
Yang Rai (Martial Peak)

I hope it's not too bad... I started it because I was bored. I'm not too good at writing so please don't have high expectations :). There are a few spoilers. So read with caution if you haven't read the MP LN. Brother born with the sole desire to help his brother and protect his friends. Many challenges come his way. Many wrong him. How does Yang Rai deal with this?

Dark_Shurikens · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
191 Chs


"You have that many young Phoenix? Where are they?"

"Inside my Artifact. If it's easier to think about it it could be considered Similar to how Open Heavens have their worlds. If you like I can show you around. You might be able to convince more of them to go with you."

"Do you happen to have dragons in there as well?"

"Is the senior willing to take them in? I heard there is another clan here that would do them harm."

"It's only fair to bring up as many young Dragons as possible. So I would like it if you have members that are willing."

"There are 100 thousand who would love to."

"That many? Inside such a little bead?"

"There are many more divine spirits and other beings that live inside my Artifact. In fact The time within flows 200 times faster than the world outside. I haven't been able to compound it inside of another space that does the same though. It's quite frustrating."

"I see. Well we would love to take all of those young divine spirits."

"You have my thanks. I felt lacking as the Worlds Master since I couldn't help them past the Peak Dou source equivalent. It eases my heart greatly for this massive favor. If there is something you need and I can do it I shall not refuse."

"You care that deeply for them?"

"All of the beings inside my world are ones I care for. I'd be a pathetic world master otherwise."

"I see, Since that matter is settled. What is your second main goal?"

"I'd like to investigate the Giant Spirit God you found previously."

"That place nearly monsterfied an 8th rank open heaven in seconds. Are you positive about this?"

"I am, you may not have noticed but I've been trying to comprehend the mysteries of ancestral force this whole time. I have to be better at it to provide a better environment for my divine spirits. Besides, if it gets to be too much I can just cycle the energy to any one of the millions of ancestral lands in my artifact."

"Hung Hu, will you escort him to see the giant spirit god? If he can't hold on, take him out immediately."

"I'd like to see what he is capable of."

"Good, as for the thing we'd like of you… If it's possible we would like to get our clan's treasure back. It is currently being used to seal the Giant Spirit God. But there is something eerie about it."

"I'll see what I can do. But before that I'd like to take some time and help my Sisters out. I have resources that will greatly aid their cultivations. I'd like to take care of it as soon as possible."

"You have gifts for us? You're so nice to you big sisters."

"Now that I have the strength to help, I naturally do so."

"Good, do that and then Hong Hu will show you to the place."

"Thank you for allowing me to do this. It shouldn't take long since my world is 200 times faster."

"Not all of us can leave but could you show Hong Hu this world of yours?"

"Of course I won't refuse. I would actually like to ask if she can test something out for me."

"What is it exactly?"

"I call it the Cultivation Spring. It's a giant hot spring bath I made it, myself."