
Yandere Love

Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Yuna. Yuna had always been a bit different from the other girls in her class. While they gossiped about boys and fashion, Yuna spent most of her time alone, lost in her own thoughts.

But then one day, Yuna met a boy named Tatsuya. Tatsuya was everything she had ever wanted in a man - handsome, kind, and intelligent. Yuna was immediately smitten, and she began to spend all her time with Tatsuya, following him everywhere he went.

At first, Tatsuya was flattered by Yuna's attention. He had never had a girlfriend before, and he enjoyed having someone to talk to and hang out with. But as time went on, Tatsuya began to feel smothered by Yuna's constant presence.

Yuna, however, was completely unaware of Tatsuya's growing discomfort. She was so in love with him that she couldn't bear the thought of him being with anyone else. And so she did everything in her power to keep Tatsuya by her side, even if it meant resorting to extreme measures.

Whenever Tatsuya tried to spend time with other people, Yuna would become jealous and possessive. She would lash out at anyone who got too close to Tatsuya, and she would do whatever it took to keep him away from them.

Tatsuya began to fear for his safety. He knew that Yuna was unstable and dangerous, but he didn't know how to break free from her grip. He tried to distance himself from her, but Yuna only became more determined to win him back.

In the end, Tatsuya had no choice but to go to the authorities. He told them everything about Yuna's obsessive behavior and her increasingly violent threats. Yuna was arrested and sent to a mental institution, where she spent the rest of her days.

Tatsuya was left to pick up the pieces of his life. He was scarred by his experience with Yuna, but he knew that he had to move on and start anew. And so he did, with the knowledge that he would never again take the affections of others for granted.