
Yamcha new fangs

yamcha will reach is true potential

xues17 · Cómic
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19 Chs

chapter 14

Goku was dead.

And Yamcha felt that it was all his fault.

Somebody else thought so as well.

Suddenly his armour was grabbed by an enraged Vegeta.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" shouted Vegeta.

"I-I don't know what happened." Yamcha said.

"What do you mean, you don't know what happened!?" shouted Vegeta.

"The champion is dead and their fighting amongst themselves" said, one god from another universe, this was a sight to enjoy.

Suddenly Gohan said from behind. "Vegeta let him go. Yamcha did not look like he was in control of it"

Maybe it was because he had seen his father die before that made him a lot calmer about it.

"No, Vegeta needs to talk to Yamcha" said, Piccolo surprising them all. "A person spiritual energy comes from their spirit, in it contains their true thoughts and feelings. His spirit energy not only rejected us, it refused to help Goku. What does that tell you?"

"So deep down Yamcha-kun thinks he's too good for us?" said, Frieza.

"That's not it!" He said, "That's not it at all. I would never hesitate to help Goku, I spent decades putting my life on the line to protect the planet and help him. Why would have any reason to go out of my way to not help Goku out?"

His eyes were sincerer.

How could Vegeta rip him to shreds?

Vegeta realised him.


"Now, what do we do now that Goku is gone?" said, 17.

"Isn't it obvious?" said, Vegeta. "I'm the only one left who c-"

And then Yamcha realised something.

Why hadn't he received a notification of Goku death?

He was a temporary member after all.

If he hadn't than...

"Goku's not dead" Yamcha let slip through his lips.

"What?" said, 18.

And Yamcha realised they were all looking at him and Yamcha had no choice but to say his hunch out loud.

"I said he's not dead" Said Yamcha with more firmness in his voice.

He stunned them all.

They couldn't feel Goku Kai at all!

But Yamcha face was dead serious as he stared down at the hole they believe Goku had perished in.

However, seconds later, Beerus realised Goku was alive as well.

"He's coming" said, Beerus.

The moment he said that a white light erupted from the crater and everybody was stunned, a figure soon could be seen from the light as if a god had descended onto the stage, when it was over, what stood was Goku but there was something different about him.

[Temporary Clan Member Son Goku has entered Ultra Instinct: Partially]

Ultra-Instinct? Yamcha thought, what was that?

He went searching only to have his eyes almost pop out from the description.

[Ultra Instinct: A state of mind that only leave instinct. This state is so hard to get into that not even a god can obtain it. However, this user has yet to achieve full ultra-instinct as they have just step into it using a spirit bomb]


Everybody from the Z fighters couldn't help but look at Yamcha expression and it was one of pure shock and surprise.

"Goku's, about to show us something amazing" Said, Yamcha.

And then a second later, Goku moved.

Faster than all of them could see, they realised he had past Jiren a second later.

And then with an impossible turn around, he and Jiren came face to face and Jiren punched in the air.

Goku dodged as if Jiren was punching in slow motion before using his fist to punch, Jiren met his and their fist's meet each other creating a shockwave that left them all in shock.

Suddenly Goku was a feet away but Jiren burst through the cloud of smoke to meet him with a fist.

Goku jumped a millisecond before Jiren fist came down and it was done so effortless as well.

When Jiren turned around they were all shocked to see a graze on the mighty Jiren cheek.

When did Goku attack!?

The two that were with Jiren came down.

"You don't know when to give up, Son Goku!" said, Toppo. "You already lost!"

And then both of them attacked him only for something shocking to happen.

Goku seamlessly caught before their attacks and threw them like they were children.

It shocked everyone including the gods.

"T-That's not normal!" said, Tien.

"What happened all of a sudden, Goku?" said, Krillin.

And as Yamcha watched Goku show the world, just how scary ultra-instinct was, even at an entrance level, he wondered why he wasn't super happy for his friend getting this amazing power and go one on one with the most dangerous guy on the stage.

Goku was their only hope, he should be the most happiest that Goku had a chance to threw him off.

However, Goku was on burrowed steam from the spirit ball and it soon ran out, the moment it did, the tables turned immediately.

"Saiyans are intresting beings. However," said, Jiren, and the smoke cleared to show him catching Goku attack.

Goku ultra-instinct left him and Jiren fired back.

Vegeta managed to save him but out of energy Goku was soon kidnapped when his back was turned.

Yamcha felt Frieza Kai next to Goku before Goku went missing.

He reappeared right in front of Frieza and saw a wounded Goku just about to be blown up.


Frieza was restoring his energy!

"To think you have a bit of a heart" said, Yamcha to Frieza.

"I'm not going soft" said, Frieza. "I'm just repaying a debt. I need him to fight that monster, Jiren. I can't possible go"

Of course.

Yamcha knew Goku was their best bet and when Goku had no way to recover, Frieza would stab him in the back.

Let your enemy do the work for you.

"You are a person who has no honour" said, Yamcha before he instant transmissioned away.

He appeared and saw Hit, try his hand at Jiren, however Jiren was just too much of a monster for him to go up against, Jiren pushed Hit to work with his team mates.

It didn't work and Hit ended up in the spectators stand.

The look on Champa face when Hit appeared next to him, was one for the books, suddenly Grand Priest announced.

"The Tournament of Power is now half over" said, Grand Priest and the Zeno's behind cheered.

The sky above began to get lighter before their very eyes.

Jiren leapt a bunch of rocks and both Toppo and Dispo appeared like bodyguards.

He had the gall to start mediating which irritated everybody but they couldn't do a thing because he had established himself as god of the Stage.

But of course, there was still idiots on the stage, one idiot soon appeared thinking it was his chance only to be blown away within a distance and caught by his team mate.

They both ran with their tails between their legs.

Everybody knew Goku was weak now and need time to recover so they were eager to go after him first.

Yamcha did not let them get close to Goku.

[Location Instant Reverse Transmission]

They all heard a fighter scream as he was brutally plunged over the edge.

Goku looked at the suddenly appearing Yamcha with stunned eye's.

"Goku" said, Yamcha. "I'm really sorry for what happened with the Spirit bomb, I did not realise it would end like that. But the fact of the matter is, I'm not strong enough to fight Jiren. You are. So as an apology. I'm going to protect you until you have your energy back"

He did not dare try touching Goku with his Kai, who knows what would happen.

And Goku accepted his protection even though it was shameful.

"It looks like Yamcha is going to protect Goku until he gets his energy back" said, Whis. "That's a very smart move"

Both Krillin and Tien was stunned.

"YAMCHA PROTECT HIM TILL YOUR LAST BREATH!" said, Beerus, to think he would ever say that.

Suddenly four robots appeared ready to assault Goku, but Yamcha didn't get to do anything.

Caulifla did.

She delivered blows to all of them and they were sent flying.

"Thank you" said, Yamcha.


"I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU! SON GOKU! FIGHT ME OR ARE YOU GOING TO HIDE BEHIND THIS ROUGH LOOKING GUY!?" said, Caulifa, her brutal words hit him in the heart.

"It's Lor-" Yamcha began.

"I still don't care!" she said, going straight for his heart again. "Goku, I didn't know you were such a coward."

A Coward?

"Yamcha. Step aside" said, Goku and Yamcha became to depressed and walked away without putting up a fight.

They all knew unless Yamcha knocked him out, Goku would fight.

But there was no doubt in his mind that Goku would win.

He leapt away only to run into some weirdo who reminded him of Saiyaman who had been punched by in the gut by No. 17.

"What's wrong?" suddenly Yamcha voice said.

"Well" the guy began only to realise too late who he was.

Yamcha punched him through rocks and he flew out the stage.

Nobody was shocked, to see Yamcha body count rise.

The grand priest announced the fighter was out.

That's when Yamcha got a notification.

[Temporary member Son Goku has entered Ultra Instinct: Entry level]

When he saw who Goku was up against, the merged form of Caulifla and Renso, Yamcha was shocked to see how many fighters from Universe 6 were in the spectator stand including Cobba.

As it stands right now, Universe 6 was in the verge of perishing.

Yamcha sat down and watched, he watched the fight that taught Goku more about the Ultra instinct.

He couldn't believe that thw two sister's, who could only transform into super saiyan one, could now overpower Superpower God and blue within minutes.

They lost once Goku obtained a deeper understanding of Ultra instinct.

Yamcha was very envious of the Saiyan genes, he hadn't grown since this tournament began at all and he was too petrified of going near Jiren.

Was he going to pick off the bottom fighters and leave Goku and Vegeta to win the tournament.

Man, wouldn't it be nice to even win this tournament..

He shook his head.

Impossible for him.

He helped Goku to walk which Goku gladly accepted, soon 17 and 18 joined them.

"We've come to help" said, 17.

"I feel embarrassed having so many people suddenly protecting me" said, Goku, it's usually him protecting them.

However, they didn't expect to be surrounded by the remaining members of Universe 2.

"We'll done my universe 2 warriors" said, Heles god of destruction for Universe 2. "Now go and end this exhausted man."

And Yamcha honestly felt disgusted that two weird looking women were planning to send love to him, however Roize and Ribaranna had a grudge against both 17 and 18.

So Yamcha was left with the three who apparently didn't make the cut for something he didn't care about.

Soon Yamcha was being stared down by Rabanra, Zirloin and Zarbuto, all from Universe 2.

"So we have to get past this guy" said, Rabanra. "It shouldn't be too hard. We have numbers on our side. Let's see how you handle us, Mister Lord"

And Goku tried to stand only to wobble, he was clearly in no shape to fight.

If Yamcha wasn't in front…


Yamcha was the last line of defense.

All three came at him at once.

And what happen next was shocking for Goku to see, Yamcha acted like he had Ultra instinct and dodged the two attack's at the side, and then he leaned forward and turn around just as Zirloin attack came fully down, all three of them widen their eyes too late.

Yamcha landed blows on all three of them.

Universe 2 gods could only watch in shock as all of them were hit with Yamcha quickly attacks before he put them out of their misery.

[Location Reverse Instant transmission]

All three went plummeting.

"Rabanra, Zirloin and Zarbuto from Universe 2 are out" announced Grand priest and Yamcha did not know why but he had a sick feeling that if he hadn't ended it so fast, he would see something really disgusting.

He turned to Goku to see the fighter looking at him with wide eyes.

"What?" He said, "Did I say I'll protect you? You are the hope of Universe 7 after all"

And then they saw a beam that was made from Gohan Kai and two people were sent fallen off the stage.

Both 17 and 18 came back safe and sound.

Everybody knew what would happen next.

"Universe 2 and Universe 6..." said, the Grand Priest. "Will be erased!"

The two Zeno's raised their hands up and said. "Yes!"

Everybody from their had a few seconds to say goodbye but the two universe's left the most impact on Universe 7.

And just like that, Universe 6 and 2 were erased.

There was now only 13 minutes left.

And scene!

I realised I made a mistake in a previous chapter so I have to rework it to be able to release the next chapter. Next chapter, there are only three universe's left and Universe 3 rears it's head. Thing's get worse when a new warrior is born and Piccolo is knocked out of the stage. However, when working together, Yamcha is soon reminded of his mind training and he's so useful that everybody realises he's the giants opponent. Review/fav and follow!