
Yeeted into a wuxia world with gamerish boons

new writer here, I will say English is my first language but my Grammer sucks so please point out mistakes I can try and fix, I will say now for now I don't have a schedule planned for this because I'm just testing the waters and I don't have all too much direction for now but hopefully I will, I won't drop this though I might forget it so comment will help me. the story is a self insert pretty much and will probably eventually might be a multiverse story, but for the first at least a few hundred chapters will be set in the world of Apothesis (I don't own it btw) the story stats with a slap from a ROB whitch shatters my soul into the slime multiverse where the world system tried to grant my wishes apon reincarnation but kinda failed but also succeeded but my soul smashed through the other side of the multiverse into the apotheosis universe yes it will be Harem and I read the manhwa a long time ago so not everything will be accurate so yeah enjoy and please leave suggestion and reviews.

Charlotte_Mage · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Chapter 9: Joining a Sect

I've been traveling for about 2 weeks, and I've finally arrived at Qing Yun sect, although I'm not to sure if Luo Zheng has arrived here yet but il still il be doing the trial today. Although before that ima go find something to eat, I don't really feel like cooking in the middle of the city.

After having a meal and feeding my little Lily I head to the Sects trail area to sign up for the test. "name?" "Luo Jin" "Put your hand on this token and dont resist." with that I did what the instructor told me and afterwards I went to the grounds. From what I remember from the story, people would have to put in there energy or something, but it seems that the token will take some sort of unique energy from the test taker, im not too sure how it works Because I can even remeber people without finishing the body realm using fantastical energy which doesn't make sense, even if I could I won't, as it would probebly not give me a really good foundation before I can finish the body transformation Realm. Yeah the story was weird in that regard.

Anyways from there, it was going pretty well. For the past few weeks I've been developing my skills and going new ones, like pain resistance from being attacked by a magic beast and poison resistance from eating too many Posionis herbs, I mean it's pretty good that I have posion resistance and although it's kind or redundant I've been training in the sword as I really want to get that sword spirit the protagonist had gotten as she was one of the best spear users. Although I don't have a specific technique my spearmanship skill has gone up too level 4 while my swordsmanship Has gone up to level 3, now although that doesn't sound high, it really is, because from what I've observed while traveling, people don't actually properly use swordsmanship, like they use there energy and make it all flashy, but I realized after having a conversation with a mercenary I saved that his skill level is about level 2 and he has been using a sword for over 10 years! And although he is powerful, he realied way to much on the energy instead Of the actual movements, so when I asked to spar I won, very quickly at that, yeah. I've come to realize that this world realied mostly on enery rather than actually technique, well plus I also have knowledge on how to improve my skills thanks to my void knowledge. Another thing is that physical training in this world is a bit backwards but it makes sense because they don't really need to worry about injuries thanks to the inherent energy in most practitoners. That's a big Resason why I've progressed so quickly but anyways one of my favorite things to use these days is formations, and although I struggled a bit when I fist started learning them as I couldn't figure out how I was going to activate them due to me not having any innate energy like everyone else, but I fixed this problem when I reached the peak of body Refinement realm, and I realized after a while how my body was actually getting strenggthend And that was because of life force! Yes life force, I only realized this because after making a breakthrough I felt a flow of energy which I thought would be chi but it turned out to be life energy. And I got the skill [Life Energy Manipulation Lv1] which was really handy, as I could use my life force energy to active The arrays and formations I was making and then I officially got the skill of [Array Formations Lv1] and my god was it fun.

With arrays I have been having way to much fun. I made fires, water walls a strong stick which was fun to swing. Yeah I made a reinforced stick. Pretty cool if I do say so myself. As for what I used to make the arrays? Well that would be either my blood or beast blood as I didn't have the special ink or whatever they use, but blood was a good substitute.

After playing around with my new toy - I Mean technique I easily leveled it up and I thinks it's mainly due To my enthusiasm. Anyways for what I've managed to do after leveling it up a bit more which was strengthening my spear with sharpness and unbreaking if I had to put it into minecraft terms. Yeah Arrays were cool. But one of the best things I've come to use is a rock, yes a rock. This rock is special as on the rock I had made a formation where it would do 2 things and that would be it would absorb the chi of Beasts if in close proximity and once it does that It would create a barrier in which there is no external chi being used. And although it sounds op, it does depend on the realm of the blood of the beast or myself, if the person is too much stronger than me the rock can just explode so yeah.

Anyways enough on my journey here. I went to the test area and started to move through the gravity field and honestly this was really good for my phyisic cultivation, so with that I used this opitunity To cultivate my body with the gravity, although I had to go deeper for there to be a sufficient level, and from my speculation I think I reached a place where The gravity was 15 times normal. Which was a really workout, but with this I could feel my body adapting rather fast, even for me.

Pov Drizzle peak head

"Hahahahah, this prospective disiple is actually using the gravity as training! How amusing."

POV normal

'Few, that was a real workout. Well let's move to a deeper area.'

"Disciple Luo Jin, congradualtions on passing the trial, welcome to rainbow cloud sect."

I was a bit started by the sudden voice but then took in her words. 'Aww man, and I wanted to try a bigger gravity. Hmm, maybe I can try to do something with formations? Hmmm…'

Pov drizzle

'Thid Disciple Is really amusing, instead of being happy he is disappointed he couldn't go longer, what a funny guy.'

Normal Pov

"Thank you instructor, may I know what I need to do now?" "yes, now you need to choose a peak in where you would continue your studies, then you can go to the skill hall librart where you can pick a technique" "hmmm, then il pick drizzle peak, it sounds the nicest"

She seemed a bit dumbfounded before she smirked and looked like she wanted to laugh but held it back.

From there I was taken to the skill hall which I went to find a cultivation technique for myself, and then I came to a startling realization And reminder. 'Why are there no cultivation techniques!!!! Like ive seen may skills and all but there isnt any actualy technique that cultivates your chi, as for as I can see, some of these Technique can make you get a special chi while learning it but there isnt a technique that actaully cultivates chi!! Wait.. in the story, did they even use culativation techniques? Hold on a minutes, i dont think there is! All i remeber was the mc leanring diffrent skills, but there was something like a star map right? Well it doesnt matter, for now il wait for Luo Zheng to get his cosmic chi, then il learn it and make my own chi technique istead of all these people only reading on talent.'