu> : "..."

<Mad-Monk> : "til we meet again"

<ScarletEdragon> : "farewell"

<Iron-Man> : "good night"

As Brandon log off the game, he suddenly realized that there are a new announcement on the game web page. Excited, he immediately click on the link to the announcement "Its has been two months since there are any new update. This must be the new game update that i has been waiting" he thought.

Unfortunately, what greet his was the worst news he could every imagine.

[Game Announcement]

[We are deeply sorry to inform our loyal payers that Yggdrasil sever will be closing down in the upcoming month. We hope you all the best in your future and thank you for supporting us for the last 4 years.]

Time pass, as Brandon sitting on his chair, staring at the announcement in disbelieve, feeling like an eternity.

Next chapter forward will be Brandon POV

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