
Xianxia Eroge

Liam was an ordinary gamer who became the first player to complete the final goal of an online erotic RPG (Xianxia Eroge) by conquering and dominating two of the most difficult Female NPC. But then an anonymous gamer's comment transformed his life, sending him to the games world as a minor villain, a minor enemy of Righteousness to be hunt down. Will he survive or will he control the realm of XIANXIA EROGE!? ---------------- [Warning: Mature content. Please know that this novel contains +18 content so be careful if you decides to read.] Thanks as you continue and support me in this journey◉‿◉ Don't also forgot to drop reviews and comments, I'll appreciate that a lot

Gc_sage · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Time to get real serious

Talking to each other in a warm embrace, their eyes were locked onto each other.

Hearing those sweet words from Liam's mouth, Qiao Lian felt a sudden, unexplainable emotion building up inside her.

'What is this feeling inside me? Trying to take over my body?' she thought, slightly distracted by her thoughts.

Never had she felt this way before when talking with Mo Shen, but now it was different, as if she were talking to a different person.

Qiao Lian's hands were on his crotch, slowly and gently rubbing them through his boxers skillfully.

While she busied herself with his crotch, she was unaware of Liam's current reaction.

Liam's face hardened, remaining unmoving at her act, still in control of his body, although it seemed like his body was trying to get out of control any moment to respond to Qiao Lian's touches.

She was skilled with her hands, making his crotch even stronger with veins all over it, with wild imaginations slowly running through his head, feeling the pleasant vibe.

"I feel bad, allowing a beauty like you to watch over a powerless being like me. It should be the other way around, not this..."

At this moment, he was distracted by the message that arrived on the floating system screen in front of his eyes.

He smiled when he saw the system alert.

"Mo Shen!"

Suddenly, he was brought out of his thoughts by Qiao Lian's shouting voice as she also stroked his erect man softly, stroking it up and down.

Jolted out of his thoughts, he looked at Qiao Lian, who had a frown on her face.

At that moment, he felt a sharp, sweet pain rushing down from below into his inner body. His crotch was fully erect, standing firmly, waiting for a signal to venture into her flower cave.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked with a questioning gaze.

Liam began to scratch the back of his head childishly. "S-Sorry, I-I am so sorry...." He repeatedly apologized, putting up an act. "Seeing a flawless beauty so close to me, I was lost in my fantasy. Don't you think someone better than me deserves you?"

He was quick to come up with something, and by the look on Qiao Lian's face, she seemed pleased with his words.

They were carried away, and they failed to notice that someone else was standing at the door with folded hands, acting as an audience.

With her hands around his firmly standing man, removing a strand of hair from her face, she slowly bent her head to give him a little sucking, a BJ.

"Cough, cough, cough," Impatiently, Qiao Mei feigned a fake cough to gain their attention. 'Can't believe that I stood here, watching all this,' she sighed in her thoughts.

They both turned to look at the person who interrupted them.

"Qiao Lian, I'm here according to our arrangement for the training. You can have him all to yourself later," Qiao Mei said, directing her gaze at Liam and down below at his...

Qiao Lian swiftly stood up with embarrassment, a shade of red flushing her face like a child caught in a bad act, seeing her cousin's eyes on her and Liam.

She properly arranged her dress, then nodded at Liam before walking out of the room without a single word.

Observing the direction of Qiao Mei's eyes, Liam quickly pulled up his boxers to cover his erect man that refused to calm down even after Qiao Lian left.

Qiao Mei threw a shirt and shorts at him. "You, hurry up and get dressed. It's time for training."

She said gently to him before walking away.

Liam hurriedly dressed himself before eagerly dashing out of the room, his mind brimming with the thought of becoming stronger.

As he strolled down the lengthy corridor, Liam couldn't resist scanning his surroundings. Maids bustled about, some emerging from rooms while others disappeared into them.

The strange part he found confusing was that the ones coming out of some rooms had a bright smile on their faces, licking their lips with a white substance at the corners of their lips.

"Woah! Erotic indeed!" he commented.

Images of Qiao Lian's enticing figure and flawless beauty flooded his mind. With a smile, he began to imagine himself in a hot scene.

Soon, he remembered the system notification.

'Display my status.'

[Stats updating.....]

[Processing in progress.... 10%..... 20%....30%]

[Processing completed..]

[Stats successfully updated>>]

'Ahhhh! WTF!' he cursed in his head. 'Just show me my status already.'

[Name: Liam Copper]

[Age: 18]

[Cultivation: Essence: N/A | Martial arts: N/A]

[LVL: N/A]

[HP: 10/10]

[STR: 5]

[AGL: 5]

[VIT: 5]

[STM: 5]

[INT: 5]

[DEF: 5]

[Erotic Points: 600]

[Techniques: None]

[Harem members: 0]

[Title: 1 {Openable tab}]

Liam sighed in disappointment as he reviewed his status. Despite his determination, he couldn't shake off the frustration of his low level and the absence of martial arts skills.

'It's low, for my survival, I'll try my very best to raise my strength quickly.'

Even in disappointment, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at his increasing erotic points. He decided to leave the system for now and focused.

He continued down the corridor, eager to improve himself and perhaps explore the possibilities hinted at by the system. As he walked, thoughts of training, honing his skills, and how to go about his harem filled his mind.

Regaining his attention, he could no longer see Qiao Mei in front of him, making him wonder where she was.

"Gosh!" he facepalmed himself. "I have missed my way."

Looking around dumbly, not knowing which way to go.

"Mo Shen, up here," a gentle voice drifted over to his ear from above.

Out of confusion, he lifted his head and saw Qiao Mei calmly standing on top of a big hill with her hands behind her back.

He had barely been climbing the hill for a minute, yet exhaustion already gripped him. His legs were shaking, battling to advance further with his weak legs.

"Jeez!" he exclaimed in pain. It wasn't too shocking to him how Qiao Mei climbed up there so fast; he knew she was powerful.

He held himself tight; if not, he would stumble back to the ground. He was already sweating and breathing heavily from it, his legs failing him slowly.

Just as he struggled to climb up the hill, Qiao Mei's sweet voice drifted over to him with an instruction.

"Don't force your step, relax yourself and take each step slowly without any hurry."

With a smile on his face, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, calming his heart before continuing, this time following Qiao Mei's instruction.

Thirty-five minutes later, he was able to reach the top after much difficulty.

Finally getting to the top, he sighed with a tired expression.

"Thank you for that," he said with a friendly smile.

"Not bad for a starter, but you have to catch your breath before we continue," Qiao Mei replied, her eyes fixed on him as she returned the smile.

He nodded before sitting down on the floor cross-legged.

Liam continued to smile inwardly, taking note of Qiao Mei's attitude, which he didn't find bad unlike the ways those maids treated him.

After five minutes of resting a bit. "Can we proceed?" Qiao Mei inquired.

Liam stood up, feeling a bit of energy returning to him.

"We can start now."

"Firstly, we're going to start with 50 pushups for now, understood?"

Liam didn't complain about this. Though in his previous life, his highest count was 30, it wasn't easy at first, but slowly his body got used to it. So, doing 50 here, his body will also get used to it.

'As long as it helps make my body stronger faster, I'm ready to do anything, even though it causes me pain. Pain is nothing but a deadly shadow that creeps up slowly; compared to power, it becomes nothing,' Liam thought, his thirst for getting strong and powerful high as he was ready to go for it.

[Daily quest available]

The feminine voice of the system resounded inside his head, then appeared on a floating screen in front of his eyes.

'Time to get real serious here with myself.'

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Gc_sagecreators' thoughts