
Yes, I am Death's Champion. No. It Is Not A Cult.

Death. Death is not a bad thing, you know? She is beautiful. She is kind, and in the end, you will meet her eventually. Look, I am not a Death Cultist. I am her contractor. So, don't you dare to run after cheating on her! I came here for Life's extended warranty! It is expired! Oi! Why are you running?!

abis1dua · Derivados de obras
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

All I can see is darkness.

The last thing I remember is a massive steel beam falling toward me, and the next thing I know, I am stuck in this endless darkness of a place. I don't know how long since I arrived here. Days? Months? Maybe Years? I don't know. All I know is that I want to get out of this place.


Who's there?!

"A mortal soul in my realm. Interesting."

I try to look around, but I cannot move my body. Since arriving in this place, I have been unable to move my body. I wonder why.

"That is because your body is no longer with you."

What do you mean?

"You are nothing but a mere soul arriving in my realm."

Your realm? Who are you? Where am I?

I can hear the sound of someone snapping their finger, and suddenly, the darkness disappears, replaced with an endless white place. My eyes look around for a few seconds before it lands on a woman, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, standing in front of me with a small smile on her face.

"Welcome to my realm, mortal."

Who are you?

"Me? I am fear, and I am pain. I am the sorrow on your face. I am the burden you carry and the future you brace. But I am the friend whose hand you shall take."

I think for a few seconds before saying.

You are Death. You are the final destination.

She chuckles and says.

"That's right, and you mortal arrive in my realm."

That is all living being's last destination, right?

"That is true. However, it's been a while since a mortal soul arrived in my realm. Usually, all souls who arrive here will be gone for good. Nothing survives in this place."

Then why do I survive in this place?

"Because your soul is special. Your soul is not the strongest, the fastest, or the most durable. Your soul is the luckiest."

Do I survive because of luck?

"Don't underestimate luck, mortals. An Empire can rise and fall because of luck. Your soul has excess luck, and that lets you enter the only place you can survive."

Huh. That is interesting. What now?

"You are rather calm, mortal."

What do you want me to do? Panicking? I am already dead, and I know that I am dead. At least my death is not as painful as I thought.

I can hear her laugh and look at me with a slightly bigger smile.

"I want you."

Huh? That phrasing is a little bit… off.

"I want you to be my contractor."

Now, I am more confused. What do you mean by contractor?

"Hmm… Do you know a warlock?"

Like the one in DnD? It's been a while since I played it, but I know about Warlock. They are magicians who make a contract with a higher being in exchange for power, and in return, they will do their patron's bidding. Wait!

"That's right. I want you to be my contractor. However, I cannot bind you to myself. We need a third party to do it."

Huh? Why?

"Because your soul, while lucky, is not strong enough to bear the full power of a concept like me."

Concept… wait a minute. You are DEATH, as in the concept of death instead of a Goddess of Death that takes the name of Death.

"That's right. I am born from nothingness to guide everything to nothingness."

Not to make things into nothing, huh? You are a guide rather than the cause.

"That's right. Because of this, you cannot directly make a contract with me. I shall call this third party to make you my contractor."

Death disappeared briefly before she suddenly returned with someone. The one she brings is a man so pale that I thought he was a walking corpse.

"Ah, this is the soul you want to make a contract with, my lady?"


"And you already choose the options for him, huh?"

"That's right."

The man nods his head and touches my head. I can feel my entire body change and see my legs grow. Wait. It is not growing. Rather, my leg gets recreated. Death told me that I was a soul, and that meant I did not have a body.

After a few seconds, I look at my arms and legs in awe. As expected from the people she calls. They are powerful.

After creating my body, the man nods his head and gives me a phone.

"This will be your company phone."

"Company? Do I work for a company?"

"No. You will work for your Patron. However, because she cannot make a pact with you directly, we will be the ones giving you power instead of her. You cannot directly receive a mission from us. However, you can still buy things and capture targets that will appear on your phone. Your company phone will have apps that you open to see what kind of target we want."

"How do I capture the target?"

The man snaps his finger, and suddenly, a red stamp appears in front of him.

"This will be your capture device. You only need to stamp your target for three seconds on the target's skin. After that, you must wait seventy-two hours for the capture process to complete."

"What happens when I am done with the capture?"

"Nothing much. The captured target will be loyal to you if you consider them allies. When you want them as partners or what we call Waifu, they will love you more easily."

"That is a little bit of a mess up, but alright."

"Right. You can see what your patron has chosen for you in the app on your phone."

"I see. I will read them later."


The man looks at Death and says.

"He is ready. You can explain the world he will visit."

Death nods her head, and the man leaves this place using a portal. She looks at me and says,

"As my contractor, you can capture anyone who is already dead. Also, your attacks cannot be healed by anyone who dares to cheat on me. Before I say your first mission, I will tell you which world you will be dropped into. I decided to drop you into the world which you are familiar with. I will drop you in a place called Westeros."

"Ah, Game of Thrones, huh?"

"No. The Book Continuity."

"A Song of Ice and Fire, then."

"That's right. I want you to kill the undead who declares himself Night King and someone who calls himself Three-Eyed Raven. Night King is an abomination created by those foolish creatures, and the Three-Eyed Raven is a self-created abomination that feeds upon the soul of the dead. The two of them need to be killed. That is your first mission from me. Complete it, and you shall receive a great reward from me."

I look at her for a second before smiling.

"I will complete your mission, my lady. This is the least thing I can do for you after you give me a second chance."

Death smiles and says.

"Then go. Go and show those who cheat on me the consequences of their action."

The next thing I knew, darkness consumed me for a second before I arrived in the middle of a forest.


|Build| |Waifu Catalog (https://waifu-catalog.neocities.org/)|

Starting World: A Song of Ice and Fire [Books continuity]

Starting budget 140


Death [140]

Intensity [6.25] 

Legacy Difficulty 0


Me and My Girlfriend(s)(PvE) +0 [140]

'Extra' with 1 additional cost -1 [139]


Company Stamp free [139]


Sticky Fingers -5 [134]

Faerie Feast -10 [124]

Home Perks

Pocket Space -5 [119]

Pocket Apartment x2 -20 [99]

Sweet Home -20 [79]

Armoryᵈˡᶜ -10 [69]

Home Securityᵈˡᶜ free [69]


Body Tune-Up -5 [64]

Communication -10 [54]

Soul -10 [44]

Martial -10 [34]

Wild -5 [29]

Moneyᵈˡᶜ -10 [19]


Body -5 [14]

Wild -5 [9]

Misc Perks

Exit Stage Left -5 [4]

Mission Rewards 0 [4]:

I Come Here For Your Life's Extended Warranty in Generic

 Other [];

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