

Brandon Nguyen, University Freshman, living by himself in Southern California. The year is 2018, life seem to be aimless. With no clear goal for his life, Brandon sole joy everyday in life is to login to his favorite MMORPG, Yggdrasil. p.s: Writing to pass the time. English is my second language. feel free to comment on my English as well as writing.

MtHugeBook · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Lets Meet

"I can't believe it" I yell so hard I can feel a choke in my throat. "What do they mean Shutting Down? Isn't the game still popular?"

"All the time and effort, was it all for notthing?" I keep saying it out loud, as if it could some how change the reality of it. "It was all too sudden too. The final date is only one week away."

I did not remember how I went to sleep that day. I think I did cry a little. look at me, crying over a video game.

After that night, I did not log back into the game. It was the first time I was offline for more than 24 hours, and at the time, I thought I would never log back in ever again.

Five days latter...

I feel kind of good today. I stop by the acade on my way home. I stay there awhile palying some racing game with my classmates. I did not miss Yggdrasil as much as I thought I would. But there is something missing. I did not miss playing the game. What I miss more is hanging out with those guys. But what am I to do? none of those guys use any chatting platform outside the game. I wonder if they also upset about the game shutting down? As much as I was?

two days latter...

This is it. Today is the final day. The announcement is still here. The game is still shutting down. There is no stoping it. people are still posting new post in the forum. Some are outrage at the decision to shutdown the game, some feel that the game is quite old and they are making the right move, and some are apathetic and said that they already quit long ago so this does not affect them. "If it doent affect you then why are you hear talking shit?" I thought. Whatever, I decided I will log in today to say good bye.

[Game Notifications]

[NocturneAssassin is Online]

[Friends Online]


I guess nobody is Online. maybe I should leave a message? they might not even able to read it before the game shutdown anyway. Whatever, let just do what I am here to do.

[Group Message]

<Nocturne> : (This is Nocturne. I was wondering if you guy will be online latter today to say good bye. I will try to be online latter today. If by chance I cannot be online, I want to leave a message. I would like to meet you all in person. I dont even know if you are living in the area or not, but I will try anyway. If you are able to come, please come to White Lotus Coffe at 616 Main st San Francisco, California, United State of America. I will be there at June 6th. If you cannot come, there is no worries. I hope to see you all once more in a diffrent game. ps. My real name is Brandon)

That is it. I will go take a shower.


i woke up in the middle of the night. "oh crap. I forgot to check the game." I jump out of my bed and get to my computer. the computer time show 11:30. "thank god" I left out a sigh of relief as I try to log in the game. The game is still opperational and I got 30 minutes left before it shutting down for good.

[Game notifications]

[NocturneAssassin is Online]

[Friends Online]


I guess they are not here after all. As I feel dejected, I noticed the message board.

[Group Message]

<ScarletEdragon> : (what happend? you didnt online for a week)

<Venerable-White> : (I cannot join you all today, Is there any thing wrong?)

<Young_Phoenix> : (are you ok?)

<Baihu> : (?)

<Mad-Monk> : (can some one contact Nocturne?)

<Vx_xV> : (X)

<Iron-Man> : (No, none of us have any way to contact him outside the game)

<Venerable-White> : (what is this about the game shutting down?)

<Young_Phoenix> : (i do not know)

<Vx_xV> : (Mine still Fine ?_?)

<Mad-Monk> : (some thing must be wrong. Iron-Man can you try contacting him?)

<Iron-Man> : (I cant. but there is something I can try)

[Direct Message]

<Iron-Man> : (If you are able to read this, Brandon. I think I know what is happening. I will try something on my end. But you have to listen to what I am telling you now. On June 6th, please try to log into Yssdrasil at exactly 6:66 pm)

What is going on? as I was thinking about what have I just read, the game notification pops up.

[Yggdrasil is Shutting Down. Thank You All For Your Support]

the screen turn black, then return to the loggin screen. I tried to log back in, but all that pops up was the same notification. I guess that is it then. "I didnt get to transport to the game world like in the novel either" I thought that as I falling back to may bed and went to sleep.

This is not Overlord

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