
Yes sir! I collect Yandere Milf

Neir Featherburn Agustus is a typical office worker who works a standard 9 to 5 job at a large call center. His life wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either; he was a decent middle-class single man. He did, however, have one feature that set him apart from the norm: his Agustus family curse Bloodline. The Agustus family was known to be cursed by the Goddess of Love, Ishtar, for a crime his ancestor had committed. "You were given love, but you betrayed it, and now that I've decided to take it back, you curse at me in such a way sixth Agustus... heheh... fine... you want love, I'll give it to you." No, in fact, I will shower you and your entire family with so much love that it will be the very thing that kills you." As a result, Ishtar cursed the Agustus family with the curse of obsession. The curse is simple: any male of the Agustus bloodline will be loved to death by his lovers. In summary, Neir is a Yandere magnet; as a result, Nier does his hardest to keep his distance from the other sex out of fear for his life. He didn't want to end up like his older brother, father, uncle, and grandfather, cousins, all of whom had died within the previous two years, making him the last true Agustus. As if it wasn't horrible enough, the world and his everyday life were now in danger. And it all began on that fateful day when the world's voice appeared. [Attention all Gaian subjects: the day of judgment is here. As a result, the world will end in three days, the dead will rise, monsters locked in the neither will flood the mortal realm, and the Zenomen, an alien civilization, will conquer the entire known universe. However, not all hope is lost; in order to acclimate to the new world and maximize your chances of survival, please select a class and race.]

Iam_hastur · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

What I am

A guy was unconscious on a lofty balcony, the late afternoon sun beating down on him. Of course, the individual was Nier, who had been unconscious for hours but was now rising from his deep slumber, as the transformation he had been undergoing was now complete.

"Ugh!... When did I fall... egh?

Nier stated with a slight astonishment on his face, for his vision had suddenly been enhanced and expanded, and his line of sight had suddenly doubled as he could see two things at once. 

He was looking both at the sky, and the balcony floor at the same time. But he didn't have time to ponder for too long. Seeing that what happened next was that the same voice from earlier began to speak in his head once more.

[The transformation into a Xonkigren is complete.]

[All five senses have been greatly heightened.]

[Your hunger level is at 45%; please ensure that it does not fall below 15%.]

[Please take notice that a character notebook has been handed to you, and it contains all of your personal information. It is a free item that every subject of Gaia has retrieved, and as such, please keep it safe at all times. The journal may be indestructible, but it still has power over you; therefore, whoever has your journal has dominion over your being. This mechanism exists to ensure equilibrium, as certain races are stronger than others, and the same is true for class options; no one is without a flaw in this world.]

Nier began to take deep breaths as he digested these succession of announcements.

What had happened earlier had undoubtedly been a significant change, though it had taken him by surprise. He instantly felt tranquil, but calm was too boring a word to characterize his current state of mind; instead, he felt entitled, or better yet above the need to worry.

It was an odd sensation; typically he should be celebrating the existence of a game-like system actually existing. Or at the very least start screaming at the top of his lungs that aliens were about to invade the earth, and they only had a short time to prepare for the worst, and yet Nier felt calmer than anyone else.

"*Sigh!*.... There is no need to be concerned about this sensation; what I should be doing at this moment and time is attempting to discover myself. First and foremost, how do I appear, and what is the anatomy of my new body?"

Nier asked himself as he stood up to stroll to the nearest full-body mirror in the corner of his room. Surprisingly, when he arose, he immediately noticed the sense of height.

"Well, it's quite obvious that I have become taller thanks to my new point of view."

Said Nier as he began to walk towards the mirror in the corner of the room.

And when he got to the mirror, he was amused by his new appearance.

"Oh my... this is rather surprising, although if I had to admit, I must say it is quite humanoid for another race, despite the new extra aesthetics being quite obvious." Heheh.... I like it, I like this new form, it's not only convenient, but I get a feeling it's unfair for some reason."

Yes, before Niers stood a really attractive man, unlike the ordinary-looking one he was before his metamorphosis. Nier was now 6'6 tall, with a muscular and refined figure. He was naked, of course, because he had torn out of his previous garments. Nier body, on the other hand, has changed dramatically in several ways.

Nier, for example, now gained an extra pair of arms, giving him a total of four arms. His skin was a light but eerie colored purple, and all four of his hands up to the elbow were completely steined in black. While his claws were sharp and thick and red in color.

All over his upper body was a series of ominous blood-red marks, but the one that held a weird power from within his the mark on his head, which was the Slavic symbol used to represent Chernobog colored in blood red at the center of his for head. Then looking at his face, you would be able to see three pairs of bright golden nocturnal eyes, giving him a total of six.

And if you looked down at his lower area, you'd see something rather monstrous, it was his large cock, it was moving as if it were alive, strangely he could move it just like he could move his hands, it was dark purple, currently nine inch in length, but strangely he felt like he could manipulate it its size and shape, with the head being red.

When he opened his mouth, however, he was surprised to discover that he possessed a lengthy prehensile tongue, long enough to wrap around his neck multiple times if he so desired. Although his teeth appeared to be sharp, it looked like he appeared to be able to bite through metal relatively easily.

This was the transformation that was now obvious on Nier's physique; he smiled deviously, making him look like a manipulating devil because his hair had turned from maroon to vanta black. His hair was long and curly, reaching to the lowest part of his legs, but the strangest thing was that he could move each individual strand of hair as if it were nothing more than another limb.

Nier then began to make observations on the scenario, as he stated.

"This is rather interesting; the outer exterior is rather obvious but what what are the changes from the inside?"

Nier thought to himself, but it was something he'd have to figure out for himself when he had the time. For the time being, he could recall what the voice of the world had previously mentioned.

And it was the information about some type of special character notebook, which included all of his personal information. And, as the voice of the world stated, the book is significant in that it serves as both a guide and a treasure, since if someone obtains his book, the enemy will exploit all of his weaknesses and abilities, while also turning him into a slave.

Niers already had the notebook in his hands and examined it carefully. And it was then that he understood the notebook wasn't something special or fancy. Instead, it was a plain black book with his full name engraved in gold on the upper layer of the cover. On the other hand, he observed that the same mark on his forehead was again in the center of the book, except this time it was gold.

He then went ahead and opened the book, which he immediately felt a deep connection to. Instinctively, he wants to safeguard this book at all costs, regardless of the sacrifice. Because if anyone manages to steal the book, his life is finished, making the book security the number one priority.

Apart from that, he opened the book, and the first thing he read was the "Table of Contents," which began with a direct introduction.

[I wish the owner of this book the best of luck in your endeavors; the world you once knew is no more. A realm riddled with turmoil and cruelty around every turn; it is not my ideal world, but it is necessary for life to adapt to the end. Humans had to die because necessary changes had to occur. As a result, set aside your humanity and embrace the monster within; only then will the planet be saved from the injustice that was fated upon you. And keep in mind, my children, that I adore you - Gaia, The Mother of Nature.]

"Gaia or Mother Nature... Ha?" How powerful does one have to be to turn an entire planet into a monster in such a short period of time? Although it appears that this so-called mother nature either loves us or needs us to survive at any costs in order to repel the extraterrestrial invasion."

"I don't see why a mythological figure would make such a great sacrifice for us mortals." Either way, I simply need to survive this cursed wasteland. I'm not sure how powerful these aliens are, but if they have the technology to take control of an entire universe, it says a lot about how outmatched we are in this soon-to-be Armageddon, even with our newfound power."

"As a result, I need to see what I am capable of; I don't have to be the strongest." I just need to get strong enough to be able to survive no matter the cost."

"So let's see what I am dealing with here."

[Table of Content]

- General Introduction...... Page 1-10

- Race information....... Page 11-20

- Inherent Ability Tree........ Page 21-22

- Class Slots......... Page 23

- Subordinates Tree...... Page 24

- Slave Tree........... Page 25

- Monster Encyclopedia...... Page 26-Until

This was the table of contents for Nier's character book; it was not only perfectly organized, but the handwriting was in a strange language that looked maddening, but he could easily read it.

However, Nier's initial action was to turn to the first page, which was General Information. And it covers a lot of very vital facts as well as minor aspects about the planet. In any case, it begins with information on the book.

- What exactly is a Character Notebook, and why is it significant to the owner? 

  - The answer is straightforward: The Character Notebook is a book created from a small portion of the owner's heart, mind, and soul. As a result of your activities, the information in the book changes, and you can access information pertaining to you the owner as you go along your own road of power. Each Gaian has one, and it is vital because if you lose your book and someone discovers it, they have access to all of your darkest secrets, and weaknesses, and can tell how strong you are. The worst thing is that once they have access to that monster's book, all monsters have the ability to enslave creatures. That is why you must safeguard the book at all costs, or you will be dominated.

"This is both fascinating and terrifying."

Nier exclaimed aloud to himself, as he realized that being ruled was a fate far worse than death. And it makes things a lot more difficult since trusting others would be considerably more painful because you physically have something that allows someone else to control you if they ever get their hands on it.

"I'm wondering if I should hide this book, or if it's safer if I always have it with me, so I can keep it safe." But, if I hide it, no one will be able to track my development not even me. No! It's best to hide this object somewhere that no one else can find it."

"Of course, I need a safe place to hide this; and what if other monsters discover the existence of these books via some kind of sensing bullshit? Damn, that's not a decision I can make right now." So, for the time being, I'll just carry it with me at all times until I can figure out a better way to preserve it. Even so, because I'm still new to this world, I need to read the information further."

"With that said, I'd like to know what I am. Because I've never heard of a mythological being named or referred to as the Xonkigren."

With that in mind, Nier flipped to page 11 to learn more about the Xonkigren race, as he was the least familiar with them.

That's when he noticed the inquiry and the explanation that came with it. But when he started reading, he was stunned to say the least.

- What is the Xonkigren?

  - The Xonkigren is not a monster species; rather, it is a named evil, a living notion representing the ideal of corruption and madness. And possesses all abilities relating to those two notions. It is a perverse existence that delights in toying with the lives of both the innocent and the wicked. In order to become stronger, it feeds on the terror and pain of the living. The Xonkigren is one of 77 names for evil that have been sealed up in a box that predates even the Gods of this realm and time itself. In it was chaos, but in today's civilization, the Xonkigren would be referred to as one of the monsters that Pandora unintentionally released when Zeus tested her, bringing chaos to overwhelm the human realm. The Xonkigren is the first and the oldest of the 77 evils, representing the corruption of the living, as such there is only one in existence. Legend has it that it was a Xonkigren that tempted Pandora to break it free from its cage, by stimulating her curiosity.