
The ropes

A 50cent coin is seen in the air slowly falling down in a projectile like motion as it descends from the sky and fluently spins in the air and falls into a man's hand who flicks it oncemore with the same momentum and around the same speed. As this is going on, a man walks by him then his coin falls on the floor and the man offers to pick It up for his but refused and told him that he should leave it and continue with his day. He gets a cigarette and lights it then begins to smoke to relieve himself then pulls out another coin from his pocket.

Not long later a man walked up to him and said "Is this where the interview Is being held?" The man with his eyes closed and a minor grin slightly opened one eye and the nodded his head. The man then walked into the building and from outside terrifying screams where heard and the man who was smoking increased his grin. Just then, a man walked up hill and slowly came as the man who flipped the coin began to feel a dark aura spilling from him. The man walking up the hill said that he came for the job interview. The coin man told him that It was right inside and that he was free to go. The man walked inside and then came out within 2 minutes.The man on the outside asked him in shock whether he was hired but, the man slowly walked away without a word and vanished within plain sight.

The next day, the same man with a dark aura came back and walked inside then met a man called "lutris" along with three other intakes that passed the exams. Lutris was the manager of the company and wanted someone to show the new guys the ropes so he called the coin man to guide all of then on how the job works. The coin man told them not to call him coin man for the name is too..... mysterious. So instead he told them to call him "QUAVER" because it is a more welcoming and friendly name. One of them ask him whether that's his real name and he says that they should not ask a question they don't want to know the answer to.