
Yggdrasil System

Jaune Arc, Blessed by a powerful semblance called ‘Yggdrasil System’ which turned the blonde mans life and perception into that of an RPG Style Game, Now Jaune Arc is armed with powerful magic and Six Servants titled ‘The Aspects’ Now they are the Beacon of Light but every light casts darkness.

Ken_Harvick · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: The Night Before

Chapter 3: The Night Before.

Note: alright my doods, here is another chapter for y'all.

There isn't much to say since y'all already know Jaunes job classes but I want to know if y'all want to see the remaining five members of the Six Aspects.

No one had answered if they wanted Ainz added into the story so did you want him added or not.

Show some love, this is a joint effort between me and unlimited.

Anyway enjoy the story I guess, it's been a while since I worked on this particular story.


The Blonde Caster remained in the magic created bed for the past few hours in the location that was at the end of the hallway adjacent to the main hall which was a perfect location for peace and quiet.

the Vampire Servant 'Akasha' was located on her knees at the corner while reading one of the numerous books that the blonde caster had claimed from murdering hundreds of negative sensing creatures called grimm, it was easy to kill them with ranged attacks but some grimm during Jaune's travel were lucky to have entered his space of influence.

However they were still swiftly taken down by close range spells.

The Blonde Man gets himself up from the comfortable bed and onto his feet showing off his current sleepwear, PJ Pants which showed magical circles which was another nod to his true power while also showing no deniability to his power, not that anyone smart enough could figure out what he could do.

Along with the pants, the blonde man shown no shirt to cover his upper section exposing his extremely toned muscular body that shown years of training except for the fact that the semblance forced jaune to achieve a state of perfect health like any avatar not suffering from ill effects which apparently extended to the physical body so this body while toned and had shown signs of hard work was literally given to the blonde man free of charge.

On the blonde man's back showed a serpentine dragon tattoo which goes from the tip of the tail close to the man's neck going downwards towards his hip, the dragon itself was just black colored ink with no other color except for the eyes which seemed to have a yellow color, this tattoo seems to reflect a certain type of grimm called 'Tianlong' in Mistral Myths, Tianlong was a celestial dragon that guarded the gate to the gods dwellings.

Though Jaune himself knew his tattoos true meaning, there are other meanings to the dragon, it symbolizes strength, power, health and good luck.

Jaune got this tattoo when he encountered a dragon like grimm during his travels several months prior before killing it off but to find such a rare creature caused the blonde man to search and learn of related mythologies until coming across one from his homeland and getting an artist to tattoo it to his back.

Anyway, the blonde man pulls his mind away from his toned body to look at the time to which he pulls down the menu to get a good look of the time in his location which was 8:25, that mean the cafeteria staff went home for the night and anyone who missed them couldn't get food for the night but beacon has a rule stating students can cook for themselves in the cafeteria after hours so long as they clean up after themselves which was easy for most.

The rest however never cooked so if they were hungry then they were shit out of luck, Jaune wasn't one of those people as his mother took the time to teach him how to cook and luckily cooking is a mental skill and therefore wasn't controlled by his semblance and that was good, despite chef being a class which gave good to powerful benefits for the cooked dishes.

"Akasha, come. I must eat" Jaune commanded his undead servant to which she looked up, giving the blonde man a greater view of her person. She was wearing a tall nightgown while her hair which was kept in a bun throughout the day was let loose otherwise the vampire was a very beautiful woman.

The Silver Haired Woman nodded as she got up from her knees and was ready to follow her master to the cafeteria, while being an undead meant she didn't need to eat, drink nor sleep like the living does.

She does tend to sample foods as to test for poison so her master doesn't get damaged.

'I'm starving but the kitchen staff are long gone. Maybe I should make myself something easy at least until breakfast tomorrow. I don't need to worry about Akasha since she's an undead' The Blonde Man thinks to himself as he and his servant walk out from the enclosed space to start going down the hallway still in thoughts about possible scenarios for the test tomorrow along with who would want to be his partner.

'Well, my partner has to be observant so we both can overlook situations otherwise they will end up screwing up a mission that will force me to clean up their mess and that will waste time which can be used to further the mission or help people in need.

'Bah, I doubt beacon would just allow it's students to just pick partners so if I had to guess…they would make it similar to what hunters usually go through and have them forced to work together during a mission but this is 4 Years in Beacon Academy so either they are forced to comply, or they genuinely become friends…date or whatever though that is a good idea, forcing people to work with each other regardless of circumstances or desire.' Jaune thinks to himself as he walks into the main hall where many people are in their section or walking around also shirtless like himself.


Ruby was laying on her stomach while writing onto pieces of paper which were letters to her friends back in signal academy, before she found herself recommended and sent to Beacon two years ahead however the red tipped girl's mind was far from the letters she's mindlessly putting down.

She was thinking about her first friend she made in Beacon though felt concerned that he would instantly fall for her older sister's charm especially towards all the guys she ended up crushing before being crushed that they went after the more developed sibling.

"Hey Rubes" the yellow haired sibling calls out before landing beside the red tipped girl "isn't this fun? It's like a big sleepover" "Dad wouldn't approve of all the boys" Ruby retorted as she looked over at some of the guys which were wearing numerous personalized pants and shorts while shirtless however the young huntress began to blush when she saw Jaune walk by as well, shirtless but his toned body was more developed than the rest of the guys and that made the young huntress blush at him along with seeing the silver haired woman following the blonde man though her blush faded when she learned that her own still growing body could never compare to the eternal beauty that served the blonde mage.

"I know I do" Yang commented lustfully before her eyes landed on the blonde hunk she tried to flirt with earlier along with the silver haired beauty following him "Hubba Hubba! Mama likes it! Damn Ruby! Where did you find a guy like that! He's more ripped than 95% of the boys here!" Yang exclaimed quite loudly only to blush even deeper to have seen a black inked tattoo on his back which looked like the Mistralian version of the serpentine dragon from the tail located towards the neck while it zig zagged towards the man's lower hip 'Ohhh and a tattoo? My god, he's becoming more of a treat every time I see this hunk'

The younger sister only blushed from Yang's increased vocal pitch by planting her face down in the pillow groaning loudly "Stop Yang! You're embarrassing me in front of my friend! I don't need you going after him after I just met him! So stop!" She exclaimed while her voice was muffled from the cotton pillow, but it was adorable from a girl like her which made the blonde girl chuckle.

"Alright, alright, I'll not make a move on your friend until after you leave then he's free game" Yang exclaimed giggling lustfully before a pillow gets shot at her face sending her backwards "YAAAAANG! DON'T HIT ON MY FRIEND OR I'LL TELL DAD WHO TOOK THE AGED SCOTCH THREE MONTHS AGO!!" Ruby shouted even louder which Jaune looked over curiously as he stopped momentarily to head outside to follow the path to the cafeteria.

Yang only seemed to grin as she waved at the unknowing blonde while he waved back confused about the outburst but chosen not to stick his nose into such business considering that the blonde man has older sisters similar to Yang, The Blonde Girl kept watching the mage as he left the main hall with the girl behind him "So Rubes, any idea who the silver haired girl is following Jaune like a lost puppy?"

"Akasha Blood, she's Jaunes servant…well family servant, so his family must be important to have someone like her" Ruby said with full honesty but isn't sure of what kind of services.

Yang nodded as she too, took a closer look at the eternal beauty as the two left the main hall "Beautiful, and she seemed to hold the grace of a trained huntress-" Yang spoke up before being interrupted

"Don't bother Yang, I've already tried to look her up. Literally no records of her not from anywhere" Ruby interrupted her more boisterous companion "I even looked at the International Hunter Records, nothing." The International Hunter Records serves as a public viewing of all registered hunters, while it doesn't show personal records like address, phone number or family. It does show missions completed, achievements, etc.

Yang only shrugged at her younger sister like she didn't care about some official record "So? I heard that 10% of those with their aura awakened fighters aren't even registered kingdom citizens so of course a lot of these people are unknown. She could've been fighting for decades and we wouldn't have known at all until they've been revealed." She said as it was technically true since Her and Ruby's uncle was a huntsmen and personally testified that warriors of huntsman and huntress levels did exist outside he kingdoms.

"But to come to vale, don't they need to like…register?" The Red Tipped Girl asked

"Not in Vale, The Vale Kingdom is more serious when it comes to self protection, it's why it has a law allowing everyone the right to possess a weapon though that's not covering weapons usually wielded by huntsmen and huntresses.

"Unlike Atlas which has a lot of laws preventing a common citizen from operating like a soldier or vigilante. Well all the kingdoms have similar laws on dishing out punishment without police authority but Vale is laxer on that" Yang exclaimed smartly before shivering at the younger sisters sharp gaze like she was shocked that the wild party girl knew that "Rubes, I may like to go out and party as much as the next girl but this is stuff you'll need to know at your final…year…at signal…" Yang slowly stops as she remembered that Ruby didn't have a final year at signal so it now made sense that the scythe huntress wouldn't have known about this.

Ruby looked sad as this had reminded her that Ozpin pushed her straight into beacon academy while disregarding required information for signal graduates "Right…"

Yang witnessed the drastic change in mood and decided to change the whole mood quickly

Outside in the cool slight windy darkened outdoors of beacon academy where the shirtless blonde man and silver haired eternal beauty was walking on the bricked pathway though silent to one another, not like a mage can make small chatter with the object of his creation.

sure Akasha was fully capable of thinking for herself and operating under her own discretion while fully capable of leaving his service at any time to try and…maybe build her own castle? Raise an army of vampires Dracula style.

Either way, if she so desired, The Vampire would leave however the reason why she decided was because of loyalty and certainly such loyalty wasn't written in her NPC Backstory.

Jaune still wondered what was different from a written backstory and sentient giving habits either derived from race, gender or experience though anyway, such things are still in development which also helps jaune when creating more NPCs as opposed to his original 6 especially since those 6 were created with a specific role in mind.

Those 'Roles' will be exposed in time.

"Master Arc, don't you believe you are trusting the young scythe wielder with too much knowledge of your power?" Akasha spoke up suddenly and swiftly, having always believed the most direct route can lead to the answers one desires without wiggle room.

Jaune didn't attempt to look at her nor did he care too because he knew that Akasha wasn't that vocal of any actions he did so long as it made him happy, again not something the mage put into her built script, but the question itself caught him off guard and it didn't want to look surprised to the one who held him on a high pedestal "what makes you say that my loyal servant?" Jaune asked as to why she thought revealing portions of his abilities to a nice girl was a bad thing.

"Your power far surpasses anything in this pitiful world of controlling humans, why must you follow their rules? Why must humans be allowed to know your true power even when they don't understand a fraction of it" She asked arrogantly, Akasha didn't much care for humans for reasons unknown to the creator but that's from those who haven't made any effort to become close to the blonde mage.

Akasha was written to understand and like those who Jaune himself had grown to be close with, however Akasha has yet to recognize the silver eyed huntress to be someone who Jaune liked, so the blonde man would see the reason for her concern but her line of question launched out from a simple girl knowing he had magic to anyone he exposes his power too.

Jaune sighed as he turned around to face the vampire woman with a kind face of a nice creator "I appreciate your concern my dear, truly I do, but tomorrow I'll be showing off the whole school of what I'm capable of. Not even the spells or items I place to use but also incorporating some class skills." The mage explained his primary plan for the initiation along with getting his underling from worrying.

Akasha nodded at him while a small but beautiful smile came forth "Understood My Lord, I'll prepare myself in case you need my assistance" she informed him only for her smile to falter slightly.

"Unfortunately, you won't be assisting me. It's already entering the final hour of your assigned guard so Silv will be appearing within the hour to relieve you so you can return to your assignments. It's something we all agreed on years ago. A way to ensure our enemies don't catch us off guard" Jaune informed her of a set arrangement that switched his guards for every 7 Days.

Switched from one created servant to another at 8pm every Sunday, and this would be undesirable for the blonde as questions would be raised on how the blonde man had another servant appear but it was a set custom that had been in use for years now and it worked well for the gamer guy.

Akasha looked saddened but nodded having remembered that exact meeting for assigning guard for their leader to defend and serve him at any given time while the remaining five will continue with assignments that assisted or will assist Jaune in the future however the vampire knew her job was highly important so she will not disregard them just to serve.

"Understood My Master, shall I head towards Mountain Glenn for my current assignment now? Or wait for Silver to appear" Akasha asked, putting aside her own desires to carry out Jaunes will.

"Go now, I fear that Glenn will become a significant place so we need a constant surveillance of the location" Jaune ordered to which the vampire woman nodded before disappearing in a flock of bats, a vampiric racial skill which only true vampires seemed to do.

The blonde man raised his right hand and brought it down to expose his semblance digital screen for the sole purpose of staring at the time.


In 53 Minutes is when the sly and honey coated voice of a Devil Race NPC will come and take the vampire beauties place as his weekly servant, and during that 53 minutes is when Jaune should start cooking a heavy meat dish primarily because during his time in the road had a meat based diet and any fresh greens he could find otherwise he dealt with animals, and due to this the blonde man had built up a quite known hatred for vegetarianism and WILL hit anyone who dares to say they were a vegetarian in front of him.

The Blonde Man entered the cafeteria to see it almost empty aside from several stragglers.

A couple who seemed to be in the left bottom corner of the room sharing a plate of fries with ketchup sprayed all over it, it was heresy to the gamer who liked to dip fries in the red substance rather than have the leftover liquid from the ketchup seep.




He felt solely tempted to walk over there and smash that plate of heresy onto the wall like he will do to a plate of salad but has shown restraint from destroying that abomination.

The Gamer continues to walk towards the kitchens in the back of the cafeteria while also taking a look at the remaining potential students.

Jackie was there too and was located at the upper portion of the left stripe of tables, she wearing a plain black T-shirt with unflattering shorts, she seemed to be munching on some Pumpkin Pete's while mindlessly playing on her scroll to bypass the time.

Jaune felt more of a connection to her especially since the blonde man absolutely loved Pumpkin Pete's, even making sure he had a box of it on the road.

Another person he saw was Pyrrha Nikos, located in the mid section of the left strip of tables, to which she was elegantly eating what jaune would believe to be a sponsored meal from McRonalds, lucky her really especially for a practical celebrity, however she was staring at him or more specifically the muscles.

Jaune felt uncomfortable for the prolonged stare so he kept going forward to find a black bowed woman in the right upper corner of the room while reading and munching on fried catfish…just that, only fried.

She didn't even debone the water bastard almost like she intended to use one of its ribs as a toothpick, Jaune did that before when he roasted a whole fish with a came fire and a homemade wooden roller.

Damn, the blonde gamer was getting hungry and the sight of the roasted fish made him hungrier for roasted meat, here's hoping that beacon academy cooking staff has a fire pit outside.

Jaune walks into the kitchen to see two figures in the kitchen, one of them was slurping down pancakes like it didn't have a solid form…or that figure girl had no gag reflex, either way it was concerning the blonde man and more of the dirty thinking kind.

The other guy…or girl, was flipping pancakes like he worked on such craft for years and Jaune would believe it completely.

However the blonde mage turned towards the numerous line of fridges then walked over to open a few of them to look for specific ingredients, after a few minutes on a metal counter where the ingredients that the blonde man intends to use for a home cooked meal.

1 Whole Flounder Fish.

1 4oz Sirloin Steak.

6 Round Potatoes.

1 Whole Tomato.

3 Whole Carrots.

1 Celery Stalk.

2 Large Onions.

1 Container of Beef Broth.

1 Box of Cornstarch.

1 Large Slice of a Round Cheese.

1 Jar of Sliced Pickles.

1 Can of Sliced Pineapple.

1 Pint of Vale Lager.

The sight of all these ingredients on the table would shock anyone especially the size of a single meal, Jaune smiled at the sight however as cooking was one of the few things he has to remember his mother especially since the blonde mage wanted to be a cook just like her before leaving to go on his journey of self exploration.

The black haired male and the ginger female seemed to have been taken out of their own bubble to stare at the blonde man who took out this much food and watched him prep.

The Black Haired Male has a stripe of pink in his hair while his outfit consisted of sweatpants and a green t-shirt which is basic for the guy except he was more handsome than most men, Jaune felt inadequate standing next to this male hotness.

The Orange Top was a very beautiful woman, her smile was like a bundle of sunshine and rainbows and her eyes were a vibrant teal that sent shivers into his smile. Her outfit was a black t-shirt that said 'Boop' which the blonde man felt was extremely adorable for her and very short pink shorts.

However Jaune looked back at the ingredients and focused his mind on the current task at hand.

Firstly Jaune seasoned the fish with a mixture of salt and black pepper then rubbed the spice on the meat, walking over to the oven to set it to bake for 425 Degrees so walking back over to the prep station.

Grabbing 4 of the Potatoes while using a short knife to cut an X on the top of them before grabbing them on a small cooking sheet then walking back to another oven to set that for 375 then returning to the prep counter to work on the rest of the food.

Jaune grabbed the fifth and final potato was finely diced up and set aside for later use, then grabbing the carrots to slice it into quarter inches, next he chops up the celery stalk in very small lengths and lastly finely dicing the onion while making an effort to not cry from his actions, Jaune hated how onions could potentially temp blind him during his cooking and to the final onion is when he cuts it into thirds.

He grabs a semi deep cooking pot then places it onto a stove next to the prep station and pours the whole content of the beef broth into it, setting the pot onto a medium heated fire, moving onto the next meal while the broth starts to boil.

Jaune unwraps the sirloin from its packaging since it was a store bought item, the blonde man was still concerned since it was a literal store bought item but for the mage, who can cook literally anything in the wild with little ingredients nor cooking equipment, he can make due with a store brand piece of meat that he assumed wasn't top grade.

He placed a smaller frying pan onto the same stove that the beef broth is slightly bubbling, not enough to be used yet, setting the pan on medium heat before returning to the prep station.

The Oven dings as it signaled the cook that it was ready which Jaune was putting the finishing touches on the flounder, placing slice pineapples over it, around 5 pieces along with four pieces of sliced pickles then the blonde man grabs the baking sheet and placing it into the oven with a set timer of 35 Minutes.

Along with the second oven beeped prompting the gamer to put in the four potatoes into the second to be baked while on top of a leaf topped baking sheet for 10-15 Minutes.

The bubbling sound is heard from the pot signaling that the brother was hot enough for diced up veggies, using a cutting board, the blonde man dumbs the chopped veggies into the pot then use a wooden spoon to stir it several times so the brother can coat all of the veggies then waited for both foreign objects to truly know each other.

Jaune saw the wispy smoke from the pan indicating that it was hot enough so he seasoned the steak with kosher salt and cracked black pepper, using a gloved hand to spread the seasoning all over the steak and placing the beef into the pan where the hit sizzle was heard when it is searing the steaks flesh.

The Blonde Man began to plate the food that he has prepared so far which isn't much but it's to be ready for the rest, the serving tray was wooden plus it's easier for the blonde mage to carry. On another serving board is where jaune puts the slice of cheese on it along with the sliced whole onion and a tomato.

Grabbing a wooden mug from a cabinet, unsure WHY the cooking staff have wooden utensils is beyond the gamer but he won't question it since he was completely used to wood made utensils and would prefer it to stay that way.

Jaune grabbed a fresh cold Valean Lager from the fridge which was to be given on demand aka to be asked for.

and while it would be stupid to ask for a hunters ID in a huntsmen academy but it was valean law since hunters in training were exempt from the usual 21 years of age law to consume alcohol but they must provide proof of ID.

The Blonde Man opens the lager and dumps the liquid into the wooden mug to be placed on the serving tray, he places the drink underneath the serving board that the cheese was on, again, regardless of its condition, jaune was used to them on his travels.

Returning to the stove to check on the progress of the stove topped food to find the broth ready therefore Jaune grabs the cornstarch to sprinkle some of it as a way to thicken up the broth to be more homogeneous while also remaining liquid enough to be slurped like a soup, he whisked the beef stew enough to pour the contents into a wooden bowl to be placed on the serving board directly next to the serving tray.

Jaune flips the steak exposing a beautiful charred skin which was something he enjoyed.

He then goes to the second oven to pull out the baked potatoes exposing its cooked form then placing it and the baked leaves onto a bowl and sitting it above the cheese topped serving tray and the steaming beef stew.

Going back to the first oven exposing the now cooked fish with a heavenly smell then placing that whole fish onto the serving tray below the serving trey and the beef stew bowl, Jaune picks up a butchers knife to cut into the fish from the neck down to the fin with every inch and a half cut down, luckily the fish was gutted and deboned so no wasted time on that

Lastly the steak was done, Jaune grabs the steak to put it onto a cutting board to slice it into four pieces then stabbing each piece with a skewer stick and lastly stabbing the skewer onto the serving tray right right next to the cheese and above the onions and tomato.

Jaune sighed in relief as he stared at the massive serving of deliciously prepared food that even his mother would stare in jealousy, hell, the moment he walks into the cafeteria would cause everyone to stare at him in jealousy.

"Quite a lot of food, is more than one person eating that?" A voice spoke up for the first time the blonde man had started which wasn't unwelcome but the gamer preferred a silent time to focus on his current objective.

Jaune shook his head at the question "Naw, got no one else to eat this but again, it's better that way. Didn't want anyone to get jealous" he exclaimed with a slight chuckle while not adding that he preferred this much as a precaution when traversing in the wilderness.

"I know I am! That looks almost as delicious as Renny's pancakes!" The peppy orange girl exclaimed suddenly while skipping over towards the serving tray to take a potato only for 'Renny' to smack her hand before she could, cradling it towards her large chest while holding a pouty face "No Nora, you shouldn't take food from other people without their permission"

Nora pouted even harder while trying to make an excuse about trying to steal one of his baked potatoes "B-But…It looks good…" she said trying to validate her excuse to which her silent friend's serious eye stare caused the overly energetic girl to shrink more than it was physically possible.

Jaune seemed to chuckle at the sight as he grabbed one of the potatoes and tossed it to Nora who caught it with a surprised look "Thanks for the laugh, makes things easier for me to adjust here." He simply said as he effortlessly lifted and balanced the large serving tray then left the kitchen.

Nora looked over at Ren with an 'I Told Ya So' look as she bit into potato while he looked at her with an unimpressed look "He seemed nice, think we would be on his team? I could get used to him cooking every night" the peppy ginger girl said with a large smile and mouth full of potato

"While it would be amazing, especially with the smell. It's ultimately up to him to decide if he will be cooking. But what I'm more concerned with is that the disk was more meat than veggies" Ren exclaimed as he didn't forgo the need for protein especially from meat, he was more partial to greens as they provide more nutrients than most other foods.

"Ugh! Why do you have to bring that up every time!" Nora exclaimed loudly as she did not like most veggies with the exception of potatoes and carrots.

Jaune returned to the cafeteria and unlike previously where most had focused on their own things, the ones inside had solely focused on him and the wafting heavenly smell coming from the extraordinary meal.

However he seemed to continue onto his walk towards the bottom right corner where he could eat in moderate peace while also waiting for the appearance of his next servant/bodyguard.

Jaune sits down at the table to take a whiff of the food he just prepped before grabbing the fork that was stabbing into the fish's midsection to wolf it down in seconds, two-three bites is all it took and it surprised everyone especially watching one man scarf down a large portion of food, starting with the fish which left the head and tail, considering both weren't edible.

Jaune chugged down both the beef stuff and lager with vigor like he wasn't concerned with the conflicting taste of the stew nor the alcoholic lager, in the wild, you take what you get or end up being a wolf's next meal and those wolves don't care how you taste.

Next was grabbing the slice of cheese and two potatoes next, chomping the cheese in a big ol bite before adding a whole potato into the mouth to add more starch and slight bitterness from a potato to balance out the cheese saltiness, it was a good blend.

This act proceeded with taking another massive bite from the cheese while adding another whole potato until all of the cheese was gone and so was the final potato.

Jaune grabs the skewer of meat along with the bowl of beef stew, taking a whole bite of one of skewered pieces and a deep chug of the stew which continued until all the meat was gone and jaune chugged the rest of the stew like a frat boy then setting the bowl down to find the remaining meal was gone and finished.

This shocked everyone as that was a lot of food to have been put away as quickly as it came.

The couple however felt slightly disgusted just how the man was eating like a wild dog.

Jack, who seemed to have lost interest in her cereal, was more interested in such a home meal, but wiped away the drool from her mouth before finishing her bowl to return to the kitchen as a way to refocus herself and away from her new friends' wolffish appetite.

The Black Bowed Girl seemed to be the least affected of everyone, especially since in her past has seen many to have eaten that amount since they wouldn't have known when they would die, especially in the wild against grimm. So she returned to her own flame roasted fish to eat until something happened.

A new figure appeared.

This new figure had deep tanned skin like he's from the sand dunes of vacuo, his height was roughly the tallest the secret cat faunus had scene even towered closely to a White Fang Lieutenant called Banesaw, his hair was a neatly combed and gelled back silver with two animalistic horns sprouted from his head that went towards the back that looked like it was gelled with his hair, his eyes was a piercing ocean blue that could see into souls.

His outfit consisted of a full piece blue striped suit with a tail coming from the back pants, a black leather like devil's tail.

The Horned Man was walking towards the blonde man then kneeling down to him "My Master, your servant, Silver T. Devil has come to serve you once more." The Tailed Faunus exclaimed, Jaune seemed to look over, nodding at the horned man before tapping the tray to silently convey to clean it.

Silver saw the motion and nodded which he stands straight up to pick up the tray and with another motion from the master as to send the tanned man towards the kitchen "Understood My Master, I'll shall return to your side once I am done" the new servant walks towards the kitchen with that same smile he walked in with.

The couple leaves which leaves two figures into the cafeteria and the hidden Faunus was grabbing the cover of her book hard almost like she was disgusted that a Faunus was acting like a slave, angrier that it was a human that was treated like a slave master.

"It's disgusting…" the monotone girl said suddenly which jaune looked over at the end of the table and with no one else in the room aside from the four in the kitchen, Jaune looked over curiously as to wonder what the hidden cat girl was talking about "That a respectable faunus man ends up as a slave to a human, it's because of that is what caused the White Fang to operate like they do"

Jaune would snort at that "while the original White Fang was a pacifist group settled, what caused their shift was the previous leader stepped down while a more aggressive leader took place. Nowadays, they are treated as an extreme terrorist group. They seemed to shift from being equality towards faunus supremacy so they aren't really popular right now"

The girl seemed to grip her book even harder to where her knuckles are starting to turn white especially since she hated that Faunus are treated worse now than it was when the White Fang first started, the current leadership seemed to fail to understand just exactly what their actions is painting a picture for the faunus people as a whole, depicting them all as animalistic savages.

"While that may be true, not all faunus are like the white fang, they are still people after all" The Hidden Cat said as she slowly closed her book and her feline like eyes centered on the half naked blonde man who's ocean blue was filled with something that just pissed her off like he didn't seem to understand what slavery meant to the demi human community, damn the rich.

"If you get assaulted on the street from a thug, you can humanize your attacker all you want, it doesn't change the fact that they did something completely wrong. The White Fang is more than capable of bringing the SDC down with a workers strike without the need to raise a gun but who fired the first shot?

"I can promise you, for all the faults the SDC and everything it's current CEO has done. It was the animals that attacked first and that is how history will remember them, no legal court or self respecting kingdom government will support the White Fang as they've been publicly painted as faunus supremacist terrorists.

"Especially since every attack they've done not only brought them more into hot water and a brighter bad light over their organization, they've caught innocent civilian humans and faunus into the crossfire and I refuse to support a group who does that regardless of intent." Jaune ranted deeply as his eyes slowly exposed the anger he had for the white fang, because they screwed with him several times before just because he was human.

The Hidden Faunus gripped her hand harder to where her nails dug into her flesh almost actively suppressing the urge to attack him, even when he was completely right about everything the White Fang, history will not see them as she did long ago but this guys view was incredibly narrow and ignorant, he didn't make an effort to understand those to be discriminated as nothing more than animals and slaves, probably because he grew up in a sheltered life with faunus slaves at his beck and call.

"You wouldn't understand the people who chose to join them, they do so because the faunus are tired of being pushed around" She exclaimed lowly almost in a growl tone almost ready to let go of her restraint and attack this man only to flinch heavily as his cold unyielding eyes bore into hers.

His next sentence seemed to be colder then intended but Jaune never mince his words, he never backed down from anything regardless to it being debate from middle school or to a shouting match towards arrogance, he will call it like he sees it and expose any weaknesses he finds in his friends or allies though he is also not afraid to offer help to anyone in need nor ask for help.

"If the Faunus People don't have the spine needed to stand up for themselves without having to turn to terrorism, then they should retreat to that little island of theirs" Jaune said while giving himself an unnoticed wince as he probably could've worded that better but chosen to stand by his words.

He also didn't flinch as this mysterious cat girl seemed to exploded in rage as she charged at him with incredibly quick agile to attack him with her nails only for the suited horned guy to suddenly appear behind the girl grabbing both her wrists to stop her assault "I don't really appreciate people who tries to harm my master" he said in a smooth honey tone

She looked back shocked on that he would defend him before pulling out of his grip, grabbing her book then stomping out from the room pissed the fuck off from the blonde man and his racist remarks.

Jaune watched with interest before turning towards Silver who kneeled down to him once again "You needn't interfere in that Silv, whatever she could've done, I would've countered that with ease" he berated his servant though with no actual authority behind his words.

He nodded and bowed his head in remorse. "My apologies master, it didn't sit right that someone like her had the audacity to strike against you, a god among humans." Jaune too was annoyed that a faunus didn't have the strength to control her emotions though he didn't expect much from a someone like her try hide her true identity, the blonde mages servants were constantly discriminated during their assignments but they had the emotional control to not allow the haters to get the better of them.

"Enough of the past, how's the progress of Plan Exodus?" The Gamer asked the devil looking faunus.

The Devil Servant seemed to give a dark looking grin when he gave his report "I've found a perfect location within Vale City with access to the old sewer tunnels, I'm currently in the process of negotiating a price with the land owner and then we can begin amassing an army. If that is what you still desire, master?"

Jaune looked down at the wooden table while his face was emotionless, hiding behind a mask that was built and maintained for a long time; however, one sentence shows that the blonde gamer was at Beacon Academy for a far different purpose.

"Yeah, got this far. Be stupid to pussy out now" Jaune said with determination


Alright my doods! Here is another chapter for y'all and I hope you enjoyed it, it's a joint effort between me and my co author so show some love aight? We've worked hard on this.

Ohhhh my! I hope jaune isn't planning anything nefarious with that little declaration.

Did y'all like the cooking scene? I certainly did and it made me hongry! The food used was inspired and based off of the first meal platter from Monster Hunter: World. If anyone has any ideas for food from other games or tv shows then direct them to me as I'd rather have a variety of meals in this story.

Honestly, I had a lot of fun writing this cooking scene primarily because it's so different from what I usually do.

You're probably wondering why I depicted Blake like that? Well considering the fact that she's an avid believer for equal rights of humans and faunus so seeing a 'Faunus' serving a human didn't really sit well with her so that's why she acted like that and would mostly be an enemy/frenemy before the two end up coming to an understanding.

If you guys have any ideas then don't hesitate to give them to me, y'all are more creative than me.