(I Apologies to those *cough* pussies *cough* who may find this chapter disturbing)
(Yanderes For The Lord!)
Jasmin POV
That was all I could feel, smell and taste
Because blood contains iron, rubbing blood over skin produces a similar metallic smell and when HE placed that beautiful gift in the muzzle I now wore as I was wheeled back to my cell, HE had no idea of the sheer rapturous torture he was putting me through
As we moved through the halls all I could see, smell and even feel was him, when he had wrapped his arms around me and when he had placed his hands with the range of my teeth all I could feel was an immense possessive hunger, not just for his flesh and blood, no no no this went so much further. I wanted him, his proximity, his breath on my neck, his whispers in my ears, his very soul and I wanted them to be mine
It was different from the urges that I felt daily, the hunger I would feel when seeing someone stronger than me or the physical hunger that made me drool as I looked at other "humans". It made those feeling feel small and weak in comparison and made me want to crush them for being so
If I was a queen, he must be my consort… not equal yet never far from my side or my bed…
As the pathetic insect wheeled me towards my cage, I felt an excitement that reminded me of my very first few hunts, I could already imagine the sickly sweet yet metallic smell and taste of the blood, it was true tragedy that I had to get it from something as mundane as a bandage, I would rather take it from the very source, gorge and drink his very being
And yet…
If did so, he would be gone… a momentary pleasure and the bliss of being one would not last
Maybe I should try and find a way to a solution to this problem… a way to keep him and feed, to grow stronger yet never be alone
Cloning, advanced healing, pain nullification, genetic modification, grown meat. A thousand ideas began to flash through my head for ways I could feast on him safely
But first I need him to be mine, to belong to me and only me, for him to be addicted to me as much as I am him, worshiping optional… for now
From what I saw in his home, there was a lack of family photos meaning no one to threaten, he doesn't seem to find me repulsive so maybe I can seduce him? From what I hear he isn't attached to any of his patient except… that two-sided bitch
If she gets to close, she'll need to be removed from the picture… slowly and as painfully as possible
Oh doctor… you have no idea what you've started
[A.N: it is REALLY hard to write about a cannibal girl without sounding too disturbing]
Alice POV
Running out of space
We were running out of space, we had bee writing canes name on the walls for the past few days now, after discovering that our body didn't require rest if we kept switching places we hadn't stopped.
I would eat, drink and stare at the wall out of sheer boredom but my thoughts always returned to him, he would sneak into my thoughts and refuse to leave… not that I would ever try to get rid of him. But it was so hard… the more I or Wolfey as I had come to call her, thought, or talked about him, the more it hurt to be separate from him
Sometimes all that would be within our two minds was just his name… Cane, Cane and Cane, it was near maddening, but I didn't want to stop and even if i didn't SHE did
The first time we had ever entered our cell I had drawn pictures of my parents and "friends" trying to think of the supposed good times before the other side would take over and, in a rage, destroy any carvings or words
And I thought that was maddening…
Turns out having two personalities combating each other over something is nowhere near as consuming as having them obsess over the same person
{someone is coming}
Hearing her warning I separated myself from the thought of self-contemplation and HIM to listen to the sounds emanating from the hall, the normally quite cell block had erupted into yells and… Catcalls?
{can you smell that?}
"Not everyone has a freakish sense of smell Wolfey" I whispered under my breath… to myself
I could hear the sound of footsteps drawing closer, and just as Wolfey had said a certain smell entered my nose, it was the smell of ink and cologne, not overwhelming like the stink that some that some of the guards but more like a slight whiff of air, like I had entered an office or hotel
Only one person had that smell… it seemed to both sooth and alert the scenes, both chilling and pleasant
Not daring to look up in case it was just a figure of my imagination, a cruel joke of the senses, I sat and raised my knees to my chin looking down
Until by the grace of God I heard a voice
Both silky and rough, deep and beautiful, a voice I had imagined many of my days… and lonely nights
"Hello Alice"
And low and behold there he was
i thought i might be nice and just release this at the same time as the patrion... but remember chapters are released there before here
oh and i have been told by a few that my patreon would be better or more atractive if i had more chapters there, so i will put it in your hands
should i keep it only one chapter ahead or only release there for a little while in order to be more ahead and bring in patreons? (10 days max)