"That's generous, Cvjo, and even a little tempting. But if Prince Lettow wants his retainer avenged, he can do it himself. In fact, I suspect he will, and we should stay out of his way as he tracks whoever killed poor Miguel here."
She searches the dead man's pockets until she finds a card for the Viper nightclub with a four-digit code written on the back. "Give me what you brought," she says.
You hand her the lock that Prince Lettow's flunkie gave you in the Viper parking lot. She punches the code on the card into the lock, and it opens, revealing a stack of microfiche, like something out of an old spy movie.
"Get people you trust to move the body," Dr. Caul tells Dr. Takahashi. "I want a full report by tomorrow night. Cvjo, come with me."