Feel free to leave any kind of comment you want, from questions to facts/spam. A mishmash of random things. Daily chapter guaranteed. Currently, every new chapter will be focusing on a random topic. I will try my best to keep them interesting and short. If you need likes for your daily, just comment like (you can and should also like your own comment). If you want to avoid the hassle of likes, check chapter 669. (Pretty certain there's no duplicate content) Join the discord server to receive updates on new chapters and talk about books: https://discord.gg/jGCnyZj
If you smoke, you've probably already heard numerous bad things about smoking and don't really give a damm about the consequences. So ignoring the minor issues such as ruining your lungs and causing cancer, I'll be informing you about the real reason you should stop smoking.
Smoking absolutely ruins pcs. In order to keep your, definitely not gay, rgb decked out pc fresh, you need to avoid smoking and smokers at all costs. Otherwise you'll end up with a pc covered all over in filth and blocking all the rainbow lights.