
Yakuza's Daughter's Bodyguard

Meet Arashiyama Junko, a 16 year friendly girl. She's the only daughter of an overprotective father who happens to be a leader of a fearsome yakuza group. Meet Kurono Shun, a socially disconnected 16 year old boy who is mysteriously thrust into her life. How will things pan out between the two? Will she accept his service or push the stranger away? Only one way to find out.

Victor_Blak_23 · Adolescente
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17 Chs

Not The Truth.

Junko, is beyond furious with Kurono's inability to read the situation. The boy literally just spilled his order to Minami and Nene.

"With that being said, Shun, I know Minami gave you a terrible first impression."

"Me!? I wasn't wrong!" Minami protest.

"Bakaboshi, listen to what she has to say." Nene, calming the rampaging Minami.

"I want you to let bygone be bygone. Now shake his hand."

'Please just shut up and do it.'

Junko, hoping that Kurono follow her order, is worried about more unwanted revelations from the guy. But Kurono did as told, shaking Minami's hand without further hesitation.

Even Minami is shocked by his willingness to cooperate.

"Now, no more brutalizing students Shun. And you, Minami, stop giving him glares and stares."

"I understand."

"Fine. I got it."

Kurono answer with his usual tone, but Minami's expression said otherwise so Nene smacked him by the head giving him a wake-up call.

"That hurt!!"

"I don't like your tone." Nene replied before turning to Kurono.

"Since we're all acquaintances now. How about we hang out this Sunday? Me and Junko already made plans to go shopping."

'Nene, how could you!? Wait, but then again, he'll still be following me. Having Minami there would be better.' Junko running the possibilities within her mind.

"I agree. This Sunday afternoon, the four of us will go shopping." Junko exclaimed.

"Eh... But I don't wanna. I would prefer to see movies instead." Minami is the kind of guy that can't stand women shopping. But who can blame him?

"Fine. We'll go shopping, then see a movie. You okay with that Kurono-kun?" Now the trio turned towards him.

"He will show. Don't worry, I'll make sure of it. Now, we should really getting back to class."

They return to class, and somehow the atmosphere changed. Just a little bit though. With Minami stopped whatever bad intentions and negative views of Kurono, things have gotten easier for Junko.

After school, Junko and Nene walked together, side by side, reaching the school gate.

"Then, I'll see you tomorrow Nene." Junko waved her hand at her friend, turning to see Kurono, still keeping his distance, then quickly walked away.

The boy eventually reached the school gate after Junko's some distance away.

"I'll see you tomorrow Kurono-kun." She waves at Kurono, who only nodded his head at her lightly.

"Childhood friends huh? You're a terrible liar Junko."

Junko stopped by some vendors along the way, buying snacks to enjoy, until she was approached by some male students, wearing green uniforms which is different than their school.

"Well hello little missy, are you alone? How about we go to some karaoke?"

Turning around, she looked at the logo on the uniform.

'Chidou High huh. The place for scums.'

"No. Even if I am, I don't want to be anywhere near you."

"You've got a big mouth princess." One of them speaks up.

"You dare turned down Miki's invitation?"

'These assholes.'

Junko was ready to throw down with them. It might not look like it, despite not being a fighter, doesn't mean she won't fight back. Turning to look at Kurono, who's just standing there, is making her rage goes even higher.

"Hey you!! What are you standing there for!?" All the Chidou's students turned to look at him.

"Hah. So that's your boyfriend?" The one identified as Miki said.

Junko blushed, hearing what he just said.

"I bet he's too scare to move. Even if he steps in, it's only a matter of time before he runs off."

"Hey!! We're borrowing your girl for a bit! You got no problem right!?"

Kurono, slowly walks towards them, reaching Junko.

"Are they your friends?" He asks Junko.

"Hell no!!! They're troubling me so do your job now!" She shouted at him. One of them, gets in front, confronting Kurono.

"Do your job? You're just a boyfriend, not a bodyguard. Mind your own busi-"


One hard punch to the face knocked him out cold. They are stunned, watching their friend lay on the ground unconscious.

"Damn you!!"

"We'll show yo-"

Two charged at him, but Kurono shut the first one up with a swift high heel kicks to the head followed by a left mean hook ending the other.

Junko, is surprised by his quick reflexes. She knows he's strong, but he's not stupidly strong. He's a calm, brutality strong kind of person.

'Just what is he?'

He walked over to the one left, Miki.

"You bastard!!!"

He throw a punch aiming at Kurono, but it was a mistake. Kurono blocked Miki's oncoming fist within his palm, grabbing it tightly, crushing him with his inhumane strength.

'What the hell!!?' Chidou's Miki is completely shocked by his defeat.

'He kinda did that with Minami too.' Junko remember how Minami was also powerless against Kurono's grip.

He clutched Miki's fist even tighter, cracking his knuckles, forcing Miki to kneel down.

"You're troubling her. So I'm finishing you now." He warned Miki.

'Finishing? Like kill!?'

"Shun stopped!!! That's enough!"

Following Junko's order, he reluctantly let go of him. The boy quickly scrambled away from the scene.

"Are you alright?" Turning his focus back on Junko with slight worry in his eyes.

"Yes. But you could have act sooner." Junko crossed her arms against her chest, awaiting his reason.

"My apologies. I thought they're your friends so I didn't approach. Also, I'm forbidden from being anywhere near you."

'How freaking clueless are you!!!!????'

Junko let out a sigh before continuing.

"We'll talk about this later at home."

*Beep! *Beep!!

"What is going on here!?"

A patrol police, park his bike and walked over the two. Looking down at the three students who're grunting in pain.

"Kubo-san!! It's not what it looks like!" Junko told him, seemingly panic.

"Missy? What's going on here? You know him?"

'It's going to be a long day...'

Kubo Tastuhiko, a patrol police around the area for a very long time. He knows Junko is the daughter of Shiryuu's leader. Shinji saved his life once from a conflict with gangster when they were young, which is why he never let it slipped.

Currently interrogating the two teenagers in his office.

"So he's hired by Shinji to be your bodyguard."


"But that doesn't mean he can go around beating people up. It's a crime Missy."

"They were troubling Missy. I did what I have to do." Kurono defend his decision.

"I'm not the one in charge of discipline around here. But I want peace. Chidou isn't an option, and if you make an enemy out of those kind of schools, it could mean trouble."

"I don't make enemies. I defeat them."

Now Junko is taken aback by his statement. First time she heard him talking about something that's unrelated to the bodyguard issues. This would explain his assault on Reiji as well.

"I don't care if you hurt them or kill them, just keep it small. Missy, I hope you keep your eyes on him."

"Trust me. I tried."

The police chuckled.

"Well, you're free to go. And gives Shinji my regards."

After the interrogation, the two teens leave the place and return home.

"Well done Shun. I know I can count on you."

Shinji praised the boy.

"Well done!? He's giving me trouble!!"

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