
Chapter one

Addison slouches down carefully. He felt incredibly cramped, but he knew he could deal with it. Being in that car for two and a half hours was enough for Addison to get used to it. Sorrowfully leaning against the door with his mini radio in hand. "This is a great opportunity Addison! There'll be three times the amount of kids your age here then back in the country." His mom said. "What if none of the kids like me…?" He groaned. At this point he was just tired. It was late enough.

The wind blew ever so calmly against the cold grass. The leaves crinkled along with it. And up against that huge tree Addison layed. With his radio playing rock n' roll. And tapping his foot with the beat.

Addison got up and skipped down the road to his home. His oversized shirt flowed like a dress. "Good morning!" He called his neighbor. People always saw Addison as to feminine. His name says it all. But he was happy. With his life and with himself. However it all went downhill as he made his way towards his house to hear the devastating news that the house was already sold.

Addison kept thinking about that day and slowly drifted off into sleep. Ignoring the loud talking of his parents. And his little brother George who kept shaking him to get up.

He stood by a balcony looking at a beautiful ocean landscape with a purple shine to it. Addison took a single rose from the vines which grew on the marble fence. Wishing for love and understanding as he plucked out each petal in melancholy. His hazel doe eyes look desperate.

Addison stands up and takes a stroll around this new world he's in.

"Wake up! We're here Addison!" George groaned. His eyes opened instantly only to find out he was in his new house. It was late. So they wouldn't be getting their beds and furniture set up til tomorrow.

The next day, by time Addison woke up it was already pretty late. Around 11:30. "Are you plucking your eyebrows again?!" His mom yelled. Addison froze up with the tweezers still in hand. His work looked oddly natural. As if he knew what he was doing. "Gimme that!" She snatched the tweezers and put them back. "Men don't dazzle themselves up like that Addison, you're not a queer! …aren't you?" Addison shook his head not even knowing what that meant. "No.. no I'm not! I-I'm sorry…" Addison said. He didn't understand why this was such a big deal. He wanted to look good. He wanted to have that elegance that pin-up girls would have whenever he saw them in magazines. Through peeking over his mom's shoulder of course. Why was not looking like the other boys such a bad thing? "Ooo Addison- you're in trouble~" George said. Peeking through the bathroom door. Addison ignored him and looked down at the floor.

Addison carefully tip-toed out of the back door. He wasn't supposed to be going out right now. But his family were too busy and had no use for him at the moment. Addison looked around and noticed a pipe near his window. One that looks stable enough to climb. He could easily sneak out with the help of that pipe.

"Hey you're new to the neighborhood aren't you?" An unknown voice said. Addison looked to his left and saw what seemed to be a boy behind the fence across from him. He was tall, had very dark skin and a long mouth with plump lips. His black eyes sparkled with joy and excitement. "Um… yeah! Yeah I am." Addison shouted.

"So… where did you come from Addison?" David said. Walking on the road across from their houses. He was right next to Addison. "I used to live down south. And we lived near a farm." He sighed in sorrow. "And…" he stopped. David slowed down his walking pace. "It's okay if you don't want to talk bout' it. I bet you miss it a lot don't you?" He continued "it's not easy. Moving is such a big change, sometimes you don't even know where to start. Mentally." David murmured. Addison got a knot in his throat. When older men talk to him they often try to bully Addison. His mom says not to trust them anyway. Yet here he is. Being ever so kind to Addison. And still if his name wasn't David Addison might have mistaken him for a woman. Due to his voice.

"Hey I'm on my way to rehearse with my mates. You can come and meet them if you want." David insisted. Addison's doe eyes widened. "Really?" He crooned. Addison took an interest in music ever since he was 10. He is 15 now. "Of course, I think they'd like you!"

David led him to an alleyway. Stood there were a few boys Addison looked around to find which ones David was talking about. "Oh hey David, say, is Roger here yet?" A tall man said. He had tan skin, a long face, heavy cheekbones and small (slightly droopy) almond shaped green eyes. Though not as droopy as Addisons. He was incredibly handsome. "Oh…um… didn't he say he would be here by 2?" "Sure did," the man said. Lighting a cigarette. His eyes travel to Addisons. Who stood about a few inches from him. But looked way shorter compared to David. "Who's the kid?" "Oh.. this is Addison! He's the new guy, remember?" The man stayed silent. And hid his face with his hat. "Oh.. I… erm… I'm Michael…" he said. Addison had gotten confused by the strange man. And looked up at David. "Who's Roger?" He said. David looked around nervously. "He's a friend of… our… hey.. Michael, do you think…" "Dammit! I told him to call us if he was in trouble!" Michael shouted. He shoved Addison away and speed walked towards what seemed to be Rogers house. David followed. Addison stood still for a minute in shock but then followed. "What's.. going on?!" Addison panted. running to try to keep up with the two.