
Yeah, well... this is not a good world

Our protagonist transmigrates to a reality from where he will have the task of traveling/taking control of various characters belonging to various fantasy worlds, fulfilling missions proposed by... Himself? Warning: I do not own the rights to any of the characters that appear in this story, only my protagonist. (WARNING: this fanfic is translated from Spanish with Google Translator, so there will be some grammatical errors. I only do it because many asked me to translate my fanfic) Publishing schedule: 3 or more chapters per week Stories taken into account: - Getsuyoubi no Tawawa (Tawawa No Monday) - Sono bisque doll wa koi wo suru (My Dress-Up Darling) - Miru Tights -Mieruko-chan Mission-related worlds: - Btooom!

Culture_Lover · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

First Mission (final)

*Beep, beep, beep*

With the sound of an alarm, Yuuma stopped his warm-up on the warehouse floor. He took out the smartphone he had purchased from his pocket and read the message.

"It's time, 25th floor, main hallway towards the west wing, double door of mahogany black."

Our protagonist smiled faintly. After Tsuneaki Iida accepted his request, Yuuma asked him to prepare accordingly. They acquired a smartphone through which Yuuma could receive the signal for the moment to act.

"Well, it's time," he said, standing up and walking towards the exit. He walked through several corridors until he reached the main corridor of the second floor, a busy place.

Each time he crossed paths with someone, he gave them a small greeting and a warm smile, trying to blend in. Perhaps it was his good looks that kept anyone from questioning or stopping him, or maybe everyone was just too focused on their own tasks. In the end, Yuuma made his way to the elevator without incident.

Once inside, he selected the 25th floor. As the elevator buttons lit up and dimmed with each floor they ascended, our protagonist's gaze grew increasingly severe.

When the elevator doors opened, Yuuma stepped out with firm strides and promptly made his way to the main corridor location of the west wing, which would lead him to his target.

From what he could see on the system map, both Iida and Reika were just a few meters ahead, indicating he was heading in the right direction.

*Ding, ding, ding*

"You have just met Nomico Tomisawa, an employee of Tyrannos and right-hand woman of Gemu Takanohashi. Like Reika Mitamura, she is an unscrupulous woman who does as she's told, all for the benefit of her company. She currently suspects Tsuneaki Iida's actions."

However, our protagonist abruptly stopped before turning the corner to reach the main corridor, quickly retreating and attempting to hide.

The system alarm caught him off guard, prompting him to pause and assess what might lie ahead. He cautiously approached the edge of the wall and observed a woman with glasses, short stature, and a mushroom hairstyle at the other end of the corridor.

She was Nomico Tomisawa, one of his targets!

What was even more curious was that Tsuneaki Iida stood right in front of her, seemingly engaged in a discussion.

Suddenly and out of nowhere, Iida pulled out his gun and aimed it at the woman!

"Is this lunatic planning to kill her and ruin my mission? Don't screw with me!"

Yuuma was surprised by how quickly things escalated. He knew Iida had a concealed weapon from the system's warning, as it marked him as a target and determined whether he was armed or not.

He even noticed that Iida unconsciously tried to draw that weapon when they first met, so Yuuma had somewhat figured out this guy's personality.

Although he didn't seem like it, Tsuneaki Iida was someone who was willing to do anything, even kill.

And if that was true, it would completely screw up his mission if he pulled the trigger on his gun.

"System, activate 'Control of Internal Energy', 'Mental Resistance', and 'Mixed Martial Arts' skills, now!"

"All mentioned skills have been activated! First minute, -11HP/min."



Immediately after issuing the command to the system, an explosive force surged from within our protagonist's body, while a powerful multicolored energy began to envelop him.

[MP: 36 → 25]

[Strength: 18 → 36]

[Agility: 16 → 32]

[Vitality: 20 → 40]

[Perception: 17 → 34]

[Intelligence: 18 → 36]

[Fatigue: 0 → 1]

All of Yuuma's statistics doubled!

This caused the strain on his body to start affecting his fatigue.

Nevertheless, the strength and agility he now exhibited were nearly quadruple that of an average human!


With great speed, our protagonist lunged at Nomico Tomisawa from behind, raised an arm, and quickly gripped her fragile nape.

"Hagh! H-It hurts!"

Yuuma ignored the woman's sudden cry, but quickly picked her up and held her suspended in the air.

Nomico Tomisawa easily weighed about 60 kg, but for Yuuma this was easily manageable, as if it were a market bag.

This ability was truly terrifying!

At this moment our protagonist mentally debated how to quickly end this woman's life.

Crush her body against the floor? Choke her until she suffocates?

Break her neck with force? Would she stab her with the weapons she bought early in the morning?

This way of thinking could cause a lot of trouble for anyone, even someone like Yuuma, but activating the 'Mental Resistance' skill allowed him to make these types of decisions without hesitation.

Suddenly, the woman started to move like a worm trying to get rid of her, she even managed to grab Yuuma's wrist and wanted to scratch her, but she couldn't do any harm.

'W-Who are you?! Put me down right now or else-'

'How annoying'


Deciding on the last option, our protagonist increased the strength of her grip, crushing the woman's first cervical vertebrae, crushing the spinal cord and part of the medulla oblongata.

This caused Nomico Tomisawa's body to shake as if she had received a shock, and then go completely limp!


Seeing that the woman no longer had any signs of life, she let him go and fell heavily to the ground, as if she were a sack of potatoes.

'There's one...'

Yuuma no longer spent time on the lifeless body and looked at Tsuneaki Iida, who still had the gun raised.

However, when our protagonist's eyes met Iida's, he began to tremble.

"Is he afraid? But just a moment ago, he was aiming a firearm at this woman and seemed ready to kill her... Well, no time to waste."

"Come on, Tsuneaki-san, it's time to end this," Yuuma said, turning around and quickly heading towards the main door in the middle of the large corridor, without waiting for Iida to follow.


He swung the door open forcefully, drawing everyone's attention. Inside the central control room, there were many people in office attire, around 15-20 of them, each seated in front of a monitor.

In the central area, there were 8 individuals who appeared to be bodyguards. Among them was an elderly man in a wheelchair. Despite his aged appearance, this man had salt-and-pepper blonde hair and a stern gaze.

This man was Longer Schwaritz, Yuuma's main target!

Standing beside this old man was an elegantly dressed older woman with a sharp gaze. In front of the elderly man was Reika Mitamura, kneeling as if pleading for forgiveness. Among these bodyguards was also a man in a red cap and denim overalls, giving off an air of mental slowness.

"You have just met Longer Schwaritz, the owner of the Schwaritz Foundation and creator of the Themis project. He is the financier behind Tyrannos and the creator of the Btooom video game. This man is truly a cancer to humanity."

"You have just met Gemu Takanohashi, the head of Tyrannos and director of the Btooom video game development. This unscrupulous man will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals."

"Bingo, they're all here!" Our protagonist was relieved that all his targets were present. However, his joy was short-lived as the system gave him another message.

"Second minute, -11MP/minute."

[MP: 25 → 14]

[HP: 28 → 22]

[Fatigue: 1 → 4]

"Damn, I should have hurried!"

Without wasting time, our protagonist crossed his arms and pulled out two silver knives from his suit pockets.

"He's armed! He's got knives!"

The bodyguards, alerted by the sound of the door opening, reacted quickly and attempted to shield the elderly man in the wheelchair.

However, the knives Yuuma brandished were not for the old man; they were for his other targets.




Yuuma swiftly lunged forward, hurling his two knives with great force. They struck the heads of Gemu Takanohashi and Reika Mitamura, who had no time to react, instantly killing them.

"Everyone! Kill him!"




Suddenly, chaos erupted!

Everyone started running like chickens after seeing their boss and one of their associates nearly have their heads blown off by those knives!

The bodyguards, who had completely surrounded Longer Schwaritz and drawn their firearms to fire at close range, were taken aback to see their target seemingly dodging bullets.

Yuuma advanced rapidly, dodging the shots, and almost instantly intercepted Longer Schwaritz's entourage.




With nimble movements, he maneuvered around a bodyguard while pulling out another silver knife, swiftly slashing the older woman who stood beside Longer Schwaritz.

"The general is dead! Get the boss out of here!"


"Mike! Damn you, you killed Mike!"



The bodyguards continued firing while Yuuma continued attacking with the last knife he had, cutting down several of them.

"Third minute, -11MP/minute."

[MP: 14 → 3]

[HP: 22 → 16]

[Fatigue: 4 → 10]

Suddenly, the system alarm momentarily distracted our protagonist, causing him to freeze for a second.


"Hagh! It hurts like hell!"

Unfortunately, this distraction cost him dearly as a bullet hit his chest, knocking him back!

While the bullet didn't harm him due to the energy covering his body, the impact of the projectile caused him immense pain.


Almost immediately, a second shot followed, and quickly, a third, sending him crashing against the control panel.

"That's it, kill him!"

When the remaining three bodyguards realized their attacker had been hit by the shots, they thought they had finally taken him down and moved in to finish him off.

"Damn, this looks bad!"

Yuuma knew his only option now was to move forward amidst the gunfire and reach his target. However, he also knew his final minute was approaching, leaving him vulnerable.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

Suddenly, several shots echoed throughout the room, but they weren't coming from the bodyguards' pistols; they were coming from the door to the room!

It was Tsuneaki Iida, who had fired into the air to draw everyone's attention and aid our protagonist!

"He's got a gun!" The bodyguards of Longer Schwaritz reflexively turned and aimed their weapons at Iida, beginning to fire at him.

"Well done, poker face, you took your sweet time!"

Yuuma had wondered why Iida hadn't entered until now, but he wouldn't complain at this moment, as this slight distraction of the bodyguards was what sealed the fight.




With astonishing speed, Yuuma grabbed his last knife and lunged at Longer Schwaritz, slicing his neck so deeply that he nearly decapitated him!


When the bodyguards realized their mistake, it was too late.

Our protagonist quickly punched one of them in the head, completely caving it in.

To the second, he threw the knife with great force, which pierced through his neck completely.

And the last one was hit by Iida's bullets.

*Ding, ding, ding*

*Ding, ding, ding*

[Time limit reached, insufficient MP to keep all three skills active]

[The host managed to complete his first mission successfully!]

[- Infiltrate the Tyrannos offices: completed]

[- End the life of Gemu Takanohashi: completed]

[ - End the lives of Reika Mitamura and Nomico Tomisawa: completed]

[-Main mission: End the life of Longer Schwaritz and his entire entourage: completed]

[Rewards will be given once he returns to his world]

[As he has not eliminated all the people who are considered powerful in this world, he has not yet conquered it. Do you wish to stay to complete the conquest or do you wish to return?


Falling onto his backside, our protagonist breathed heavily as his mind and body suffered a violent reaction, almost completely ignoring all notifications from the system.

[HP: 16 → 8]

[Fatigue: 10 → 17]

"Damn... feels like my chest is splitting apart!"

Once his skills expired, all the damage he had taken seemed to double. This caused his HP to plummet violently as his body tried to compensate for the injuries.

The constant strain on his unaccustomed body made every muscle fiber feel like it was tearing. If Yuuma hadn't prepared in the days leading up to this, the outcome would have been much worse.

However, what suffered the most at this moment was Yuuma's mind. Thanks to his 'Mental Resistance' ability, he could act without limitation, managing to brutally murder all his targets with his 'Mixed Martial Arts' skill. But when all his abilities were cancelled, the full weight of reality hit our protagonist's mind hard.

"I did it... damn it... I really did it."

His stomach churned and tightened, but Yuuma did everything he could to suppress the urge to vomit, even quelling his nausea. It wasn't the time to show weakness.

"Watanabe-san, are you okay?"

Suddenly, the mention of his 'name' snapped our protagonist out of his thoughts. Near the main door, Iida was accompanied by another individual.

It was Ryota's father.

"What the hell was that guy doing in this building?"

Yuuma didn't dwell on it too long but was thankful for the distraction from his thoughts. With effort, he got to his feet, walked over to where the dead bodyguards lay, and picked up the weapons scattered on the floor.

His mind may have been in shock, but he hadn't become an idiot. There were still people here who seemed loyal to old man Longer Schwaritz, so he couldn't leave any opportunity for resistance.

"If anyone even tries to approach the door, I swear you'll end up like those idiots on the floor. Got it?" Yuuma issued a warning as he walked towards Iida and Ryota's father.

The remaining Tyrannos employees just hung their heads, unwilling to look at the demon who was speaking. They had seen him do things no human could, brutally murdering over a dozen people in the most savage manner. Would they dare oppose someone like that? Not even if they were crazy!

"Tsuneaki-san, why is Ryota's father here?" Yuuma asked once he was beside the two men.

"Hisanobu-san (Sakamoto's father) was captured by a foundation agent and held in an adjacent room. After you entered the central room, that agent came out and intercepted me, which is why I couldn't be by your side from the beginning. Luckily, I managed to deal with that agent and free Ryota's father."

"Watanabe-san... why did you do all this?" Ryota's father asked. "This wasn't part of the plan..."

"And what exactly was your plan? To capture them and expose them to the world? Try to send them to prison? Don't be naive, Hisanobu-san. Those things don't happen in real life, not with these kinds of people."

Both Iida and Hisanobu clenched their fists upon hearing these words because it was true they didn't know how to proceed after capturing all those involved. But from there to completely massacring them... that was inhuman.

"Let's not waste any more time. Iida-san, I think you should go to the central control panel and shut down Btooom. I don't think these individuals should continue killing each other. Also, call everyone—police, Interpol, reporters, whatever it takes. This can't remain silent, understand?"

Iida listened to our protagonist's words and nodded without protest. It was true that his main mission was to sabotage and end Btooom.

Our protagonist watched as Iida and Hisanobu ran to the control panel to start stopping the fights that were happening among all the remaining Btooom competitors, including the protagonist Ryota.

Taking advantage of this and not wanting to stay a minute longer, Yuuma left the place as fast as he could and walked to an empty spot without surveillance cameras.

Once there, he let out a long sigh.

[System, let's return.]