

Brandon Nguyen, University Freshman, living by himself in Southern California. The year is 2018, life seem to be aimless. With no clear goal for his life, Brandon sole joy everyday in life is to login to his favorite MMORPG, Yggdrasil. p.s: Writing to pass the time. English is my second language. feel free to comment on my English as well as writing.

MtHugeBook · Fantasía
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Justice For The Victor

Today, we ascent the Court Tower. Looking up from the bottom floor, the staircase seem endless. The first few floors only consisted of simple security bots that shout warning and occasionally shot their stuns gun at us. However, the difficulty begin to pick up as we reach the tenth floor. First, it was the puzzle. We need to solve a Rubik cube. At first it sound simple enough, until we realized that we have to match the Rubik cube with another one while we were only showed 3 sides of the other cube. Did I mention we have to do it blindfolded? Stark claim he can do it. But while we were talking, Edragon already finished the puzzle for us. Long live the King.

the floors after the tenth are covered in electric traps. Even the enemies are much better. They start to attacking us from our blind spots. Now I understand why Edragon want to come with us. He have memorized every blind spots and ambush points from the entire Dungeon. He claimed that this is much easier to strategize than doing it in his own world. All information from the NPCs are correct and complete while there is no telling if you get bad information or given false information from spies in real life, he said.

The twentieth and thirtieth only have simple logical puzzles. Stark solved one of them while Edragon solved the other. Mr. Stark can be quite competitive sometime. From the thirtieth floors, they start to send out invisible drones. The only indicator that they are there is that they create a flash of light a few second before they attack. while their attack is not that strong, they can be pretty annoying to deal with while we have to fight the other enemies at the same time.

Edragon is much weaker comparing to everyone in our team as a combat force. Mr, Stark and I can handle ourselves much better because we are playing a game behind a screen. We can level up and gear our "avatar", as well as do not carry the risk of dying in battle, so we are much better at fighting the enemies. As for Edragon, he said that everything is real to him. He travel to "the game world" by walking through a magic mirror. All of his skills and magic are what he can use in his real world. If he Die in "the game", he will Die for real.

Despite all that, he handle himself very good in battle. He is a Summoner that can conjure shadow warrior to fight in his behalf. Such a befitting power for a King, I thought. As I can tell, He can call upon 3 types of shadows. One is a Shield wielding warrior that can protect him from attack. It also carry a short spear, but I rarely see it using it. Second is the Long Bow wielding archer that he often use to shot down the invisible drones. The third one is a Magican that use Healing magic. He told me it can heal pretty much every wound as long as they are not fatal or the one injured has not lost too much blood. He can only conjure up to 3 shadows at once however, but I have never seen him put himself in a situation that he need to use more than 2. They are always dismiss every time right after they finish their purpose. I asked him why he didn't just let them follow him. He told me that it would drain his "energy". Stark even cut in to say that his Iron Legion are much better sine he can have as many as he want. But for me, the one without the "Iron Legion" or magic, I think his ability is pretty cool.

On the fortieth floor, we have to solve a lock room murder case. Turn out, it was a lock room "suicide" case. The "victim" killed himself while set up a lock room crime scene in order to blame someone else for his death, knowing that the investigator will investigate it, thinking it was a murder. The rest of the Dungeon are pretty much the same. More enemies attacking our blind spots, more enemies trying to swam us from above, more invisible drones, and the occasional attack in a dark floor with all the light went out.

Thus, we keep pushing on, to the final floor.


The final room look like the inside of a court room. It is big and spacious. The ceiling was so high, I almost thought it was the night sky. At the judge pedestal, we saw a human figure, reading something. Suddenly, the figure speak up.

"There was this murder case" The voice sound like a male of around 40 years of age. "A girl, Amy, kill her twin sister Emy. They were so close with each other. They hang out with the same group of friends, going to the same school, studying the same major, and falling in love with the same person. One day, she kill her sister Emy, maybe out of jealousy for love. The evidence was stacked against her, from her buying the murder weapon to planing the murder in her diary" He paused, then speak to us "Do you know what happened next?"

"Let me guess" Stark speak up "The girl was Emy. Amy tried to kill Emy, Emy somehow kill Amy in self defense, now they confused between the two and sentence the wrong girl. Am I Right smart guy?"

"...Some thing is wrong..." Edragon said as we all start to feel very chilly air in the room.

"...mmm...mmm...HAHAHA...." The figure start to start laughing hysterically "YES. One Brilliant Lawyer was able to show that the Girl was actually Emy. That she was only kill her sister Amy out of self defense. Thus, he was able to rise up in his rank and finally achieve the position of High Judge, who over see all in Alfheim"

As the air in the room turned ice cold, he gave his final "Confession".

"That is How I, Sebastian Armstrong, proved the girl "Innocent". But did you know? That is what Amy was planning all along. That is what I was planning all along. I was the one who Plan the murder. I was the one who push Amy to do it. I was the one who make the judge believe that the "murderer" was actually Emy.

"Now, I am the High Judge of Alfheim" As he said that, 2 other figure appear "Clerk, Bailiff...We have Disorder in Court"

We all begin to take our stand as we ready for the final battle.

Clerk "Disorder!"

Bailiff "You will all be Escort out of the Courtroom"

High Judge "Lets Us Battle. Justice For The Victor"