
Yamcha new fangs

yamcha will reach is true potential

xues17 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

chapter 8

"Thanks, Aunty Tights!" Killua said she had given him a large present once she had heard his and his sister story.

Kila had already thanked her.

Tights welcomed the adorable Saiyan with open arms.

"Do you thinks its wise to give them that?" Said, Yamcha wearing his Japanese white shirt and black pants.

"They will need it one day," said, Tights.

Yamcha highly doubted that who gives flying kids a submarine?

Everybody else in Briefs home was staring at him.

If somebody had told the Z Fighters that Yamcha would be joining the tournament of power by beating Master Roshi, nobody would have believed it.

However, they were all living in such a reality.

"Shouldn't you be training?" Said, Bulma reminding him, he seemed a bit too relaxed for all their liking. "You are in the tournament of Power, after all."

"Relax. Bulma" said, Yamcha. "My training is slightly different than everybody else."

Yamcha, in the corner of his eye, could see those XP points rise from his Clan daily workout.

"Well, if your so relax. Then how about sparring with me?" Said, Vegeta. "I need somebody else other than Kakarot to spar with."

"Are you nuts?" Yamcha said, looking the man like he had grown a second head. "You will kill me. I'm nowhere near strong enough to be a serious sparring partner."

Vegeta had the drive to draw out people strength by going harder and faster each time until his opponent had hit the wall.

Yamcha would never spar with Vegeta.

"Maybe, I will do some training," Yamcha said, quickly leaving before Vegeta could rope him in.

Yamcha flew to some quiet place and took a sit down.

And then he dozed off before those watching very eyes.

"How is he training!? He's sleeping!" Vegeta said.

Piccolo had to agree.

If the God of Destruction saw him, Yamcha would surely die.

But unknown to them, Yamcha wasn't sleeping, but he had invoked a skill.

Mind space.

Yamcha in his mind appeared and then he was attacked by little and massive fists.

This was a great way to train when others were watching, but the only downside was that its produces lower results than if he was training in real life.

Yamcha wanted to make his normal self stronger and than work on his power up.

He didn't want to be that guy who was useless unless he powered up.

He activated his hawk eyes and dodged using his light feet.

Each time he dodged the attacks would get faster when it hit him Yamcha felt like his ribs were broken.

Suddenly he was whacked in the head in real life, and Yamcha was down in the dirt.

His health went down to half in a single blow.

The person was.

"So this is what you're doing?" Said, Beerus. "You're supposed to be training, not sleeping!"

"Beerus-sama. I was training." Yamcha said, why was the God so harsh? "Everybody on the team is quiet a bit stronger than I am and I didn't want to go back to my clan and expose its location."

One health baked blow and his health become half.

It must be nice being such a monster...

"Hmm. How was that training?" Said, Beerus, wanting to know?

Goku suddenly appeared Via instant transmission.

"Beerus-sama. Why don't you give Yamcha a bit of a break?" said, Goku appearing. "He must have worked very hard, just trying to get on the team. He must have found a training method that finally worked for him, so I bet he'll be amazing when the Tournament of power comes."

Beerus eyes narrowed but because it was Goku saying this...

"Tsk!" Beerus said, before addressing Yamcha. "Fine, but you better not, be the first one to get knocked out. I've shown Champa that my universe fighters are strong. It would be an embarrassment if you were the first to go."

He especially held a grudge against Yamcha for that slap on the back when they first met.

Yamcha wanted to hide.

Beerus teleported away.

"Thanks, Goku," said, Yamcha.

"No problem," said, Goku, before he said. "Hey Yamcha, do you have any more of those bottles?"

Of course, he saw the benefits.

Sensu beans were running out, and they took forever to grow, an alternative would be welcoming.

"Yeah, I do. I can supply you with a whole crate full of them and even bottles that can make sure you never sleep so that you can train at all hours of the day" Yamcha said.

"Really?" Goku said. "That's Fantastic!"

"However, you have to join my Clan to use them," Yamcha said, his words were sharp to Goku who was excited.

Yamcha went into pitch mode.

"I can give you a temporary membership" Said, Yamcha. "You just have to agree that you won't share the bottles with anybody else and I'll not only supply you with what you need, but my clan would even pay the hospital bill afterwards. I'm sure Chi Chi would love to get you to a top hospital where you can eat whatever you want."

"I agree," said, Goku immediately.

[Goku has joined the Clan Temporarly]


"Great, I'll get your potions," said, Yamcha before flying back to his house and pretending to get a box of them when in reality he opened his inventory.

He followed Goku Kai and flew in front of him with the bottles.

"Wow. Thanks, Yamcha" said Goku, seeing all of them.

"No problem Goku. Tell me if you need more" said, Yamcha, hiding his evil grin.

Goku took them and disappeared, and Yamcha held it in, well.

Goku was so much stronger than him, and with this temporary clan man ship, Goku had become his XP gold mind.

#God Realm#

Goku teleported to the God realm and Whis, Beerus and Vegeta blinked when they saw him with the bottles.

"It looks like Goku managed to get a crate of those healing bottles out of Yamcha," said, Whis.

Vegeta ignored the sparkling bottles, what difference would they make?

And then they started their training and Vegeta found out quickly that they made a huge difference when Goku got seriously hurt, he would drown a bottle and appear perfectly fine moments later.

"Wow! I feel great!" Said, Goku, hopping around. "This stuff really works."

"That bottle is amazing both Goku Kai and body has been restored," said, Whis.

Injured Vegeta tried to ignore full healed Goku.

"Let's go another round," said, Goku before he attacked Beerus.

And Vegeta with his pride could not ignore the sight of Goku getting stronger before his eyes while he was taking breathers and trying to heal when they were both supposed to be training.

It was an embarrassment.

So he would have to swallow his pride or Goku would be leagues stronger than him by the time the tournament rolled around.

He tried to grab a bottle only for the bottle to explode.

Everybody looked with wide eyes.

"So he has a safeguard?" Beerus said Yamcha wasn't stupid after all.

Vegeta tried to grab another one only for that one to explode as well.

"Vegeta can you stop touching my bottles? I need them" Goku said, and then he took one, and it didn't explode.

Clan members seemed to only be able to touch them.

"K-Kakarot. Give me one," said, Vegeta.

"Eh?" Said Goku. "You want a bottle? But Yamcha says you need to be a clan member to use it. I joined temporarily, and Yamcha said he would supply me with whatever I want. You need to be a clan member Vegeta."

And Vegeta almost growled at the thought of lowering his head to that guy.

"But these bottles are really effective." said, Goku. "They're even better than the sensu beans because Yamcha has a huge box of them while our Sensu beans are running out. We only have a few Sensu beans left Vegeta, and you know how long it takes to get one."

Vegeta said nothing and ignored the bottles.

However, Goku advantage wasn't going to go away, Goku fought Beerus for hours.

Vegeta finally swallowed his pride and asked Goku to instant transmission to a very surprised Yamcha.

"Put me on a temporary clan member like Kakarot and supply me with bottles," said, Vegeta.

"Her, sure," said, Yamcha.

Vegeta disappeared.

[Vegeta has joined the clan Temporarly]

Yamcha had no idea what went on, but he now had two powerhouses on his Clan plate.

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

Yamcha wanted to cry when he saw the notifications.

Did he even need to try any more?


He had to get used to the new body no matter how many times it changes.

Ginyu and Frieza had taught him what happens when you gain new power without properly getting used to it.

He went back into his mind and fuelled by his whole clan; he trained until he was woken up by Goku, asking for more bottles.

Thus the cycle began.

Train, supply bottles.

The other Z fighters got interested when they saw their top fighters using them and he got them to join temporarily.

And then the moment Yamcha dread came.


"Yamcha," Bulma voice said, having found him on a hill.

Yamcha froze.

"Can you supply me with one bottle?" She said. "I want to see if I can replicate its effects."

Her husband was practically non-existent now, and she tried to get her hands on a bottle, but she was met with an extreme electrical field.

Analysing it from far away didn't work either, so here she was.

"Bulma, those bottles are a clan secret," Yamcha said, surprising her. "If anybody can just make them what makes my clan so special? Well, just be another fighting clan. Plus, how do I know you won't attempt to market from it?"

Yes, how would he know she won't brand it under the Brief's already extremely wealthy name and sell it to the world?

"Yamcha, can't you just do an old friend a solid?" Said, Bulma, winking.

"Bulma we were never friends," said, Yamcha, his words slap her. "We were dating, and you ripped my heart to shreds before marrying the guy who indirectly killed me once. The only reason why we're friends is because I'm friends with Goku. I'm trying to gain some self-respect for myself, and you're not helping"

And then he turned and flew away, Bulma was downright shocked.

Yamcha grew balls against her.

Yamcha flew over to his house and was immediately greeted by his kids.

"Lord Yamcha!" Said Kila and Killua.

"Hey, you two," he said before he said to Tights who had babysat them. "Thanks for babysitting."

"No problem," she said, "They were cute."

Yamcha paid her, and she left.

The moment she did, he said. "Well you two, I'm going to send you both to the base of the clan. I got really hard training to do, and I don't want to neglect the both of you."

He was pretty sure he wouldn't be eating that often, he couldn't do that to both of them.

Both Kila and Killua were teleported to the base by a more advanced version of instant transmission.

Yamcha took a deep breath before going back into his mind on a chair.

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

He didn't know how long his ears rang, but eventually, the levelling up started slowing down and it became harder and harder for him to level up.

It was the day before the tournament of power that he realised he would no longer be able to level up.

He had hit a wall.

A very powerful wall.

A wall, he would have to get through himself.

Yamcha got up with a beard and thought it was time to go back to the clan and get ready.

What he needed now was combat, and he knew people evolved in fights, he just had to look at those with Saiyan blood.

Maybe in the Tournament of power, he would find what he needed to break through.

He didn't know how strong he was at peak Lord, but he couldn't wait to find out.

And scene!

Next chapter, it's the day of the Tournament of power and Yamcha appears in a whole new fighting outfit and finally meets Frieza, again. The Tournament begins.