
Xianxia Eroge

Liam was an ordinary gamer who became the first player to complete the final goal of an online erotic RPG (Xianxia Eroge) by conquering and dominating two of the most difficult Female NPC. But then an anonymous gamer's comment transformed his life, sending him to the games world as a minor villain, a minor enemy of Righteousness to be hunt down. Will he survive or will he control the realm of XIANXIA EROGE!? ---------------- [Warning: Mature content. Please know that this novel contains +18 content so be careful if you decides to read.] Thanks as you continue and support me in this journey◉‿◉ Don't also forgot to drop reviews and comments, I'll appreciate that a lot

Gc_sage · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs


Sunlight penetrated into the room through the open window, casting a warm glow on Liam's face as he weakly awoke, feeling sore all over his body.

He quickly closed his eyes against the sunlight and rolled to the other side of the bed, avoiding it. The pain from yesterday's training, still circulating all over his body.

'I remember passing through similar pain in my previous life when I went to the gym for the first time but soon the pain will go away, just a temporary thing.' He fell back to the bed, trying to stand up.

The memories of yesterday were fresh in his mind as if it had happened just a few minutes ago.

Yesterday, he had pushed himself through the training like a madman. Immediately, he arrived in his room, he slept due to the exhaustion.

There was this saying in his head during yesterday's training that made him keep going even when he felt like stopping halfway. 'He who is desperately in need of something, would go any length to get it,' He wanted power, so he wouldn't allow weakness of the body to weigh him down.

Thankfully, this morning Qiao Lian wasn't here to sexually torture him because there wasn't the tiniest energy inside him at the moment for anything.

Staying idle on the bed, all he did was to stare up at the ceiling.

At that moment, the idea to check out the system came to his mind.

As soon as he request for the system, a holographic screen was display before his eyes.

[Name: Liam Copper]

[Age: 18]

[Cultivation: Essence: N/A | Martial arts: N/A]

[LVL: N/A]

[HP: 10/10]

[STR: 6]

[AGL: 5]

[VIT: 5]

[STM: 5]

[INT: 5]

[DEF: 5]

[Erotic Points: 610]

[Techniques: None]

[Harem members: 0]

[Title: 1 {Openable tab}]

Looking, there was nothing different except for the strength that changed to 6 and the additional 10 Erotic points added, his eyes weren't on those but at the top right side of the screen.

On the top right side which was the notification center, it shown unread notification.

'Open notification,' he passed the command.

Unread notifications were brought up, containing yesterday's reward notification for the daily quest completion and two others.

[You earned a title 'Charming sweet-talker' check it out]

[Daily quest now available....]

'Oh, title, I forgot about this. What did I got here?'

Suddenly, the status screen automatically changed, displaying another section.

[Title: Charming sweet-talker]

-You have 1 charming point.

-Title influence is currently off.

-No point required to activate this title.

-Charming point can come in handy during a conversation with a lady, with title influence activated, you can smoothly engage the lady in conversation, effortlessly drawing her in and growing interest in you, leaving her enchanted by your charm.

[Activate title influence: Yes/No]

Reading the title description, a 'Wow' escaped from the Liam's lips.

His eyes widened in surprise, 'Charming? This is same as the 'Silver-tongued' in the game,' a smile brightened up his face. 'I didn't expect this, obtaining the 'charming sweet-talker' easily when it took me weeks before I could get 'Silver-tongued' back then.'

A sudden excitement filled his body.

'It's going to make my way easy with ladies, although the charming point is currently low to work perfectly well on anyone, expect for extremely weak-mind,' With his eyes on the system's screen, he was happy about the title.

[Host, correct, it can currently work on weak-mind that are easily influenced.]

Unexpectedly, the feminine voice rang out loud inside his head.

His headache reacted to the voice, making him clutch his head with both hands. He silently bore the pain.

He totally understood what the system was saying, he needs high point before it will work better.

He noticed on the system screen that there were several other tab options at the top corner of the screen which he decided to checkout.

The display on the status screen changed again.

[Skill center]

-Unavailable for you. Your level is too low at the moment for this; no skill compatible for your level.

Requirement: Get to LV 1

"At least, I can always acquire a skill later," he said, giving himself encouragement.

Just as he was about to check out the next one, he heard the opening sound of his door.

Turning to look at the person, it was someone he doesn't want to see.

Qiao Lian stood at the door, with a long black robe covering her body, carrying a tray in her left hand.

Liam stare at her without any word.

Flashing a smile at Liam, she slowly catwalk into the room.

"I brought you something to eat, I know your body is extremely weak right now, your eyes said it all," Qiao Lian broke the silence.

She got to his side before dropping the tray on the wooden stool beside the bed then faced him.

With lust in her eyes. "Just three days remaining for the training, can't wait for it then we get to our main deal," she bit her lips.

Her right hand extended out to touch his chest, the next second she withdrew it then walked back to the door.

She closed the door, before returning her gaze on Liam on bed who hadn't mentioned any word since her arrival.

Standing at his front, slowly she unbotton her robe, making it fall freely to the ground, revealing her smooth fair skin.

Now, she was only on ber bra and pant that barely covers her part, revealing her big boobs.

Qiao Lian was very beautiful, her body was amazing, especially the two mountains on her chest.

Also the pant was light, too transparent that he could see her p***y from the bed.

A wicked smile crept up to her beautiful face.

Liam frown seeing this, he understood what was happening.

"How about we continue from yesterday, I'm really enjoying our little play," She wink at him as she spoke in a seductive tone.