

Alessia is hell bent on celebrating her 18th birthday. She was yet to find her mate and discover her element or have her wolf.The daughter of a powerful witch and an alpha but she was practically human with enhanced abilities and for this, she was bullied while growing up. "Why do you want to celebrate this one" Meher asked her. "Because I hope to find my mate". She believes that her mate will love her unconditionally not minding her situation. She later finds out that she is mated to Dylan the alpha Midnight pack, the most feared and respected pack. "How Can It Be?" They wondered. Being an alpha of the most powerful and ruthless pack, his Luna needed to be strong, brave to be able to rule over his people. "I can't accept her, she isn't strong enough". "I am her reincarnation". What does Alessia mean by this statement? I'm trying to rekindle my writing ability, your opinion is needed. Thank you.

a_Oprahh1 · Adolescente
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20 Chs


The next day both Alessia and Starlette woke up with the brightest smile on their faces. They were both happy for the reason which is their birthday party.

'Knock knock' there was suddenly a knock on Alessia's door. The door opened revealing Irene the only maid that has been friendly towards her.

"Good morning Irene" Alessia said with a smile.

"Good morning to you too" Irene responded. "You look really happy today. Well the Alpha is looking for you, he said he has something to tell you". She delivered the message and left. "Has something to tell me" Alessia murmured blinking her long beautiful Lashes in confusion. "It should be something concerning what I proposed". With that she got off her bed and ran into the bathroom. After brushing her teeth and bathing. She got dressed. She wore a black and white furry stripped sleeveless dress that stopped above her knee. She paired it with her black leather jacket and white knee high boot. She tied her long thick wavy champagne blonde hair into a ponytail and applied her pink gloss on her lip. "Okay, time to go".

She left her room and headed to her father's office.

Getting there she knocked, opened the door and walked in. "Good morning Alpha, good morning Luna" she greeted respectively while bowing her head. Lifting her head she saw Meher. She was stunned. She smiled, walked over to where he was standing and hugged him. "Good morning to you" she said to him. "How was your night rest?".

"Awesome" she responded. Turning to her father she said "you sent for me".

Dominic looked at his daughter with an unfathomable gaze. 'I should be the one she's hugging and greeting with a beautiful smile and love filled eyes' he thought. Sighing he lifted his head to look at her "So I've given it enough thought and I've decided to let you have your 18th birthday party but like your mom said it has to be after Starlette's birthday party".

"Tomorrow is Starlette's birthday" Ophelia chimed in. "Tomorrow is also my birthday" Alessia said looking at her Ophelia.

"Yes, of course I know that, I'm your mom after all. What I meant was that Starlette is throwing her birthday party tomorrow, so that means you can throw yours the next day".

"Are you for real" Alessia was shocked, she had expected to have her party a week after Starlette's. She unconsciously hugged Ophelia "Thank you.. thank you...thank you" she said excitedly.

Ophelia was stunned at first but she regained her composure and reciprocated the hug. "You're welcome" she said with the brightest smile. Alessia realizing what she had done pulled away awkwardly and averted her gaze from Ophelia's. "If that's all I'll be leaving" she said. She walked out shutting the door behind her. Just then she came face to face with Starlette who looked like she was about to knock on the door of the office. Starlette rolled her eyes at her

"What are you doing here?" Starlette asked her. Alessia was too stunned to speak. She knew Starlette better than anyone if she knows that she was going to be having her party after hers, she will do everything in her power to sabotage it. "I said what are you doing here" Starlette asked again getting pissed. "Huh?" Alessia asked not knowing what to say.

"You didn't hear me just now. So you're really dumb" Starlette said feeling irritated. "Just how lame and pathetic can you be?" Starlette said.

"That's enough" Meyer growled. "Stop causing troubles and come in here" Dominic said.

"Yes father" Starlette said shocked at her father's involvement in the situation. She can't afford to get him mad.

"Let's go" Meyer said to Alessia. "She's coming" Alessia said when they turned around to leave. Confused, Meyer turned to look at her "Who's coming". "Odessa, your mate of course" she rolled her eyes playfully at him and laughed. His eyes lit up hearing his mate's name. "That's good" he whispered with a hint of mischief.


After apologizing to my father, I had to greet that witch Ophelia. Ugh, how much I dislike her and children can never be understood but I had to put on a smile and greet her so as to please my dad. She's his mate after all.

"Dad, you sent for me" I said after greeting Ophelia.

"Yes, I have good news for you". What did he just say? he has good news for me? The only good news I was expecting is Dylan's appearance to my birthday party and that's it.

"Good news?" I asked expectantly.

"Yes, the alpha Midnight pack has decided to attend your birthday party". "He would be here today because we have important matters to discuss and he would be leaving a day after your birthday". What!!! I was more than happy. The fact that Dylan agreed to come to my birthday party was mind blowing but he's not just coming to my birthday party he will be here today and stay even after my birthday. It was truly the greatest gift I had ever received from my dad. Seems like the universe is on my side. I can't wait to become his Luna.

"Thank you so much dad" I said coming out of my thoughts. "You're welcome, you can leave". He responded. I left and headed up to meet with my sisters Luxury and Kahlani. I can't wait to tell them. On seeing them, I told them everything dad had said.

"Are you serious" Kahlani asked me. Just as I was about to reply we heard a loud commotion outside. I rushed towards my window to take a look at the gate and there he was. "He's here!!" I screamed.

I'd really appreciate your opinion. Thank you.

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